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The first results of the comparison of subauroral luminosity dynamics in 557,7 and 630,0 nm emission with simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric drift in the F2 region with a digisonde DPS-4 at the Yakutsk meridian (CGMC: 55–60N, 200°E) at Kp = 2–6 are presented. It is shown from the analysis of individual events that during the magnetospheric convection intensification after the turn of the IMF Bz – component to the south the equatorward extension of diffuse aurora takes place. At the same time the westward ionospheric drift velocity increases both in the diffuse aurora region and much equatorward of it due to the occurrence of the northward polarization electric field. We suppose that the generation of polarization field can be associated with the development of the region 2 FAC during the intensification of magnetospheric convection. The comparison of ground-based observations with measurements of the plasma drift aboard the DMSP-F15 satellite has been carried out.  相似文献   
In the present paper dependences of substorm activity on the solar wind velocity and southward component (Bz) of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during the main phase of magnetic storms, induced by the CIR and ICME events, is studied. Strong magnetic storms with close values of Dstmin?≈??100?±?10?nT are considered. For the period of 1979–2017 there are selected 26 magnetic storms induced by the CIR and ICME (MC?+?Ejecta) events. It is shown that for the CIR and ICME events the average value of the AE index (AEaver) at the main phase of magnetic storm correlates with the solar wind electric field. The highest correlation coefficient (r?=?0.73) is observed for the magnetic storms induced by the CIR events. It is found that the AEaver for magnetic storms induced by ICME events, unlike CIR events, increases with the growth of average value of the southward IMF Bz module. The analysis of dependence between the AEaver and average value of the solar wind velocity (Vswaver) during the main phase of magnetic storm shows that in the CIR events, unlike ICME, the AEaver correlates on the Vswaver.  相似文献   
磁层中的超低频(ULF)波动在太阳风和磁层之间的能量输运过程中具有重要作用.ULF波动主要发生在内磁层,且内磁层中ULF波动影响粒子的加速及沉降,而在夜侧磁层尤其是磁尾等离子片中观测到的ULF波动比较少.基于中国自主磁层探测卫星TC-1的观测数据,发现了两例行星际激波导致的磁尾中心等离子片中ULF波动事件,并发现这两例ULF事例都包含很强的环向模驻波分量,与以往THEMIS卫星报道的同类事件观测特征相符.根据ULF波的观测特征,分析了这两例ULF波动的可能触发机制.研究结果有助于深入理解磁层对行星际激波的全球响应.  相似文献   
统计分析了自1976-2017年期间记录到的217次SEP(Solar Energetic Particle)事件的日冕足点经度位置,其分布特征符合日冕横向分布的东西效应,同时基于两相传输模型及其Green函数解,对发生在不同日冕足点的四次SEP事件进行了模拟研究。模拟与观测结果表现一致,表明该模型能够较好地模拟发生在不同日冕足点的SEP事件。针对模型中多个传输参数开展的敏感性试验发现,SEP事件日冕足点经度位置能够影响观测结果的探测时间和峰值,而太阳风速对发生在不同日冕足点的事件具有不同影响机制;此外,日冕区扩散系数与SEP事件在日冕区的扩散过程相关,主要影响事件的强度峰值;行星际径向扩散系数的改变对于模拟结果的影响主要体现在峰值到达时间上,且由于SEP事件主要是在大尺度的行星际磁场中传播,行星际径向扩散系数对于模拟结果的影响最为显著,而表征粒子源释放时间尺度的逃逸时间对于模拟结果影响相对较小。  相似文献   
Kinetic simulations of supercritical, quasi-perpendicular shocks yield time-varying solutions that cyclically reform on proton spatio-temporal scales. Whether a shock solution is stationary or reforming depends upon the plasma parameters which, for SNR shocks and the heliospheric termination shock, are ill defined but believed to be within this time-dependent regime. We first review the time-dependent solutions and the acceleration processes of the ions for a proton–electron plasma. We then present recent results for a three-component plasma: background protons, electrons and a second ion population appropriate for SNR (heavy ions) or the termination shock (pickup protons). This ion acceleration generates a suprathermal “injection” population – a seed population for subsequent acceleration at the shock, which may in turn generate ions at cosmic ray energies.  相似文献   
本文用一维混合粒子模拟Code研究了包括中间激波在内的多重激波.模拟了四种情形,可以分为两类:(1)由快激波和中间激波构成的两重激波,(2)快激波、中间激波和慢激波构成的三重激波.结果表明:多重激波是不稳定的,它趋向于发展成磁流体旋转间断和MHD波,左旋圆偏振波逐渐在上游区内发展起来.文章对导致多重激波不稳定性的可能原因进行了简单的讨论.  相似文献   
We investigate the properties of interplanetary inhomogeneities generating long-lasting mid-latitude Pc1, 2 geomagnetic pulsations. The data from the Wind and IMP 8 spacecrafts, and from the Mondy and Borok midlatitude magnetic observatories are used in this study. The pulsations under investigation develop in the maximum and early recovery phase of magnetic storms. The pulsations have amplitudes from a few tens to several hundred pT andlast more than seven hours. A close association of the increase (decrease) in solar wind dynamic pressure (Psw) with the onset or enhancement (attenuation or decay) of these pulsations has been established. Contrary to high-latitude phenomena, there is a distinctive feature of the interplanetary inhomogeneities that are responsible for generation of long-lasting mid-latitude Pc1, 2. It is essential that the effect of the quasi-stationary negative Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field on the magnetosphere extends over 4 hours. Only then are the Psw pulses able to excite the above-mentioned type of mid-latitude geomagnetic pulsations. Model calculations show that in the cases under study the plasmapause can form in the vicinity of the magnetic observatory. This implies that the existence of an intense ring current resulting from the enhanced magnetospheric convection is necessary for the Pc1, 2 excitation. Further, the existence of the plasmapause above the observation point (as a waveguide) is necessary for long-lasting Pc1 waves to arrive at the ground.   相似文献   
We present a concept for a challenging in situ science mission to a primitive, binary near-Earth asteroid. A sub-400-kg spacecraft would use solar electric propulsion to rendezvous with the C-class binary asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3. A campaign of remote observations of both worlds would be followed by landing on the ∼1 km diameter primary to perform in situ measurements. The total available payload mass would be around 34 kg, allowing a wide range of measurement objectives to be addressed. This mission arose during 2004 from the activities of the ad-hoc Small Bodies Group of the DLR-led Planetary Lander Initiative. Although the particular mission scenario proposed here was not studied further per se, the experience was carried over to subsequent European asteroid mission studies, including first LEONARD and now the Marco Polo near-Earth asteroid sample return proposal for ESA’s Cosmic Vision programme. This paper may thus be of interest as much for insight into the life cycle of mission proposals as for the concept itself.  相似文献   
Statistical properties of the daily averaged values of the solar activity (sunspot numbers, total solar irradiance and 10.7 cm radio emission indices), the solar wind plasma and the interplanetary magnetic field parameters near the Earth’s orbit are investigated for a period from 1964 to 2002 covering the maxima of four solar cycles from 20th to 23rd. Running half-year averages show significant solar cycle variations in the solar activity indices but only marginal and insignificant changes in comparison with background fluctuations for heliospheric bulk plasma and magnetic field parameters. The current 23rd cycle maximum is weaker than 21st and 22nd maxima, but slightly stronger than 20th cycle in most of solar and heliospheric manifestations.  相似文献   
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