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根据红外测温仪的原理,结合红外测温仪的应用实例,分析了影响红外测温仪示值的主要因素,对如何正确使用和校准红外测温仪给出了建议。  相似文献   
铝球超高速撞击铝板反溅碎片云团辐射特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过超高速撞击试验,获得了铝球撞击铝板反溅粒子云团在250~340nm波段的辐射特征光谱。在该波段辨认出铝原子的六条特征谱线,并对其伴线进行了解耦。根据所测光谱数据,使用多谱线法测量出不同撞击条件下的超高速撞击反溅粒子云团的温度,发现超高速撞击反溅粒子云团温度随弹丸直径和撞击速度的增加而增加;相较弹丸直径,反溅粒子云团温度对撞击速度更加敏感;最后拟合出反溅粒子云团温度与撞击参数之间的经验公式。对每条谱线波峰和整个波段分别进行了积分,研究发现谱线波峰积分强度、整个波段积分强度均与弹丸动能呈线性关系,并获得了谱线波峰积分强度与撞击动能之间的斜率系数,该系数可以表征在超高速撞击条件下该峰值的辐射效率。最后结合所得超高速撞击反溅粒子云团温度经验公式推导出基态原子数与撞击参数之间的关系,在此基础上探讨了超高速撞击反溅粒子云团原子离化率、气化率与撞击参数的关系。  相似文献   
对考虑辐射传热、流体黏度随温度变化、有和无滑移边界条件下的可渗透竖直平板Blasius流层流边界层的无量纲速度场与温度场进行了深入研究.经相似变换将描述速度场与温度场耦合的偏微分方程组转换成非线性常微分方程组,用Runge-Kutta法对常微分方程组进行了数值求解.研究了无量纲参数对无量纲速度场及温度场的影响,着重分析了滑移边界条件下速度和温度随无量纲参数的变化规律.结果表明:吸入时边界层变薄,喷注时边界层加厚;对比于无滑移边界条件,滑移边界条件下速度、温度边界层变薄;随着变黏度参数a或喷注与吸入参数的增大,壁面摩擦因数、局部努塞尔数Nu增大,速度和温度边界层变薄;随着普朗特数Pr、热辐射参数R的增加,或毕渥数Bi,布林克曼数Br的减小, 温度边界层变薄.   相似文献   
梁飞  効迎春  鲁楠  朱峰 《航空学报》2020,41(8):323705-323705
为了分析电气化铁路高速列车电分相电弧对机场全向信标(VOR)的影响,研究其电磁发射特性。利用电磁干扰接收机与频谱仪,分别以点频和扫频方式,对电气化铁路电分相点和普通点进行了大量辐射测试。分析测试数据的异方差性,改进回归分析方法,拟合出电弧在全向信标频段的幅频特性曲线,分析弓网电弧电磁辐射对机场全向信标的影响。结果表明:电分相电磁辐射是随机的,在电分相处比普通点大;现代电气化铁路高速列车经过电分相的测试数据异方差性比较明显,普通的最小二乘估计方法不适用;当电气化铁路电分相点与飞机距离小于4.944 km时,可能会对VOR信号产生影响。  相似文献   
主要介绍计算机有用信息电磁辐射机理及为接收这些信息采用的接收机应具备的条件。计算机泄漏的有用信息是宽带信号:要接收这些信号,接收机必须要有足够的灵敏度和较宽的接收带宽,具有多种检波方式和适时分析的能力,并能进行自动化测量。最后,介绍防止计算机电磁辐射的防护措施。  相似文献   
飞行体的海空背景反射与辐射计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了对近海飞行体的红外特性有重要影响的海空背景辐射的反射特性.讨论了波浪面起伏随机规律,随机起伏对海面自身辐射及对阳光反射的影响,推演了此种随机起伏波浪面的自身辐射及反射的阳光在观测点形成的辐照度的计算方法.给出的算例结果表明,海空背景对飞行体的红外特性尤其对其前半球的红外特性有重要的意义.  相似文献   
电子束固化技术及在复合材料制造领域的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对辐射固化与光固化进行了比较,阐述了电子束辐射固化的基本过程,并对电子束固化复合材料的技术特点进行了概述.此外,还详细总结了电子束固化复合材料技术的发展状况,包括可电子束固化的树脂体系,辐敏剂以及活性稀释剂的选择和应用,固化机理的研究等.最后,还对复合材料的低能电子束固化技术以及新型树脂体系的探索进行了总结.  相似文献   
Near-infrared diffuse radiation at 1 μm – 5 μm was observed using cold optics on board a sounding rocket. The observed surface brightness is too bright to be explained by known diffuse sources and its significant part is possibly attributed to the cosmic origin. Extragalactic background radiation thus obtained is brighter than theoretically estimated so that new energy sources at an early epoch of the universe are required.  相似文献   
Radiation in low Earth orbit (LEO) is mainly composed of galactic cosmic rays (GCR), solar energetic particles and particles in SAA (South Atlantic Anomaly). The biological impact of space radiation to astronauts depends strongly on the particles’ linear energy transfer (LET) and is dominated by high LET radiation. It is important to measure the LET spectrum for the space radiation field and to investigate the influence of radiation on astronauts. At present, the preferred active dosimeters sensitive to all LET are the tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) and the silicon detectors in various configurations; the preferred passive dosimeters are CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTDs) sensitive to high LET and thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) as well as optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) sensitive to low LET. The TEPC, CR-39 PNTDs, TLDs and OSLDs were used to investigate the radiation field for the ISS mission Expedition 13 (ISS-12S) in LEO. LET spectra and radiation quantities (fluence, absorbed dose, dose equivalent and quality factor) were measured for the space mission with different dosimeters. This paper introduces the role of high LET radiation in radiobiology, the operational principles for the different dosimeters, the LET spectrum method using CR-39 detectors, the method to combine the results measured with TLDs/OSLDs and CR-39 PNTDs, and presents the LET spectra and the radiation quantities measured and combined.  相似文献   
The radiation environment at the altitude of the International Space Station (ISS) is substantially different than anything typically encountered on Earth in both the character of the radiation field and the significantly higher dose rates. Concerns about the biological effects on humans of this highly complex natural radiation field are increasing due to higher amount of astronauts performing long-duration missions onboard the ISS and especially if looking into planned future manned missions to Mars. In order to begin the process of predicting the dose levels seen by the organs of an astronaut, being the prerequisite for radiation risk calculations, it is necessary to understand the character of the radiation environment both in- and outside of the ISS as well as the relevant contributions from the radiation field to the organ doses.  相似文献   
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