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大耀斑期间向日面电离层总电子含量的响应个例分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2001年4月15日1336UT耀斑爆发期间向日面GPS观测数据提取的总电子含量的时间变化曲线,分析了向日面电离层对这次耀斑的响应特点.结果表明,耀斑期间向日面电离层出现了总电子含量突增事件.最大总电子含量增加量约为2.6TECU,在0600LT和1800LT都观测到了总电子含量突增,但增加幅度仅为0.5-1 TECU.在高纬地区,由于电离层闪烁,从TEC时间变化曲线提取不出来总电子含量增加值.从各卫星星下点处的TEC增加量和各星下点处的太阳天顶角的关系可以看到,TEC增加量与太阳天顶角有关,太阳天顶角越大,TEC增幅越小.另外,从总电子含量时间变化率曲线上还观测到了时间同步的小尺度扰动,通过与耀斑期间硬X射线辐射通量的比较,发现两者有明显的相关性,电离层中的这种扰动与耀斑期间的硬X射线或远紫外辐射有关.  相似文献   
Quadratic extended Kalman filter approach for GPS/INS integration   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
GPS/INS integration system has been widely applied for navigation due to their complementary characteristics. And the tightly coupled integration approach has the advantage over the loosely coupled approach by using the raw GPS measurements, but hence introduces the nonlinearity into the measurement equation of the Kalman filter. So the typical method for navigation using measurements of range or pseudorange is by linearizing the measurements in an extended Kalman filter (EKF). However, the modeling errors of the EKF will cause the bias and divergence problems especially under the situation that the low quality inertial devices are included. To solve this problem, a quadratic EKF approach by adding the second-order derivative information to retain some nonlinearities is proposed in this paper. Simulation results indicate that the nonlinear terms included in the filtering process have the great influence on the performance of integration, especially in the case that the low quality INS is used in the integrated system. Furthermore, a two-stage cascaded estimation method is used, which circumvents the difficulty of solving nonlinear equations and greatly decreases the computational complexity of the proposed approach, so the quadratic EKF approach proposed in this paper is of great value in practice.  相似文献   
高动态环境下,MIMU中的微机械陀螺表现出显著的g敏感性误差。首先采用简化的线性模型,从经典卡尔曼滤波的滤波增益阵出发,理论分析了g敏感性误差对组合导航系统精度的影响;然后在组合导航半实物仿真平台上进行了验证。结果表明,g敏感性误差对组合滤波位置与速度精度影响不大,但对姿态的精度影响较大,当载体沿陀螺敏感轴方向的加速度为50g时,相应轴向的姿态角误差约为5.70°,姿态精度损失很大。因此,MIMU/GNSS组合导航在高动态应用中,必须对微陀螺的g敏感性误差进行补偿。  相似文献   
介绍星载GPS天线相位中心偏差的概念,简要分析GPS天线相位中心变化对GPS定位精度的影响,并建立相应的数学模型。利用已有的多台星载GPS天线、载波相位测量方式的星载GPS接收机,进行GPS天线相位中心偏差测试以及接收机绝对定位精度、相对定位精度测试,测量、统计天线相位中心偏差与GPS接收机绝对定位精度和相对定位精度的对应数据,对误差模型进行验证。  相似文献   
分析了超宽带(UWB)信号的时频域特征,并提出了与GPS共存的限制条件和系统设计方案.  相似文献   
卫星导航系统发展动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卫星导航系统是20世纪60年代中期发展起来的一种新型导航系统,90年代,卫星导航时入全运行和盛行时期,除了用于陆上,海上和空中的航行引导外,几乎扩展到军事和经济的各个方面,目前,除了已经运行的美国的GPS(全球定位系统)和俄罗斯的GLONASS(全球导航卫星系统)外,欧盟也正在积极开发伽利略系统。本文分别介绍GPS、GLONASS和伽利略系统的发展状况。  相似文献   
In this paper, first results from a national Global Positioning System (GPS) based total electron content (TEC) prediction model over South Africa are presented. Data for 10 GPS receiver stations distributed through out the country were used to train a feed forward neural network (NN) over an interval of at most five years. In the NN training, validating and testing processes, five factors which are well known to influence TEC variability namely diurnal variation, seasonal variation, magnetic activity, solar activity and the geographic position of the GPS receivers were included in the NN model. The database consisted of 1-min data and therefore the NN model developed can be used to forecast TEC values 1 min in advance. Results from the NN national model (NM) were compared with hourly TEC values generated by the earlier developed NN single station models (SSMs) at Sutherland (32.38°S, 20.81°E) and Springbok (29.67°S, 17.88°E), to predict TEC variations over the Cape Town (33.95°S, 18.47°E) and Upington (28.41°S, 21.26°E) stations, respectively, during equinoxes and solstices. This revealed that, on average, the NM led to an improvement in TEC prediction accuracy compared to the SSMs for the considered testing periods.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study ionospheric total electron content (TEC) disturbances associated with tropical cyclones (TCs). The study relies on the statistical analysis of six cyclones of different intensity which occurred in the North–West Pacific Ocean in September–November 2005. We have used TEC data from the international network of two-frequency ground-based GPS receivers and NCEP/NCAR meteorological archive. TEC variations of different period ranges (02–20 and 20–60 min) are shown to be more intense during TC peaks under quiet geomagnetic conditions. The highest TEC variation amplitudes are registered when the wind speed in the cyclone and the TC area are maximum. The intensification of TEC disturbances is more pronounced when several cyclones occur simultaneously. We have revealed that the ionospheric response to TC can be observed only after the cyclone has reached typhoon intensity. The ionospheric response is more pronounced at low satellite elevation angles.  相似文献   
Due to its specific geographical location as well as its geodetic equipment (DORIS, GNSS, microwave transponder and tide gauges), the Gavdos station in Crete, Greece is one of the very few sites around the world used for satellite altimetry calibration. To investigate the quality of the Gavdos geodetic coordinates and velocities, we analyzed and compared here DORIS and GPS-derived results obtained during several years of observations. The DORIS solution is the latest ignwd11 solution at IGN, expressed in ITRF2008, while the GPS solution was obtained using the GAMIT software package. Current results show that 1–2 mm/yr agreement can be obtained for 3-D velocity, showing a good agreement with current geophysical models. In particular, the agreement obtained for the vertical velocity is around 0.3–0.4 mm/yr, depending on the terrestrial reference frame. As a by-product of these geodetic GPS and DORIS results, Zenith Tropospheric Delays (ZTDs) estimations were also compared in 2010 between these two techniques, and compared to ECMWF values, showing a 6.6 mm agreement in dispersion without any significant difference between GPS and DORIS (with a 97.6% correlation), but with a 13–14 mm agreement in dispersion when comparing to ECMWF model (with only about 90% correlation for both techniques). These tropospheric delay estimations could also provide an external calibration of the tropospheric correction used for the geophysical data of satellite altimetry missions.  相似文献   
天基与地基测量数据融合技术在靶场的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着GPS技术的发展,靶场的测控也在逐步由地基测控网过渡到天地结合的一体化综合测控网。如何将天基测量数据同靶场现有的高精度测量带测量数据融合处理,近年成为数据处理的热点话题。本文就某具体任务,对天基和地基测量数据融合技术的方法和工程应用作了详细介绍,给出了初步的结论,提出了天基测量数据在工程应用时应注意的问题和有待进一步分析的问题。  相似文献   
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