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针对以引力波探测为代表的空间科学任务和以“国网星座计划”为代表的商用卫星网络任务对推进器的特殊需求,本文提出了一种基于数字孪生的推进器优化设计方法。该方法首先建立由机理模型模块和测试数据集模块组成的数字孪生体。机理模型模块依据推进器的物理过程建立模型,对难以测量的数据进行仿真模拟;测试数据集模块通过实验对推进器进行测试,依靠测试数据建立可测参数的数学模型。将数字孪生体与实验进行对比,通过对比结果反馈调节机理模块从而不断提高孪生体的准确性,最终为优化设计提供依据。结果表明:(1)该方法能够构建微波离子推进器的数字孪生体;(2)该数字孪生体的预测结果存在一定差异,通过分析发现该差异与机理模型的精细度以及测试数据集的数据量有关。  相似文献   
孔令振  王辉  郑世超  温靖 《上海航天》2022,39(6):118-124
调频连续波体制合成孔径雷达(FMCW SAR)因其体积小、成本低、重量轻及分辨率高的优点越来越受到关注。随着软件无线电技术的迅速发展,数字信号处理机在SAR载荷系统中扮演越来越重要的角色。提出一种多通道Ka波段毫米波SAR数字接收机的设计与实现方法,详细分析了FMCW SAR去调频接收过程,研制出一种基于FPGA的多通道数字接收机平台。以三通道为例,采用多类滤波器级联技术,设计系统软硬件,最后通过系统测试及试验验证了方案的正确性与可行性。  相似文献   
基于深度学习的目标跟踪技术及其多波段应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目标跟踪是计算机视觉领域中最具挑战性的领域之一。首先,回顾了目标跟踪技术发展现状并总结出目标跟踪的一般流程;其次,分析了卡尔曼滤波、粒子滤波等传统目标跟踪方法的优缺点;再次,依次重点介绍了固定窗跟踪等相关滤波目标跟踪方法,以及全网络自适应目标跟踪等高性能目标跟踪方法;最后,总结了目标跟踪在红外、毫米波、太赫兹等波段的应用,并对多波段融合目标跟踪进行了展望。  相似文献   
利用AIRS红外探测仪在2013—2018年的辐射测量数据,对安第斯山20km,27km,35km及41km高度的山地波进行个例研究和统计分析.观测结果表明安第斯山上空山地波主要发生在5—10月,月平均水平波长、垂直波长及动量通量均没有明显的年际变化.水平波长在5月和10月相比6—9月较小,垂直波长和动量通量5—7月逐渐升高,达到峰值后在8—10月逐渐下降.在20~41km范围内,水平波长从43.5~53.9km缓慢升高至89.3~176.8km,垂直波长从7.4~14.7km上升至7.4~29.7km,动量通量由376.0~801.3mPa显著下降至10.4~239.3mPa.总体而言,山地波在向上传播的过程中,水平波长缓慢增加,在逆风传播的情况下,受到背景风场影响垂直波长随高度升高而增大.动量通量随高度升高显著下降,说明安第斯山山地波向上传播的同时伴有强烈耗散,耗散的能量将储存在背景大气中,对高平流层甚至中间层产生重要影响.  相似文献   
涂层改性碳纤维复合材料的微波性能研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过对采用化学气相沉积(CVD)法在碳纤维表面制备SiC涂层、SiC-C共沉积涂层的工艺方法、结构、复合材料电磁参数、复合材料的吸波性能等内容的研究,分析了这两种涂层对碳纤维复合材料微波性能的影响,探讨其涂层改性在防热、隐身双功能复合材料应用中的可能性。  相似文献   
张玉杰  黄超广  李斌 《航空工程进展》2023,14(3):157-163,177
如何确定冲击载荷的等效静载对飞机结构的强度设计和验证具有重要意义。基于经典冲击载荷时域曲线后峰锯齿波、单自由度冲击动响应理论和位移等效原则,建立冲击载荷动态缩放系数求解公式;基于三角函数不等式关系,推导出动态缩放系数与冲击载荷作用时间、结构固有频率乘积的函数关系。建立求解冲击载荷等效静载方法的实施流程;以简化拦阻钩系统的冲击和缩比模型的水上迫降为例,对所提方法的有效性进行验证。结果表明:拦阻冲击载荷动态缩放系数的理论估计值与仿真计算值的相对误差小于4%,水上迫降等效静压与选用的设计压力相对误差为0.9%,所建立的动态缩放系数的理论计算公式精度较高,所提方法可供工程相关应用参考。  相似文献   
针对引力波探测太极二号卫星提出的高稳定度温控需求,开展了高分辨率测温系统和高稳定度热控技术的研究,提出了多级阻尼的热控设计方法,建立了多级阻尼状态空间数学模型,揭示了系统中热量传递特性。该方法在太极二号核心载荷上进行了地面试验验证,试验结果表明核心舱关键仪器的温度满足指标要求。试验结果的噪声分析,不仅验证了精密热控关键技术,而且提出了关于热噪声分析与抑制的新方法,为后续航天器精密热控技术提供了理论分析方法和工程参考依据。  相似文献   
This study numerically investigates the aeromechanic behavior of a transonic fan model with a flat tip-leading-edge on the NASA rotor 67 test case. Single-passage unsteady calculations at a near stall operating point of 82% design speed show that the dominant frequencies of mass flow were not the harmonics of the rotor rotational frequency. A full-annulus fluid–structure interaction analysis was subsequently carried out to examine the unsteady flows and their interactions with blade vibrations. The results show that the modal displacement of the backward traveling seventh nodal diameter of the second torsion mode grew exponentially, which reveals that the blade vibration was non-synchronous. The vibration pattern indicates that the aerodynamic mode was resonant with the structural vibration mode. Around the rotor tip, the circumferential vortical propagation induced by interactions among the main flow, tip leakage flow, and tip clearance vortex was the source of aerodynamic excitation. To clarify the mechanism of the non-synchronous vibration, the coupling between aerodynamic disturbance and structural response, i.e., aliasing, was summarized. The frequency spectra of the fluctuating pressure show that an aerodynamic Backward Traveling Wave (BTW) was co-aliased to a structural BTW due to the propagation of the circumferential vortex. The correlation between the frequency and free convective speed of the aerodynamic disturbance determined the directions of aliasing.  相似文献   
The non-linear theory of ion-acoustic waves in two-spesies isotropic collisionless plasma is developed. Both light electron and heavy ion species in the plasma are distributed with Kaniadakis’ statistics. Kaniadakis’ gas law is derived. The exact formula for the Sagdeev pseudopotential in parametric form is derived by the method based on the integration of the inverse function. The pseudopotential is analyzed. It is shown that periodic ion-acoustic waves and solitons are possible in the studied plasma. The differential equation describing the profile of the ion concentration in the wave is derived. The profiles of this concentration in the periodic ion-acoustic wave and soliton are calculated.  相似文献   
Studies on small-scale jets’ formation, propagation, evolution, and role, such as type I and II spicules, mottles, and fibrils in the lower solar atmosphere’s energetic balance, have progressed tremendously thanks to the combination of detailed observations and sophisticated mathematical modelling. This review provides a survey of the current understanding of jets, their formation in the solar lower atmosphere, and their evolution from observational, numerical, and theoretical perspectives. First, we review some results to describe the jet properties, acquired numerically, analytically and through high-spatial and temporal resolution observations. Further on, we discuss the role of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, namely Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities, in jet evolution and their role in the energy transport through the solar atmosphere in fully and partially ionised plasmas. Finally, we discuss several mechanisms of magnetohydrodynamic wave generation, propagation, and energy transport in the context of small-scale solar jets in detail. This review identifies several gaps in the understanding of small-scale solar jets and some misalignments between the observational studies and knowledge acquired through theoretical studies and numerical modelling. It is to be expected that these gaps will be closed with the advent of high-resolution observational instruments, such as Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and Solar CubeSats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry, combined with further theoretical and computational developments.  相似文献   
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