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常规弹丸在使用地磁算法测量滚转角的过程中,常将偏航角设为0°解算弹丸滚转角。当弹丸在飞行过程中偏航角发生变化时,滚转角解算精度受到一定影响。针对偏航角变化带来的误差与多种因素有关,且规律不清楚。在建立偏航角误差系数的基础上,使用Matlab软件建立了弹丸在不同偏航角、俯仰角、射向条件下的误差模型。首先建立了横风修正的质点弹道模型,通过蒙特卡罗方法仿真弹丸的轨迹分布,分析了弹载环境下磁测算法的滚转角误差,并验证了误差系数的准确性。通过仿真验证,误差系数可以较准确地表示滚转角误差与偏航角变化之间的关系,误差系数计算的误差与理论误差的差值小于10%,为后续实弹试验做好理论准备。 相似文献
空间地磁亚暴环境可以给地球同步轨道卫星带来灾难性后果。文章主要介绍了地磁亚暴环境效应及国内外的相关设备,并根据我国现状,提出进行大型地磁亚暴环境试验的必要性和可行性。 相似文献
Teresita Heredia Ana G. Elias 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
The precipitation over Tucuman (26.8°S; 65.2°W), which is representative of the Northwestern region of Argentina, is analyzed in search of an association with solar and geomagnetic activity, with the purpose of contributing to the controversial issue on the connection between climate variation and anthropogenic vs. natural forcing. Monthly time series of precipitation, sunspot number (Rz), and aa index were used for the period 1884–2010. A wavelet analysis was performed first which, due to the time series length, shows significant results only for periodicities lower than 32 years. Due to the transient character and non-constant phase of the results, any sustained wavelet coherence between precipitation and either sunspots or aa could be noticed. Moving averages and correlations were also assessed. The 11 and 22-year running mean of precipitation is positively correlated to Rz and aa when the whole period of analysis is considered. However, a shift in the long-term behavior of precipitation is noticed around 1940, which implies different correlation values with Rz and aa when the period before or after this year are considered. The solar cycle length is also considered for this statistical study and partly confirms the results obtained with Rz and aa. We propose plausible physical explanations based on geomagnetic activity and total solar irradiance effects over atmospheric circulation that could support the statistical result. A deeper analysis and broader geographical coverage is needed in order to detect a connection between precipitation and solar variability discernible from greenhouse gases effects. We emphasize the idea of the importance of recognizing and quantifying the different forcing acting on precipitation (or any other climate parameter), which sometimes can be barely evident from a solely statistical analysis. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2020,65(9):2158-2166
In this study, the relationship between total electron content (TEC) and solar and geomagnetic parameters for Ankara station (39.7 N, 32.76 E), Turkey located in the mid-latitude ionosphere is investigated. In this context, F10.7 solar flux and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields (IMF) from solar parameters and Kp and Dst indices from geomagnetic parameters affecting on TEC are considered. The relationship between the variables is investigated by means of the statistical multiple regression model at the universal time (UT) (Local Time = UT + 2 h) 1200 and 2400 in the years when the 24th solar cycle was minimum (2007–2009) and maximum (2015). As a result, it is found that explainable rates by solar and geomagnetic parameters of TEC changes in 2007–2009 are lower than in 2015 at daytime, while the explainable rates in the solar minimum years are higher than those the maximum year at nighttime. To be higher than the solar maximum of explainable rate in the solar minimum years at nighttime may be related to the fact that the dynamics of the ionosphere is significantly different than expected in this deep minimum period. As expected in 2015, the relationship between TEC and independent parameters is greater at daytime than at nighttime. 相似文献
Y. Sahai R. de Jesus P.R. Fagundes C.L. Selhorst A.J. de Abreu S. Tulasi Ram A. Aragon-Angel V.G. Pillat J.R. Abalde W.L.C. Lima J.A. Bittencourt 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2012
The main objective of the present investigation has been to compare the ionospheric parameters (NmF2 and hmF2) observed by two ground-based ionospheric sounders (one at PALMAS- located near the magnetic equator and the other at Sao Jose dos Campos-located in the low-latitude region) in the Brazilian sector with that by the satellite FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation (RO) measurements during two geomagnetic storms which occurred in December 2006 and July 2009. It should be pointed out that in spite of increasing the latitude (to 10°) and longitude (to 20°) around the stations; we had very few common observations. It has been observed that both the peak electron density (NmF2) and peak height (hmF2) observed by two different techniques (space-borne COSMIC and ground-based ionosondes) during both the geomagnetic storm events compares fairly well (with high correlation coefficients) at the two stations in the Brazilian sector. It should be pointed out that due to equatorial spread F (ESF) in the first storm (December 2006) and no-reflections from the ionosphere during nighttime in the second storm (July 2009), we had virtually daytime data from the two ionosondes. 相似文献
A.V. Mikhalev Jiyao Xu V.I. Degtyarev Wei Yuan 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008
Analysing the initial mid-latitude aurora phase during strong geomagnetic storms we found that the initial phase of the mid-latitude aurorae observed at 630 nm emission during the strong geomagnetic storms on March 24, 1991, April 6, 2000, October 30 and November 20, 2003 is characterized by a short (∼1 h) wave-like disturbance. This disturbance corresponds to the beginning of main phase of the magnetic storms. The marked effect of the mid-latitude aurorae is analyzed using data on magnetosphere and ionosphere conditions in observation periods. The features of the dynamics of the 630 nm emission intensity and its connection with the dynamics of magnetospheric–ionospheric structures are considered. Possible excitation mechanisms of the atomic oxygen emission (630 nm) during these disturbances are discussed. 相似文献
Solar, geomagnetic and cosmic ray intensity changes, preceding the cyclone appearances around Mexico
J. Prez-Peraza S. Kavlakov V. Velasco A. Gallegos-Cruz E. Azpra-Romero O. Delgado-Delgado F. Villicaa-Cruz 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,42(9):1601-1613
Recently it has been suggested that there exist specific changes in the cosmic ray intensity and some solar and geomagnetic parameters during the days, preceding the hurricane appearances over the North Atlantic Ocean. To understand better these phenomena, data for all hurricanes born not only over the Atlantic but also over the Pacific waters in the last 55 years that hit the Mexican borders were elaborated. As basic hurricane parameters the maximum rotational velocity and the estimated total energy were used. To avoid any interference all hurricanes, overlapping the preceding ones with more than 20 days were not included. Then the behavior of the cosmic ray (CR) intensity, the sunspot (SS) numbers, and the geomagnetic parameters (AP) and (KP) in 35 days prior and 20 days after the cyclone start were investigated. The CR, SS, AP and KP showed much more intensive disturbances in the periods preceding and following the hurricane appearance. For SS this disturbance gradually increase with the hurricane strength. A characteristic peak in the CR intensity appears before the hurricane start. But its place varies between 5 and 20 days before that start. Specific changes were observed in the SS. For major hurricanes they begins sometimes more than 20 days in advance. The AP and the KP show series of bursts, spread over the whole period of 30 preceding days. The obtained results from the performed correlational analysis are enough interesting to motivate a further statistical analysis with more precise techniques: in particular a common periodicity of 30 years found in the number of tropical storms landing into Mexico, the averaged rotational wind velocity and the ACE must be studied in connection with the solar Hale cycle. Using coherence wavelet spectral analysis we present a comparative study between one terrestrial and one cosmophysical phenomena that presumable influence hurricanes development: African dust outbreaks versus cosmic rays for all North Atlantic tropical cyclones. It is shown that the cosmophysical influence cannot be considered as a negligible effect. 相似文献
Liang Li Zhiqiang Chen Ronglan Xu Ya Huang 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2011
The plasma density distribution of plasmasphere in the geomagnetic equatorial plane can help us study the magnetosphere like plasmasphere, ionosphere and their kinetics. In this paper, we introduce a new inversion method, GE-ART, to calculate the plasma density distribution in the geomagnetic equatorial plane from the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) data of IMAGE satellite under the assumption that the plasma density is constant along each geomagnetic field line. The new GE-ART algorithm was derived from the traditional Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques (ART) in Computed Tomography (CT) which was different from the several existing methods. In this new method, each value of the EUV image data was back-projected evenly to the geomagnetic field lines intersected by this EUV sight. A 3-D inversion matrix was produced by the contributions of all the voxels contained in the plasmasphere covered by the EUV sensor. That is, we considered that each value of the EUV image data was relative to the plasma densities of all the voxels passed through by the corresponding EUV radiation, which is the biggest difference to all the existing inversion methods. Finally, the GE-ART algorithm was evaluated by the real EUV data from the IMAGE satellite. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2023,71(1):1098-1107
We report Forbush decreases (FD) in cosmic ray intensity from January 1996 to December 2008, the whole Solar Cycle 23rd. Statistical analysis is done for only 152 events for which associated solar flare position, flare classes, and Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) speed are given. We applied FD parameters taken from the Forbush Effects and Interplanetary Disturbances databases maintained by the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN), obtained by processing the data of the worldwide neutron monitor network using the global survey method (GSM) (A. Belov et al., 2018). For the said number of events, we examine their effect on interplanetary space and the decrease of the galactic cosmic rays (GCR) near Earth. We found that the 11–20° latitudinal belt shows more FD- associated flare events than the other latitudinal belts, and on this belt, the Southern hemisphere is more active. The results reveal that FDs and solar flares are well correlated. Statistical analysis is carried out for the magnitude of the CR decrease with solar and geomagnetic parameters. 相似文献
B.T. Kress J.V. Rodriguez J.E. Mazur M. Engel 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
Solar energetic particle (SEP) cutoffs at geosynchronous orbit are sensitive to moderate geomagnetic activity and undergo daily variations due to the day–night asymmetry of the magnetosphere. At geosynchronous orbit, cutoff rigidity also has a large directional dependence, with the highest cutoff rigidity corresponding to ions arriving from magnetic east and lowest cutoff rigidity corresponding to ions incident from the west. Consequently, during geomagnetically quiet periods, the SEP flux observed by an eastward facing particle detector is significantly lower than observed by a westward facing particle detector. During geomagnetically disturbed periods the cutoff is suppressed allowing SEPs access well inside of geosynchronous, so that the east–west SEP flux ratio approaches unity. Variations in the east–west SEP flux ratio observed by GOES Energetic Particle Sensors (EPS) have recently been reported by Rodriguez et al. (2010). In NOAA’s operational processing of EPS count rates into differential fluxes, the differential flux is treated as isotropic and flat over the energy width of the channel. To compare modeled SEP flux with GOES EPS observations, the anisotropy of the flux over the EPS energy range and field of view must be taken into account. A technique for making direct comparisons between GOES EPS observations and SEP flux modeled using numerically computed geomagnetic cutoffs is presented. Initial results from a comparison between modeled and observed flux during the 6–11 December 2006 SEP event are also presented. The modeled cutoffs reproduce the observed flux variations well but are in general too high. 相似文献