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喉栓式推力可调发动机喷管流场数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对喉栓式推力可调固体火箭发动机喷管流场进行了数值模拟,并对喉栓型面进行了过程优化;针对喉栓不同作动速度和自由容积,分析了流场内各参数的变化;进行了非同轴喉栓发动机试验研究.计算结果表明,细长锥型喉栓总体性能最优;发动机压强建立过程与喉栓作动速度和自由容积关系密切;模拟结果与试验数据差别不大,可为喉栓式推力可调固体火箭发动机的研发提供参考.  相似文献   
张海波  孙健国 《航空学报》2010,31(4):663-670
研究了航空发动机在线优化算法问题。基于序列可行方向法,提出了一种用于解决一般非线性优化问题改进的序列线性规划(SLP)在线优化算法——可行下降序列线性规划(FSLP)方法。其显著特点是通过适当的步长修正算法,在保证目标函数下降的同时,确保解的可行性。根据对偶理论证明了其核心算法的收敛性,对步长修正原理进行了数学分析,并详细介绍了算法实现途径。基于上述优化算法,以某型双转子涡扇发动机最大推力模式为仿真算例,验证了该算法在解决航空发动机在线优化问题时,相比传统的序列优化方法,在提高优化算法解的可行性方面效果更好。  相似文献   
黄春桃  孙冰 《火箭推进》2011,37(1):17-21,39
对于采用层板发汗冷却的推力室,为了最大限度地减少冷却剂流量,理想情况是,应根据不同轴向位置的受热情况来分配冷却剂流量,以使各处的壁面温度都控制在材料的许用温度内.本文运用有限体积法,对层板发汗冷却推力室内的燃气流动和壁面内的传热进行了数值模拟,同时通过调节冷却剂吹风比,使各处的壁面温度都控制在材料的许用温度之内.为综合...  相似文献   
再生冷却推力室的多学科设计优化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
方杰  蔡国飙  王珏  尘军 《火箭推进》2005,31(2):12-16
以某型火箭发动机的再生冷却推力室为研究对象,建立了关于推力室的几何型面、质量、流动、传热和结构应力的仿真模型,在iSIGHT软件平台上利用基于响应面模型的协同优化算法对其进行了分布并行的多学科设计优化(MDO),优化目标为权衡推力室质量、出口比冲和冷却通道压降的综合改善。改进的计算结果表明了MDO在推力室设计中的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   
针对膨胀循环发动机推力室身部燃气侧的内壁增强换热结构和冷却剂侧的冷却通道结构这两个影响推力室身部换热最关键的结构分别进行多种结构下的数值模拟对比。通过分析各结构的模拟结果,得到了能够合理提高推力室身部换热能力的内壁加肋结构和圆柱段冷却通道深宽比的结构特征。  相似文献   
《Acta Astronautica》2014,93(1):278-284
This paper reassesses the classical circumferential-thrust problem, in which a spacecraft orbiting around a primary body is subjected to a propulsive acceleration of constant modulus, whose direction is in the plane of the parking orbit and orthogonal to the spacecraft-primary line. In particular, a new formulation is proposed to obtain a reduction in the number of differential equations required for the study of the spacecraft propelled trajectory. The mathematical complexity of the problem may be further reduced assuming that both the propulsive acceleration modulus and the spacecraft distance from the primary body are sufficiently small. In that case, an approximate model is able to accurately describe the characteristics of the propelled trajectory when the parking orbit is circular. Finally, using the data obtained by numerical simulations, the approximate model is extended to generate a set of semi-analytical equations for the analysis of a classical escape mission scenario.  相似文献   
针对太阳系远深距离的探测将是人类下一阶段深空探测活动的主要目标。这一目标的实现依赖于探测器连续推进动力技术的突破。从描述连续常值推力下太空飞行的施图林格解出发,对其中反映的深远空飞行任务有效载荷比、任务时间、飞行距离等关键参数与发动机性能之间的关系进行了深入分析。给出了在特定任务时长、特定飞行距离要求下发动机比冲、功率需要满足的条件及其对有效载荷比、最终飞行速度等指标的影响。此外,基于二体轨道动力学对太阳系行星探测的大椭圆转移轨道和转移能量进行了推导,并对连续推力的太阳帆任务方案涉及的关键技术指标做了理论性的计算。这些结论是对深空探测连续推力方案基础理论的归纳,可以为我国未来开展深远空探测活动提供重要的启发和指导。  相似文献   
因叶轮/扩压器转静间断,离心压气机级中必然存在引气腔并对级性能产生影响,中小型航空发动机/燃气轮机用半开式离心叶轮中背腔引气影响尤为突出。从简化及真实离心叶轮背腔流态研究、复杂流态调控方法、对级气动性能影响、叶轮/扩压器/背腔多维度耦合模拟方法等方面进行了综述,展示了背腔引气对风阻损失、轴向力平衡、油/气密封及冷却气输送等多方面重要影响,并对其可能的先进设计方法进行了分析与展望。  相似文献   
空间小推力发动机推力室喷注器的设计与身部冷却问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了空间小推力双组元液体火箭发动机推力空头部喷注器设计的某些特点和身部冷却的一些问题,具体地讨论了几种喷注器设计方案和简述了身部液膜/辐射冷却的机制,并给出某些情况下估算壁温的方法。  相似文献   
The real dynamic thrust measurement system usually tends to be nonlinear due to the complex characteristics of the rig, pipes connection, etc. For a real dynamic measuring system,the nonlinearity must be eliminated by some adequate methods. In this paper, a nonlinear model of dynamic thrust measurement system is established by using radial basis function neural network(RBF-NN), where a novel multi-step force generator is designed to stimulate the nonlinearity of the system, and a practical compensation method for the measurement system using left inverse model is proposed. Left inverse model can be considered as a perfect dynamic compensation of the dynamic thrust measurement system, and in practice, it can be approximated by RBF-NN based on least mean square(LMS) algorithms. Different weights are set for producing the multi-step force, which is the ideal input signal of the nonlinear dynamic thrust measurement system. The validity of the compensation method depends on the engine’s performance and the tolerance error0.5%, which is commonly demanded in engineering. Results from simulations and experiments show that the practical compensation using left inverse model based on RBF-NN in dynamic thrust measuring system can yield high tracking accuracy than the conventional methods.  相似文献   
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