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本文介绍中国计划中的第一个绕月探测器的GNC(制导、导航与控制) 系统,简述其任务和性能指标,系统组成,工作模式,以及系统设计中解决的主要 问题。  相似文献   
多信息融合组合导航半物理仿真系统设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
导航算法是组合导航系统中的关键技术。为了验证导航算法的性能, 以导航算法能最终实现工程应用为背景,文中研究了一种以RS-232串行通信为基础,采用分布式仿真结构的多信息融合组合导航半物理仿真系统。根据系统工作原理,搭建了硬件平台,设计了系统的整体信息交换流程和各分系统之间的数据通信协议,利用MSC6.0和VC++6,0编制了传感器仿真程序,导航仿真程序,以及导航监控程序。最终完成了整个系统的实时联调。系统实时联调结果表明,该系统能够直观有效地验证各种导航算法的导航性能,从而为导航算法移植到工程应用中提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   
我国正在开展大型客机的研制工作,增升装置设计是其中的关键技术之一。借鉴A350和波音787的后缘增升装置及其机构特点,研究了后缘铰链襟翼气动和机构一体化的设计。后缘铰链襟翼,是利用简单铰链机构驱动的后缘单缝襟翼增升装置,该机构由于构造简单、维护方便、制造成本低等优点备受青睐。详细介绍了基于CATIA二次开发创建的后缘铰链襟翼气动机构一体化设计模块,并嵌入到原大型飞机增升装置气动机构一体化设计平台上,获得较好的效果,为我国未来大型客机增升装置设计奠定了技术储备。  相似文献   
针对美国MicroPNT计划中的单兵导航技术开展了理论分析、样机研制及试验工作,设计了单兵导航技术的基本原理、系统组成和基本算法,分析了室内作业的定位和指挥需求,分析了影响系统实现和定位精度的关键因素,研制了原理样机并开展了导航试验,结果表明:采用微机电惯导系统+零速修正的方案来实现单兵导航的方案是可行的;以目前微机电惯性仪表的性能水平,有望实现100米/小时的定位精度;随着微型惯性仪表性能的提高,有望在5-10年内实现定位精度10米/天的单兵自主导航系统。  相似文献   
Since GPS signals are unavailable for indoor navigation, current research mainly focuses on vision-based locating with a single mark. An obvious disadvantage with this approach is that locating will fail when the mark cannot be seen. The use of multiple marks can solve this problem. However, the extra process to design and identify different marks will significantly increase system complexity. In this paper, a novel vision-based locating method is proposed by using marks with feature points arranged in a radial shape. The feature points of the marks consist of inner points and outer points. The positions of the inner points are the same in all marks, while the positions of the outer points are different in different marks. Unlike traditional camera locating methods (the PnP methods), the proposed method can calculate the camera location and the positions of the outer points simultaneously. Then the calculation results of the positions of the outer points are used to identify the mark. This method can make navigation with multiple marks more efficient. Simulations and real world experiments are carried out, and their results show that the proposed method is fast, accurate and robust to noise.  相似文献   
Testability virtual test is a new test method for testability verification, which has the advantages such as low cost, few restrictions and large sample of test data. It can be used to make up the deficiency of testability physical test. In order to take the advantage of testability virtual test data effectively and to improve the accuracy of testability evaluation, a testability integrated eval- uation method is proposed in this paper based on testability virtual test data. Considering the char- acteristic of testability virtual test data, the credibility analysis method for testability virtual test data is studied firstly. Then the integrated calculation method is proposed fusing the testability vir- tual and physical test data. Finally, certain helicopter heading and attitude system is presented to demonstrate the proposed method. The results show that the testability integrated evaluation method is feasible and effective.  相似文献   
“察打一体”无人机以飞翼无尾气动布局、翼身融合体、复合材料结构、雷达吸波材料等特征,具有升阻比大、有效载重量大、隐身性能好等优点,能够对大纵深、高风险和高价值目标进行侦察与打击,诸国争相研制,后续发展空间巨大。  相似文献   
Considering defects of current single celestial-body positioning methods such as discon-tinuity and long period, a new sun positioning algorithm is herein put forward. Instead of tradi-tional astronomical spherical trigonometry and celestial coordinate system, the proposed new positioning algorithm is built by theory of mechanisms. Based on previously derived solar vector equations (from a C1R2P2 series mechanism), a further global positioning method is developed by inverse kinematics. The longitude and latitude coordinates expressed by Greenwich mean time (GMT) and solar vector in local coordinate system are formulated. Meanwhile, elimination method of multiple solutions, errors of longitude and latitude calculation are given. In addition, this algo-rithm has been integrated successfully into a mobile phone application to visualize sun positioning process. Results of theoretical verification and smart phone’s test demonstrate the validity of pre-sented coordinate’s expressions. Precision is shown as equivalent to current works and is acceptable to civil aviation requirement. This new method solves long-period problem in sun sight running fix-ing and improves applicability of sun positioning. Its methodology can inspire development of new sun positioning device. It would be more applicable to be combined with inertial navigation systems for overcoming discontinuity of celestial navigation systems and accumulative errors of inertial nav-igation systems.  相似文献   
针对水下运载体的长时间高精度导航问题,提出一种基于集中滤波的捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)/声学多普勒测速仪(DVL)/超短基线(USBL)水下组合导航方法,建立了杆臂在线估计的SINS/DVL速度观测模型和SINS/USBL相对量测信息观测模型,并利用参考信息判定结果实时更新量测方程及维数,既能保证精度,还能一定程度上减少运算量。理论仿真和湖面试验表明,本算法能够实现长时间高精度的水下导航定位,具有可行性。  相似文献   
容错多传感器组合导航系统发展综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对容错组合导航系统的基本理论、联邦滤波器的设计方法、特点进行了分析;指出联邦滤波器在时间和空间上为组合导航系统的容错设计提供了条件;同时对组合导航系统故障诊断、故障隔离和系统重构方法进行了研究。  相似文献   
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