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The monthly hourly medians of maximum electron density, NmF2, at two Pakistani ionospheric stations, Karachi and Islamabad, have been determined for solar minimum (1996) and solar maximum (2000) and compared with IRI predictions using the URSI coefficients. At night and pre-noon period the NmF2 values at both stations are almost equal during the 2 years. However, at post-noon the values at Karachi are considerably larger than those at Islamabad due to the equatorial or geomagnetic anomaly. Karachi (geomag. coord. 16.44°N, 139.08°E) lies near the region of the equatorial anomaly (+20 and −20 geomagnetic latitude), so most of the NmF2 values at Karachi are larger than those at Islamabad (geomag. coord. 24.46°N, 145.67°E). The maximum monthly values of NmF2 show a semi-annual variation at Karachi and Islamabad both during 1996 and 2000 as predicted by IRI.  相似文献   
In this paper, we will shortly highlight some of the aspects that COST Action 296 on Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems (MIERS) and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) have in common in an attempt to define science rationale for collaboration between these two international projects.  相似文献   
The diurnal and seasonal variations of F2 layer characteristics (critical frequency, peak height and bottomside thickness) over Irkutsk, Russia (52.3 N and 104.3 E) are studied by the method of running medians. The comparison with the IRI-2001 model during the decrease in solar activity in 2003–2006 revealed cases of both close agreement and systematic differences between predictions and observations. The systematic difference is not the only reason for disagreement between IRI and observations; there are also intrayear variations which are not associated with seasonal behavior. The period of observation was too short to make conclusions about solar activity dependence of the noon bottomside thickness and the modification of its diurnal behavior with decreasing solar activity.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate various aspects of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) performance in European area and to evaluate its accuracy and efficiency for: long term prediction of the critical frequencies foF2 and the maximum usable frequencies (MUF); using storm-time correction option (ST); the total electron content (TEC) and the maximum observable frequency (MOF) updating. Data of foF2, TEC, MOF are related to 2005. It is obtained that median values of foF2 can be predicted with the mean error σ(med)∼ 0.49 MHz. For median values of MUF absolute σ was 1.39 MHz and relative σr was 8.8%. For instanteneous values estimates are increased to 1.58σ(med) MHz for foF2 and could reach 3.84 MHz for MUF. Using correction ST-option and TEC values provided ∼30% improvement but TEC seems to be more preferable. However, from considered parameters of the IRI updating (ST-factor, TEC, MOF) the best results were demonstrated by MOF. Using the IRI2007 to calculate TEC gives 20–50% improvement of TEC correspondence to experimental values but this improvement is not enough to treat TEC without the IRI model adaptation.  相似文献   
During 2008, the solar activity is extremely low. The satellite observations show that the ionospheric height and electron density is much lower than the predictions by the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model. In this paper, we compared the slant total electron content (TEC) observed by the COSMIC satellites during 2008 with the IRI model results. It is found that the IRI model with IRI2001 and IRI2001 Cor. topside options will always overestimate the electron density in both lower and higher altitudes. But the rest two topside options (NeQuick, and TTS) tend to overestimate the electron density in the F layer and underestimate it in the topside altitudes. The switch altitude between overestimation and underestimation and the latitude-local time distribution of the model deviation depend on the topside option. The current investigation might be useful for the model improvement as well as data assimilation work based on the IRI model and the LEO TEC data.  相似文献   
In this work, the foF2 and hmF2 parameters at the conjugate points near the magnetic equator of Southeast Asia are studied and compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Three ionosondes are installed nearly along the magnetic meridian of 100°E; one at the magnetic equator, namely Chumphon (10.72°N, 99.37°E, dip angle 3.0°N), and the other two at the magnetic conjugate points, namely Chiang Mai (18.76°N, 98.93°E, dip angle 12.7°N) and Kototabang (0.2°S, 100.30°E, dip angle 10.1°S). The monthly hourly medians of the foF2 and hmF2 parameters are calculated and compared with the predictions obtained from the IRI-2007 model from January 2004 to February 2007. Our results show that: the variations of foF2 and hmF2 predicted by the IRI-2007 model generally show the similar feature to the observed data. Both parameters generally show better agreement with the IRI predictions during daytime than during nighttime. For foF2, most of the results show that the IRI model overestimates the observed foF2 at the magnetic equator (Chumphon), underestimates at the northern crest (Chiang Mai) and is close to the measured ones at the southern crest of the EIA (Kototabang). For hmF2, the predicted hmF2 values are close to the hmF2(M3000F2OBS) during daytime. During nighttime, the IRI model gives the underestimation at the magnetic equator and the overestimation at both EIA crests. The results are important for the future improvements of the IRI model for foF2 and hmF2 over Southeast Asia region.  相似文献   
电离层峰值高度HmF2是描述电离层形态的重要参数之一,国际参考电离层模型IRI-2016中融入了大量电离层测高仪和无线电掩星探测数据,用以提升HmF2的预测精度.本文利用太阳活动低年(2007—2010年)气象、电离层和气候卫星联合观测系统COSMIC探测数据描述全球范围内COSMIC HmF2的三维形态变化,对比分析了IRI-2016与IRI-2012模型的预测结果,同时分析了IRI-2016模型输出HmF2的性能.结果表明,IRI模型在中高纬度地区的输出结果高于COSMIC反演结果,而赤道及低纬地区则大都偏低.与IRI-2012模型相比,IRI-2016模型的输出结果在夜间至凌晨时段呈现较为明显的纬向梯度变化且大部分区域输出值偏高,但在白天时段赤道附近区域的输出值大都偏低.上述结果为电离层IRI模型的完善提供了一定参考.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new method of temporal extrapolation of the ionosphere total electron content (TEC) is proposed. Using 3-layer wavelet neural networks (WNNs) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) training algorithm, TEC time series are modeled. The TEC temporal variations for next times are extrapolated with the help of training model. To evaluate the proposed model, observations of Tehran GNSS station (35.69°N, 51.33°E) from 2007 to 2018 are used. The efficiency of the proposed model has been evaluated in both low and high solar activity periods. All observations of the 2015 and 2018 have been removed from the training step to test the proposed model. On the other hand, observations of these 2 years are not used in network training. According to the F10.7, the 2015 has high solar activity and the 2018 has quiet conditions. The results of the proposed model are compared with the global ionosphere maps (GIMs) as a traditional ionosphere model, international reference ionosphere 2016 (IRI2016), Kriging and artificial neural network (ANN) models. The root mean square error (RMSE), bias, dVTEC = |VTECGPS ? VTECModel| and correlation coefficient are used to assess the accuracy of the proposed method. Also, for more accurate evaluation, a single-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) approach is used. According to the results of 2015, the maximum values of the RMSE for the WNN, ANN, Kriging, GIM and IRI2016 models are 5.49, 6.02, 6.34, 6.19 and 13.60 TECU, respectively. Also, the maximum values of the RMSE at 2018 for the WNN, ANN, Kriging, GIM and IRI2016 models are 2.47, 2.49, 2.50, 4.36 and 6.01 TECU, respectively. Comparing the results of the bias and correlation coefficient shows the higher accuracy of the proposed model in quiet and severe solar activity periods. The PPP analysis with the WNN model also shows an improvement of 1 to 12 mm in coordinate components. The results of the analyzes of this paper show that the WNN is a reliable, accurate and fast model for predicting the behavior of the ionosphere in different solar conditions.  相似文献   
We suggest a new field of application of IRI modeling – determination of ionosphere transfer characteristic (ITC) for radio astronomical signals (RAS). VHF and HF RAS are widely used for observations of the Sun and pulsars. It is necessary to take into account possible distortions of RAS in the Earth ionosphere. However, in contrast to modern navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO), where very accurate reconstruction of ionosphere parameters is a built-in function, in present-day radio astronomy a retrieve of ITC has not been appropriately worked out yet. It collides with increasing requirements to accuracy of the analysis of RAS amplitude profile and to the angular and polarizing resolution of radio telescopes of new generation. We have developed a method and software for calculation of the ionosphere measure of rotation (RM) and the measure of dispersion (DM). We used the ionosphere model IRI-2001, magnetic-field model IGRF-10 and values of ionosphere total electron content as deduced from GPS measurements. The obtained values of the ionosphere DM and RM were recalculated into characteristics of phase delay, Faraday amplitude modulation and polarization changes. We made calculations for different levels of geomagnetic activity and for different angular position of radio sources as well.  相似文献   
We investigated the diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations of ion density Ni over the Indian low and equatorial topside ionosphere within 17.5°S to 17.5°N magnetic latitudes by combining the data from SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 for the 9 year period from 1995 to 2003 during solar cycle 23. The diurnal maximum density is found in the local noon or in the afternoon hours and the minimum occurs in the pre sunrise hours. The density is higher during the equinoxes as compared to that in the June and December solstice. The local time spread of the daytime maximum ion density increases with increase in solar activity. A north south asymmetry with higher ion density over northern hemisphere in the June solstice and over southern hemisphere in December solstice has been observed in moderate and high solar activity years. The crest to crest distance increases with increase in solar flux. Ion density bears a nonlinear relationship with F10.7 cm solar flux and EUV flux in general. The density increases linearly with solar flux up to ∼150 sfu (1 sfu = 10−22Wm−2Hz−1) and EUV flux up to ∼50 units (109 photons cm−2 s−1). But beyond this the density saturates. Inverse saturation and linear relationship have been observed in some season or latitude also. Inter-comparison of the three solar activity indices F10.7 cm flux, EUV flux and F10.7P (= (F10.7 + F10.7A)/2, where F10.7A is the 81 day running average value of F10.7) shows that the ion density correlates better with F10.7P and F10.7 cm fluxes. The annual average daytime total ion density from 1995 to 2003 follows a hysteresis loop as the solar cycle reverses. The ion density at 500 km over the Indian longitude sector as obtained by the international reference ionosphere is in general lower than the measured densities during moderate and high solar activity years. In low solar activity years the model densities are equal or higher than measured densities. The IRI EIA peaks are symmetric (±10°) in equinox while densities are higher at 10°N in June solstice and at 10°S in the December solstice. The model density follows F10.7 linearly up to about F10.7 > ∼150 sfu and then saturates.  相似文献   
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