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向月球飞行轨道的若干特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用圆锥曲线拼接技术,研究从地球圆形停泊轨道飞向月球的轨道及月球卫星轨道的轨道特性.当地月转移轨道平面与月球轨道平面共面时,月心轨道和地月转移轨道射入条件的关系可用一组代数方程描述;不共面时,可用一组超越方程迭代求解.数字仿真得到了有益结论.  相似文献   
月球是地球最重要的天然卫星,当前国际上正在迎来新一轮月球探索高潮,数十个机构和商业团队正在规划月球探索任务,并设想在未来实现航天员长期驻月,围绕月球的“太空竞赛”刚刚开始。月球GNSS(基于现有的地球GNSS以及新的环月卫星通信导航基础设施的月球卫星通信导航定位技术)是空间基准科研的基础,能够提供航天器着陆定位以及月面(及其覆盖空间)定位、导航与授时等服务,同时可以将月球作为试验场,将导航工具包扩展到更远的目的地(如火星)。对欧美近期发布的月球GNSS规划进行了整理归纳,其中包括美国月球GNSS接收机实验(LuGRE)计划和欧洲月光(MoonLight)计划,以及美国中远期月球通信中继和导航系统(LCRNS)计划,这些计划可以为我国开展月球GNSS规划提供参考。  相似文献   
基于车辆地面力学中土壤的承压、剪切特性以及土力学中被动土压力理论,建立了月球车刚性车轮在松软土壤上前进和转向的轮地作用力学模型;通过数值计算,分析了土壤参数变化及车轮运动滑转率变化对挂钩牵引力、驱动力矩和转向力矩的影响;设计了一套车轮性能参数测试系统,对所设计的一种刚性车轮在松软土壤上运动的力学特性进行了初步的实验测试,并与所建立的力学模型进行了验证分析.   相似文献   
万刚  丛佃伟  刘磊 《宇航学报》2021,42(3):274-283
根据月球测绘的研究现状及发展趋势,对月球测绘学的概念进行了溯源与拓展。在分析月球测绘学与地球测绘学主要差异基础上,从传统测绘学科分类角度出发,综合考虑月球测绘学特殊性,重新梳理出月球测绘学主要学科专业分类,并详细介绍了每个学科专业的定义及国内外研究现状,给出了月球测绘学的五个主要应用领域及其应用展望。我国应尽早开展月球测绘理论与技术研究,形成完整的月球测绘学科体系,能够有力地促进我国空间科学技术的发展,保障后续探月工程的顺利实施。  相似文献   
环月卫星成像敏感器对月姿态确定算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫外月球敏感器是大视场成像式敏感器,针对姿态确定算法,以MOSAIC可见光成像敏感器为例分析了传统圆拟合模式的适用性与不足;推证出在低轨道情况下曲线拟合出的月像几何中心与真实月心(nadir)不能等同;依据成像几何分析通过泰勒展开公式推导并提出了新的姿态角运算方法,保证了低轨道姿态运算精度;仿真结果显示新算法的姿态运算是非常有效的。  相似文献   
Depth dependency of neutrons produced by cosmic rays (CRs) in the lunar subsurface was estimated using the three-dimensional Monte Carlo particle and heavy ion transport simulation code, PHITS, incorporating the latest high energy nuclear data, JENDL/HE-2007. The PHITS simulations of equilibrium neutron density profiles in the lunar subsurface were compared with the measurement by Apollo 17 Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment (LNPE). Our calculations reproduced the LNPE data except for the 350–400 mg/cm2 region under the improved condition using the CR spectra model based on the latest observations, well-tested nuclear interaction models with systematic cross section data, and JENDL/HE-2007.  相似文献   
邓雁鹏  穆荣军  彭娜  吴鹏 《宇航学报》2022,43(8):1029-1039
针对月面着陆器动力下降制导过程中,时变惯性加速度和重力加速度难以估计与补偿等问题,提出一种基于序列凸优化的在线制导算法。在考虑月面曲率及月球自转的着陆器动力学建模基础上,首先对模型及约束条件进行凸化,得到一个二阶锥规划(SOCP)问题;然后对经典序列凸优化进行了改进,对时变加速度剖面予以实时估计和补偿,提升了现有优化算法的性能,使着陆器在尽可能节约燃料的前提下实现高精度着陆。仿真结果表明,与经典的显式制导律相比,所提出的算法在动力下降段燃料消耗更少。由多种位置偏差下的打靶分析结果可知,所提出的算法均能满足性能指标要求;即使起始位置存在±2500 m的较大波动时,仍能以高精度的速度、位置完成动力下降制导。  相似文献   
Plume aerodynamic effects of cushion engine in lunar landing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 During the second period of China "Tanyue" Project, the explorer will softland on the moon. The cushion engines are used to decelerate the explorer and reduce the impact on the lunar ground. It is necessary to study its plume effects on the explorer component. The self-developed PWS (Plume WorkStation) software based on direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the plume effects of two 150 N engines. Due to the complex structure of the explorer, PWS uses a decoupling method to treat the boundary mesh, which mainly interacts with simulation particles, and has no relation with the computational grids. After the analytical expressions of plane surfaces and curved surfaces of each boundary block are given, the particle position within or without the boundary blocks can be easily determined. Finally the 3D plume field of two 150 N engines is simulated. The pressure, temperature and velocity distributions of plume field are clearly presented by three characteristic slices. The aerodynamic effects on the explorer bottom, the landfall legs and antenna are separately shown. The compression influence on the plume flow of four landfall legs can be observed.  相似文献   
A simulation study has been performed at GFZ Potsdam, which shows the anticipated improvement of the lunar gravity field model with respect to current (LP150Q model) or near-future (SELENE) knowledge in the framework of the planned German Lunar Explorations Orbiter (LEO) mission, based on PRARE-L (Precise Range And Range-rate Equipment – Lunar version) Satellite-to-Satellite (SST) and Satellite-Earth-Satellite (SEST) tracking observations. It is shown that the global mean error of the lunar gravity field can be reduced to less than 0.1 mGal at a spatial resolution of 50 km. In the spectral domain, this means a factor of 10 (long wavelengths) and some 100 (mid to short wavelengths) improvement as compared to predictions for SELENE or a factor of 1000 with respect to LP150Q. Furthermore, a higher spatial resolution of up to 28 km seems feasible and would correspond to a factor of 2–3 improvement of SELENE results. Moreover, PRARE-L is expected to derive the low-degree coefficients of the lunar gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. Considering long mission duration (at least 1 year is planned) this would allow for the first time a precise direct determination of the low-degree tidal Love numbers of the Moon and, in combination with high precision SEST, would provide an experimental basis to study relativistic effects such as the periselenium advance in the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   
The upcoming fleet of lunar missions, and the announcement of new lunar exploration initiatives, show an exciting “Journey to the Moon”, covering recent results, science, future robotic and human exploration. We review some of the questions, findings and perspectives given in the papers included in this issue of Advances in Space Research.  相似文献   
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