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二次通用旋转组合设计试验在造粒技术领域的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了利用二次通用旋转组合设计来进行多因素影响的振动流化床喷雾造粒试验,建立数学模型,得出了具有一定参数价值的最佳操作参数。  相似文献   
素质教育提倡科学教育与人文教育整合,以培养高素质的科技人才。而目前,我国的大学英语教学又是以理工科学生为主要对象。在这种情况下,在英语教学中加强人文教育有重要的意义。  相似文献   
In this study, an adaptive neural network control approach is proposed to achieve accurate and robust control of nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics, wherein the neural network is innovatively used to learn the inverse problem of system dynamics with guaranteed convergence. This study focuses on the following three contributions. First, the considered system is transformed into a multi-integrator system using an input–output linearization technique, and an extended state observation technique is used to identify the transformed states. Second, an iterative control learning algorithm is proposed to achieve the neural network training, and stability analysis is given to prove that the network’s predictions converge to ideal control inputs with guaranteed convergence. Third, an adaptive neural network controller is developed by combining the trained network and a proportional-integral controller, and the long-standing challenge of model-based methods for control determination of unknown dynamics is resolved. Simulation results of a virtual control mission and an aerospace altitude tracking mission are provided to substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques and illustrate the adaptability and robustness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   
宋亮  李志  马兴瑞 《宇航学报》2015,36(8):906-915
针对几何、质量特性参数均未知的空间碎片,提出一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)的相对位姿估计算法。该算法以单目相机获得的目标图像特征视线信息作为测量输入,以目标姿态、姿态角速度、惯量比、相对位置、相对速度和特征位置作为滤波状态。对算法进行可观性分析,给出两个可以保证算法可观性的条件。分别针对不同条件进行数值仿真,仿真结果表明新算法能够对几何和质量参数未知的空间碎片进行有效的相对位姿 估计。  相似文献   
Inspired by the three-dimensional design of flow passages in turbomachinery, this study proposes the concept of integrated passage design. The capability of adjoint method for efficient optimization and the flexibility of the parameterization method based on extended free-form deformation have been considered to develop a feasible approach to design an integrated passage. This concept was applied to redesign a typical transonic fan, Rotor 67, and the results were analyzed by CFX. It is shown that the passage was adequately adjusted in all three dimensions and reduced the strength of shock wave and wake-induced flow. In particular, the secondary flow was appropriately reorganized and the corner separation was well controlled in the end wall region, leading to significant improvements in adiabatic efficiency and diffusion.  相似文献   
针对内部不确定性以及外部环境摄动的 目标环绕控制问题,在基于反步法的双层制导框架下,利用级联控制思想,提出了 一种圆形轨迹导引下的四旋翼无人机事件触发抗扰环绕控制方法.在轨迹回路中,构建了可满足持续激励条件的 目标位置估计器,保证仅通过视线方位角就能获取可满足最终一致有界条件的目标估计项.随后,基于目标的位置估计结果,设计了 目标环绕控制律生成线速度指令,并通过方向向量场验证了该环绕制导律的有效性,消除了现有李雅普诺夫向量场制导(LVFG)对相对位置和目标速度的依赖.在姿态回路中,通过采用扩张状态观测器(ESO)补偿系统的集总不确定性,设计了基于相对阈值事件触发控制的姿态控制器,在有效降低控制器到执行机构之间信号传输频率的同时,实现了四旋翼无人机对静止/移动目标环绕.然后,借助输入状态稳定性定理证明了系统的稳定性.仿真结果表明,所提控制方案能够实现圆形轨迹导引下四旋翼无人机对静止/移动目标的环绕监视.  相似文献   
双尾撑布局无人机总体气动设计研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了双尾撑布局飞机的起源和特征,讨论了大展弦比和中等展弦比双尾撑布局无人机的设计特点和区别,归纳了双尾撑无人机总体气动设计工具、经验估算公式和阻力特性;指出将统计方法和数值模拟方法相结合,进行多学科设计优化是可行的解决方案,并对未来可能的设计方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
航空电子系统通用测试平台的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用新一代测控技术,构建了基于PXI总线标准,由信号适配器、矩阵开关、可视化虚拟数据采集系统和通用总线监控系统组成的标准化通用测试平台。同时介绍了ARINC429总线数据按照规则进行解析的方法。其技术思想和方案对于复杂电子设备的通用测试设备的研制具有广泛指导意义。  相似文献   
基于扩展有限元方法研究钛合金传统机加接头耳片与含预置非焊合区的层合接头耳片结构在拉-拉疲劳荷载作用下的裂纹扩展特性,揭示螺栓孔在受挤压情况下非焊合区对钛合金典型连接结构疲劳裂纹扩展的抑制作用,并通过试验验证扩展有限元方法对钛合金典型连接耳片结构裂纹扩展特性分析的有效性。  相似文献   
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