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给出海尔-波普彗星近日点附近大尺度观测的结果.指出:1997年2月16、17和18日海尔-波普彗星等离子尾部分有断尾事件发生.观测时刻的离子尾内物质运动速度约为50km/s;离子尾射线向主尾主轴的并拢速度约为0.080'/s.1997年3月3日海尔-波普彗星离子尾有波动现象发生.波动发生在距离彗星密度中心约130×104km,偏离主轴30°处,振幅约20×104km、其离子束宽度约8×104km、波动的相速度约为200km/s.  相似文献   
用时间相关的半隐格式求解液氢液氧发动机喷管中的化学反应流动,考虑了6种燃烧产物,8个基元反应,得到了流动参数和产物的质量分数在流场中的分布,为发动机化学动力学损失计算和喷管热结构设计提供了必要数据。计算结果表明,采用半隐格式解决组分连续方程刚性引起的数值不稳定是有效的。  相似文献   
通过Cluster卫星在2005年3月16日观测到的一个准平行激波观测事例,研究了准平行激波上游低频等离子体波动与能量离子之间的关系.卫星观测结果表明,在准平行激波上游,离子微分能通量受到了非线性波动的调制.在磁场强度较小区域,离子微分能通量较高.产生这种现象的可能原因是准平行激波上游的非线性波动可以捕获离子,被捕获的离子在波动中来回弹跳并被电场加速,从而导致磁场强度较小区域离子微分能通量较高.这一观测结果与已有的混合模拟结果相吻合.  相似文献   
空间环境下的有机热控涂层   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文综述了国外在空间有机热控涂层领域中的研究工作和试验,着重分析了空间极端环境中紫外光辐照和原子氧侵蚀这两大因素对有机热控涂层的影响。  相似文献   
The Wind   spacecraft’s Faraday cups (FC) continue to produce high-quality, in situ observations of thermal protons (i.e., ionized hydrogen) and αα-particles (i.e., fully ionized helium) in the solar wind. By fitting a Wind/FC ion spectrum with a model velocity distribution function (VDF) for each particle species, values for density, bulk velocity, and temperature can be inferred. Incorporating measurements of the background magnetic field from the Wind Magnetic Field Investigation (MFI) allows perpendicular and parallel temperature components to be separated. Prior implementations of this analysis averaged the higher-cadence Wind/MFI measurements to match that of the Wind/FC ion spectra. However, this article summarizes recent and extensive revisions to the analysis software that, among other things, eliminate such averaging and thereby account for variations in the direction of the magnetic field over the time taken to measure the ions. A statistical comparison reveals that the old version consistently underestimates the temperature anisotropy of ion VDF’s: averaging over fluctuations in the magnetic field essentially blurs the perpendicular and parallel temperature components, which makes the plasma seem artificially more isotropic. The new version not only provides a more accurate dataset of ion parameters (which is well suited to the study of microkinetic phenomena), it also demonstrates a novel technique for jointly processing particle and field data. Such methods are crucial to heliophysics as wave-particle interactions are increasingly seen as playing an important role in the dynamics of the solar wind and similar space plasmas.  相似文献   
The space plasma environment usually contains charged dust grains. The grain charge is an important parameter determining its migration through the space, coagulation, formation of dust clouds and so on. The knowledge of its charge is thus one of the basic information we want to know. There are several emission processes leading to both positive and negative charges, among others photoemission, all kinds of secondary emissions, field emissions, etc. The present study is focused on a laboratory simulation of emissions caused by impacts by energetic ions. Our experiment is based on the Paul trap which gives us an opportunity to catch a single dust grain for several days inside the vacuum vessel and exposed it by electron/ion beams. This experimental approach allows us to separate an individual charging process. We have chosen spherically shaped gold grains and discussed the processes leading to the limitation of the grain charge. We suggested that the implantation of charging ions leads to deformations of the grain surface. The deformations enhance the local electric field strength that becomes sufficient for the field ionization.  相似文献   
暴露在低地球轨道(LEO)上的太阳电池阵,会与大量具有极强氧化性的原子氧发生碰撞,导致太阳电池阵中对氧原子敏感的Ag互连材料受到剥蚀。文章依据原子氧剥蚀Ag材料的机理,选取了约400 km高度轨道上1年时间内原子氧的累积通量作为最高剂量,进行了原子氧剥蚀不同厚度Ag互连材料的地面模拟环境试验。试验表明:Ag在原子氧作用下在宏观上会经历"氧化—剥落"的循环剥蚀过程。根据反应方程简化推导了Ag互连片的剥蚀厚度公式,同时结合试验结果计算出了不同厚度Ag互连材料的厚度损失率。该研究成果可为LEO太阳电池阵原子氧防护设计提供技术支持。  相似文献   
在建立数学物理模型的基础上,对低地球轨道环境和地面试验环境下有无保护涂层的聚酰亚胺所受原子氧冲蚀及紫外线的综合作用进行了数值模拟,获得了具有工程应用价值的计算结果,并讨论了数学物理模型中各参数对基蚀曲线形状的影响.从数值模拟结果与美国太空试验结果的比较可以看出,得出的数值模拟的结果是正确的,对航天器设计具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
为了得到试验测量不到的气体放电过程中电磁场作用下单个原初电子的动力学行为,建立了LIPS-200离子推力器放电室二维仿真模型,应用网格粒子法(PIC)和蒙特卡洛碰撞(MCC)模拟法对其进行了研究。模拟得到在额定工况下原初电子和中性原子之间的碰撞概率、原初电子损耗率、电磁场分布对其运动速度及运动轨迹的影响等。结果表明磁铁表面磁感强度最大,越靠近放电室内部磁感强度越小,对称轴区域无磁场分布,原初电子在电磁场作用下沿磁力线作加速螺旋运动;运动等离子体的自洽电势大小范围仅为0~2.0V,几乎不会影响等离子体运动;对应总原初电子个数为1.2×106时直接被阳极表面吸收的损耗率仅为0.02%。  相似文献   
Oxygen plasma source generated by thermal cathode filament discharge has been used to study the erosion process of polyimide (PI) materials in atomic oxygen (AO) environment, and their mass loss, surface morphology and surface chemical compositions have been examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) after exposure to incremental AO flux. The data indicate that the physical adsorption of AO at the samples' surface results in the increase of oxygen concentration when polyimide is exposed to AO flux. Then selective chemical reactions of groups of polyimide materials with AO yield volatile organic compounds, sample mass loss is on linear increase and carpet-like surface morphology forms. In the initial exposure to AO, the reaction occurs mainly between AO and carbon in specific location of aromatic ring, then the reaction rate of C=O groups gradually increases. After AO exposure, the oxygen concentration increases while nitrogen and carbon concentration decreases. Reaction rate of groups containing nitrogen is slower compared with carbon and oxygen.  相似文献   
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