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Modern use and study of the auroral region needs to attract a wider class of models for describing conditions of radio wave propagation in the ionosphere. In this paper the possibilities of the International Reference Ionosphere model, well-proven and widespread in the mid-latitudes, are investigated in the high latitude zone. Model and measured values of the critical frequency foF2 for two mid-latitude stations (Juliusruh and Goosebay) and four high-latitude ones (Loparskaya, Sodankyla, Sondrestrom, Thule) are compared. Deviations of medians, variations from day to day and solar activity trends seemed to be similar for both areas. This similarity is irrespective of the RZ12 index. Special attention is paid to the TEC parameter and its determination using 6 versions of models, a new version of the model IRI2010 (IRI-Plas) among them. It is shown that the IRI-Plas model significantly improves the definition of TEC in contrast to the versions of IRI2007 and the new model NeQuick. The use of the median of the experimental equivalent slab thickness, together with the current values of the TEC, increases by a factor of two the agreement between calculated and measured foF2 values as compared with the variations from day to day. This allows foF2 to be defined in near-real time.  相似文献   
The stability of GPS time and frequency transfer is limited by the fact that GPS signals travel through the ionosphere. In high precision geodetic time transfer (i.e. based on precise modeling of code and carrier phase GPS data), the so-called ionosphere-free combination of the code and carrier phase measurements made on the two frequencies is used to remove the first-order ionospheric effect. In this paper, we investigate the impact of residual second- and third-order ionospheric effects on geodetic time transfer solutions i.e. remote atomic clock comparisons based on GPS measurements, using the ATOMIUM software developed at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB). The impact of third-order ionospheric effects was shown to be negligible, while for second-order effects, the tests performed on different time links and at different epochs show a small impact of the order of some picoseconds, on a quiet day, and up to more than 10 picoseconds in case of high ionospheric activity. The geomagnetic storm of the 30th October 2003 is used to illustrate how space weather products are relevant to understand perturbations in geodetic time and frequency transfer.  相似文献   
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems)-based attitude determination is an important field of study, since it is a valuable technique for the orientation estimation of remote sensing platforms. To achieve highly accurate angular estimates, the precise GNSS carrier phase observables must be employed. However, in order to take full advantage of the high precision, the unknown integer ambiguities of the carrier phase observables need to be resolved. This contribution presents a GNSS carrier phase-based attitude determination method that determines the integer ambiguities and attitude in an integral manner, thereby fully exploiting the known body geometry of the multi-antennae configuration. It is shown that this integral approach aids the ambiguity resolution process tremendously and strongly improves the capacity of fixing the correct set of integer ambiguities. In this contribution, the challenging scenario of single-epoch, single-frequency attitude determination is addressed. This guarantees a total independence from carrier phase slips and losses of lock, and it also does not require any a priori motion model for the platform. The method presented is a multivariate constrained version of the popular LAMBDA method and it is tested on data collected during an airborne remote sensing campaign.  相似文献   
Based on resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education were established in India, Morocco, Nigeria, Brazil and Mexico. Simultaneously, education curricula were developed for the core disciplines of remote sensing, satellite communications, satellite meteorology, and space and atmospheric science. This paper provides a brief summary on the status of the operation of the regional centres with a view to use them as information centres of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), and draws attention to their educational activities.  相似文献   
高动态组合导航信号模拟器是高动态组合导航接收机设计验证的高效平台。本文给出了高动态GPS/BD2组合导航信号模拟器关键部分架构和实现方案,重点阐述了高动态信号的产生方法、提高模拟器运算效率的三次样条插值算法、反SINC滤波器补偿方法和保证模拟器通道一致性措施。对这一信号模拟器所产生的GNSS信号进行了验证。  相似文献   
We discuss the specific features of the spatiotemporal radio tomography of ionospheric electron density based on the data from high orbiting global navigational satellite system (GNSS). The main peculiarities are four-dimensionality of the problem and essential incompleteness of input data. The approach suggested for the solution of this problem is based on the search for the solution with minimal Sobolev’s norm (the most smooth solution), which provides, in particular, smooth extension of the solution to the area where no input data is available. Methods and algorithms for the solution of the problem are developed, and the resolution of the proposed technique is estimated. Examples of global and regional radio tomographic imaging based on GNSS data are presented. The obtained results are compared with the data of ionosondes and with the results of radio tomography based on the radio transmissions from low-orbiting satellites.  相似文献   
2009年7月22日日全食期间电离层参量的变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用多个电离层垂测站的数据和IGS-TEC数据资料, 结合日地空间环境指数, 分析了2009年7月22日日全食期间中国地区电离层参量(反射回波最低频率fmin及f0F2和TEC)的变化特征. 结果表明, 日食发生后fmin迅速降低, 日食结束后fmin迅速恢复到正常水平; 在食甚时刻附近, f0F2和TEC出现明显的降低, 显示了明显的光食效应. 日食结束后5~6 h, f0F2和TEC出现不同程度的正扰动, 在驼峰区更明显; 日食结束后9~10 h, f0F2和TEC出现较显著的负扰动. 由于此次日食发生时伴随着中等强度的磁暴和低纬电场穿透等空间天气事件, 给此次日食电离层效应的深入分析带来很大困难.  相似文献   
考察了北美(30°N-50°N, 140°W-50°W)与东亚 (42.5°N-57.5°N, 65°E-140°E) 中纬地区电离层总电子含量 (TEC)的变化. TEC数据来自美国喷气动力实验室(JPL)约15年的全球电离层图 (Global Ionospheric Map, GIM)数据. 利用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Functions, EOF)得到上述两地区前三阶本征模及相关时间系数, 分别约占TEC 总变化的99.57%和99.79%. 结果表明, 两地区前三阶EOF分量所表现出的TEC变 化基本一致. 第一阶EOF分量表现为受太阳活动调制的半年变化; 第二阶EOF 分量表现为关于零磁偏线的经向电子浓度东西不对称结构, 计算表明该结构 与受地磁偏角控制的热层纬向水平风引起的等离子体向上漂移密切相关; 第三 阶EOF分量表现为磁倾控制的热层子午向风引起的等离子体向上漂移影响.  相似文献   
太阳活动对电离层TEC变化影响分析ormalsize   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究太阳活动对电离层TEC变化的影响,从整体到局部分析了2000—2016年的太阳黑子数、太阳射电流量F10.7指数日均值与电离层TEC的关系,并重点分析了2017年9月6日太阳爆发X9.3级特大耀斑前后15天太阳活动与电离层TEC变化的相关性.结果表明:由2000—2016年的数据整体看来,太阳黑子数、太阳F10.7指数、TEC两两之间具有很强的整体相关性,但局部相关性强弱不均;此次耀斑爆发前后太阳黑子数、太阳F10.7指数和TEC具有很强的正相关特性,太阳活动对TEC的影响时延约为2天;太阳活动对全球电离层TEC的影响不同步,从高纬至低纬约有1天的延迟,且对低纬度的影响远大于中高纬度.太阳活动是影响电离层TEC变化的主要原因,但局部也可能存在其他重要影响因素.  相似文献   
Data from the archive of the International GNSS Services (IGS) were used to study the seasonal variations of Total Electron Content (TEC) over three stations located at different latitudes in the southern hemisphere during the geomagnetic storms of 11 January, 6 April, 8 June, and 13 October 2000, representing storms that occurred in summer, autumn equinox, winter and spring equinox, respectively. The percentage TEC deviation with respect to reference values differs substantially from season to season. A strong seasonal anomaly and clear equinoctial asymmetry in TEC response to the storms were observed. Weak and short-lived positive TEC deviations as well as strong and long-lasting negative trends were observed in summer storm during the main and recovery phases respectively over the high and low latitudes whereas in winter storm, the highest positive TEC deviations was recorded during the main phase over the entire latitudes. TEC enhancement dominated all the stations during the autumn (March) equinox storm while TEC depletion was majorly observed during the spring (September) equinox. All these variations find their explanations in the thermospheric composition change and circulation. Future work with direct or modeled measurement of atomic Oxygen to molecular Nitrogen ratio (O/N2), large number of storms and other possible factors such as variations in storm’s intensity and local time dependence of the storm onset is expected to validate the observations in this study.  相似文献   
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