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基于大气传输软件激光透过率对比研究 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3
简要地归纳了目前比较通用的大气传输软件LOWTRAN7、MODTRAN和FASCODE的概况和异同,分析了大气透过率的计算和激光武器选用的波长,比较了激光传输衰减和能见度的关系,重点研究对比了用LOWTRAN7和FASCODE计算1.06μm和10.6μm激光的透过率,并得出了结论。 相似文献
本文建立一个数值模拟完全气体混合流动的理论模型.该模型首先应用混合气体的Euler方程和每种气体组分的质量分数方程来控制流动.为了消除混合网格内气体组分界面附近出现的非物理振荡,我们假定混合气体的每种组分达到了动力学平衡状态然而尚未达到热力学平衡状态.这种思想导致需要另外给定每种气体组分的总能量方程.为使用高分辨格式来求解这组双曲型偏微分方程并且简化对所需要的Jacobi矩阵的推导,混合气体的压力方程也被耦合起来.Godunov型的波传播方法被采用来离散求解所获得的控制方程.从典型算例结果来看,一维问题的 相似文献
We review work on diffusion coefficients of energetic particles with an attempt to extract implications on their behaviour at high latitudes. In the ecliptic plane results from solar energetic particle propagation between the Sun and about 5 AU can be described by an effective radial mean free path r which is approximately constant as a function of distancer. When particle propagation in three dimensions in the heliosphere is considered it is not sufficient to consider r only. Jovian electrons can be used as probes to determine the parameters of three-dimensional diffusion. In the polar regions diffusion is dominated by its parallel component. Some predictions how should vary with latitude are discussed. For different choices of this variation we present expectations for intensity-time profiles of solar particle events during the Ulysses polar passages. 相似文献
The solar wind termination shock is described as a multi-fluid phenomenon taking into account the magnetohydrodynamic self-interaction of a multispecies plasma consisting of solar wind ions, pick-up ions and shock-generated anomalous cosmic ray particles. The spatial diffusion of these high energy particles relative to the resulting, pressure-modified solar wind flow structure is described by a coupled system of differential equations describing mass-, momentum-, and energy-flow continuities for all plasma components. The energy loss due to escape of energetic particles (MeV) from the precursor into the inner heliosphere is taken into account. We determine the integrated properties of the anomalous cosmic ray gas and the low-energy solar wind. Also the variation of the compression ratio of the shock structure is quantitatively determined and is related to the pick-up ion energization efficiency and to the mean energy of the downstream anomalous cosmic ray particles. The variation of the resulting shock structure and of the solar wind sheath plasma extent beyond the shock is discussed with respect to its consequences for the LISM neutral gas filtration and the threedimensional shape of the heliosphere. 相似文献
采用混合模式弯曲试验研究了T300/M10和HTA/6376两种复合材料静态和疲劳加载的分层断裂行为。在不同α/L比和混合模式比条件下加载,两种材料呈现脆性不稳定或脆性稳定的裂纹扩展。在疲劳加载中,裂纹扩展始终是稳定的。混合模式比对分层韧性、疲劳裂纹扩展速率和疲劳门槛值均有明显影响。 相似文献