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研究了等离子喷涂Cr3C2 NiCr涂层的气孔率服从正态分布、对数正态分布和韦伯分布的拟合优度。在统计分析的基础上 ,考察了喷枪移动速率和涂层厚度对涂层气孔率的影响。结果表明 ,在不同喷枪移动速率下喷涂不同厚度涂层 ,其气孔率均同时显著地服从正态分布、对数正态分布和韦伯分布 ,它们的变异系数在 0 .17~ 0 . 4 8,韦伯模数在 2 .0~ 6 . 2 ;根据不同分布估计出的平均值的置信区间基本相同。在相同的喷涂工艺参数条件下 ,厚度小于10 0 μm的涂层的气孔率较高 ;当涂层的厚度较厚时 ,涂层的气孔率为一常数。在 50 ,75和10 0m/min三种喷枪移动速率中 ,以 75m/min喷枪移动速率喷涂涂层的气孔率最低。 相似文献
采用固态置换反应原位合成工艺,利用Al—Ti—TiO2-Ho2O3体系的放热反应合成了HoAl-Al2O3/TiAl复合材料。利用XRD和SEM分析了Ho2O3掺:枭对原位合成HoAl,Al2O3颗粒强化钛铝基复合材料显微组织的影响,探讨了稀土氧化物(Ho2O3)的细化机制。测试了力学性能。结果表明:Al—Ti—TiO2-Ho2O3系原位合成的HoAl-Al2O3/TiAl复合材料由TiAl,Ti3Al,Al2O3以及HoAl相组成;HoAl金属间化合物弥散分布于基体晶粒和Al2O3颗粒交界处,限制颗粒长大,细化基体晶粒与Al2O3,颗粒,同时提高了HoAl,Al2O3颗粒在基体中的分散度;Ho2O3的引入改善了复合材料的力学性能。 相似文献
原位自生TiB_2/Al复合材料具有密度小,比强度高,比模量大等特点,在航空航天领域具有广泛的应用前景。为探索原位自生TiB_2/Al复合材料的磨削加工性能,选用单晶刚玉SA砂轮、白刚玉WA砂轮和CBN砂轮在不同磨削参数下对TiB_2/Al复合材料进行磨削试验。首先研究了砂轮材质、转速、工件速度、磨削深度对工件表面粗糙度的影响规律;其次通过对工件表面形貌、磨屑形态、砂轮磨损的观测分析,探索了原位自生TiB_2/Al复合材料磨削表面成形机制;最后基于试验数据,给出了TiB_2/Al复合材料磨削工艺参数优选域。本研究可为颗粒增强金属基复合材料磨削加工提供基础理论支撑。 相似文献
原位合成TiC颗粒强化铝合金组织与性能 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用铝系合金2A14(LD10)作为母合金,利用原位合成法制备了TiC颗粒弥散强化铝基材料。显微组织观察表明,合金中的TiC颗粒呈等轴状,尺寸约为1~3μm。加入TiC颗粒后,合金铸态组织显著细化,室温抗拉强度和屈服强度得到一定程度提高,但塑性下降。150℃时,合金的拉伸性能变化随TiC加入量增加而变化的规律与室温相似。合金中TiC颗粒的引人大大提高了合金的耐磨性能。在油润滑条件下,TiC/2A14材料的耐磨损体积远远优于其母合金以及其他典型的金属耐磨材料,如耐磨黄铜、ZA30锌基合金和Al—30Si高硅铝合金。 相似文献
激光熔覆技术中,激光的工艺参数是获得高质量熔覆层的关键因素.文章采用激光熔覆原位合成技术,通过化学分析确定预覆合金粉末的成分和配比,从分析激光与材料的相互作用入手,通过计算和试验确定了激光工艺参数,在纯铜表面原位合成Cu-TiB2复合材料.试验表明,球形TiB2 颗粒细小均匀,熔覆层与基体呈良好的冶金结合. 相似文献
By extrapolating to O/H = N/H = 0 the empirical correlations Y–O/H and Y–N/H defined by a relatively large sample of 45 Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs), we have obtained a primordial 4Helium mass fraction Y
p=0.2443±0.0015 with dY/dZ=2.4±1.0. This result is in excellent agreement with the average Y
p=0.2452±0.0015 determined in the two most metal-deficient BCDs known, I Zw 18 (Z
/50) and SBS 0335–052 (Z
/41), where the correction for He production is smallest. The quoted error (1) of 1% is statistical and does not include systematic effects. We examine various systematic effects including collisional excitation of hydrogen lines, ionization structure and temperature fluctuation effects, and underlying stellar Hei absorption, and conclude that combining all systematic effects, our Y
p may be underestimated by 2–4%. Taken at face value, our Y
p implies a baryon-to-photon number ratio =(4.7+1.0
–0.8)×10–10 and a baryon mass fraction b
100=0.017±0.005 (2), consistent with the values obtained from deuterium and Cosmic Microwave Background measurements. Correcting Y
p upward by 2–4% would make the agreement even better. 相似文献
This paper presents a novel two-dimensional maglev servo proportional cartridge valve (2D maglev valve), where a contactless maglev coupling is introduced between electro-mechanical converter and valve body to realize functions of force transmission, spool position feedback and linear-rotary motion conversion. Such configuration can effectively reduce cost of both valve manufacturing and electro-mechanical converter, while still maintain features of 2D valve such as null pilot leakage, high power-to- weight ratio and excellent anti-pollution capacity. Firstly, the characteristic equation of the valve is derived using linear theory, and the stability criterion is established for parameter determination. The influences of crucial structural parameters such as initial height of overlapping area, width of high-pressure and low-pressure holes, acting radius of magnetic force, pitch angle of maglev coupling, length of sensitive chamber and system pressure on the dynamic response are investigated based on AMESim numerical simulation. The prototype valve is then designed and manufactured and a special test rig is built. The no-load flow characteristic, load flow characteristic, leakage characteristic, amplitude and phase frequency characteristics and step response under different system pressures are measured. The experimental results are in a good agreement with the simulated analysis. As an over-damped system, the prototype valve has excellent working stability, which can reach a no-load flow rate of 105.9 L/min with hysteresis of 3.51%, amplitude bandwidth of 28.7 Hz and phase bandwidth of 42.8 Hz under 21 MPa. The research indicates that the 2D maglev valve can be a potential solution of flow rate control valve for flight control surface system of civil aircraft with high pressure and large flow rate application. 相似文献
第一代热障涂层(TBCs)由氧化钇部分稳定的氧化锆(YSZ)陶瓷隔热层和金属粘结层组成,该涂层长期使用温度低于1 200℃。随着先进航空发动机向着高推重比发展,迫切要求发展新一代超高温、高隔热热障涂层材料。LaTi2Al9O19(LTA)在1 500℃长期保持相稳定,是一种非常有前景的超高温热障涂层候选材料。本文采用大气等离子喷涂(APS)制备了LTA涂层,研究了喷涂工艺对涂层微观组织结构和热物理性能的影响。结果表明沉积态涂层中含少量的非晶态,在860℃和1 130℃出现晶化峰。等离子喷涂过程中La2O3挥发量较多,导致沉积态涂层中La元素与原始粉末相比含量偏低,而其他组分的化学成分随喷涂功率变化不大。LTA涂层的热扩散系数在1 400℃下为0.3~0.4 mm2·s-1,热导率为1.1~1.6 W·m-1·K-1。1 050℃经过20小时热处理后,得到晶化的涂层在晶化温度范围内的热扩散系数和热导率值均增大。随着喷涂功率减小,涂层孔隙率增加,热导率减小。 相似文献