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本文叙述了高空科学气球上一种自行研制的宇宙尘收集器以及气球吊篮系统。利用该系统进行了五次高空字宙尘粒的收集飞行,简述了对所收集的尘粒进行系统研究的结果。  相似文献   
A large fraction of ISO observing time was used to study the late stages of stellar evolution. Many molecular and solid state features, including crystalline silicates and the rotational lines of water vapour, were detected for the first time in the spectra of (post-)Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. Their analysis has greatly improved our knowledge of stellar atmospheres and circumstellar environments. A surprising number of objects, particularly young planetary nebulae with Wolf-Rayet (WR) central stars, were found to exhibit emission features in their ISO spectra that are characteristic of both oxygen-rich and carbon-rich dust species, while far-IR observations of the PDR around NGC 7027 led to the first detections of the rotational line spectra of CH and CH+. Based on observations with ISO, an ESA project with instruments funded by ESA Member States (especially the PI countries: France, Germany, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom), and with the participation of ISAS and NASA.  相似文献   
"嫦娥三号"是我国首个成功实施地外天体表面就位探测的航天器,在其研制过程中充分考虑了月面环境对探测器的影响,开展了针对性设计及地面验证工作。文章综述了探测器针对月尘环境方面的设计因素,总结了月面月尘激扬的因素及其相关数值分析工作,对月尘验证试验的设计及条件制定进行了说明。相关结果或工作思路可为后续月面探测器及火星表面探测器的研制提供参考。  相似文献   
着重介绍了凝聚式过滤器的开发、设计及与空气压缩机厂原有产品在性能上是有区别的。新的凝聚式过滤器实现了对压缩空气进行切向进气,用丝网除沫器和精滤芯等代替原有的陶瓷管堆积过滤和毛毡缠绕过滤法。在过滤精度,气流均匀性阻力特性等性能上有一定优势,且成本低、数命长,经济实用。  相似文献   
The Grain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator (GIADA) onboard the ROSETTA mission to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is devoted to study the cometary dust environment. Thanks to the rendezvous configuration of the mission, GIADA will be plunged in the dust environment of the coma and will be able to explore dust flux evolution and grain dynamic properties with position and time. This will represent a unique opportunity to perform measurements on key parameters that no ground-based observation or fly-by mission is able to obtain and that no tail or coma model elaborated so far has been able to properly simulate. The coma and nucleus properties shall be, then, clarified with consequent improvement of models describing inner and outer coma evolution, but also of models about nucleus emission during different phases of its evolution. GIADA shall be capable to measure mass/size of single particles larger than about 15 μm together with momentum in the range 6.5 × 10−10 ÷ 4.0 × 10−4 kg m s−1 for velocities up to about 300 m s−1. For micron/submicron particles the cumulative mass shall be detected with sensitivity 10−10 g. These performances are suitable to provide a statistically relevant set of data about dust physical and dynamic properties in the dust environment expected for the target comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Pre-flight measurements and post-launch checkouts demonstrate that GIADA is behaving as expected according to the design specifications. The International GIADA Consortium (I, E, UK, F, D, USA).  相似文献   
天基微小空间碎片探测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着空间碎片数量的不断增多,天基微小空间碎片探测已经成为一个热点.首先介绍了空间碎片在低地球轨道上的分布情况以及它对于航天器的危害,然后介绍了国外微小碎片探测器的基本情况,并在这些探测结果的基础上提出了一个探测器方案.这种探测器的传感器采用了新型的压电材料聚偏二氟乙稀(PVDF),使用了飞行时间法(TOF)准确测定空间碎片的飞行速度,以及快脉冲分析系统分析碎片的质量.  相似文献   
当前中国正在进行自己的探月工程,预计将会发射月球车登陆月球表面.在研制月球探测器过程中,为了在地面验证月球车的可靠性和各项功能(如着陆冲击、自主巡航和遥控),必须建立相应的地面试验中心.根据目前对月球表面环境的认识和现有的仿真技术,文章提出了实现月表综合环境模拟的试验设施的设想.由于月球表面环境非常恶劣并且月表的地形也非常复杂,文章提出了一种组合式月表环境模拟器的设想.主要部分是模拟各种月貌特征(如陨石坑、斜坡、沟壑等)的可移动单元.每个单元是一个用模拟月壤制作的小沙盘,其化学成分、组成颗粒分布和力学性能和已经获取的真实月壤样品相似.根据不同的试验要求,选择相应的单元按照一定的规律组合成为试验场.这样在有限的场地面积内可以按需实现对月表不同地域的地貌特征模拟.同时,可以选择少量单元的组合构成更小规模的试验场,以方便与其它环境模拟器(如落塔,热/真空容器等)联合,实现模拟月表的综合环境.  相似文献   
带有微尘的空气进入航空发动机,极易在涡轮叶片内冷通道发生沉积。为探究微尘沉积形貌对涡轮叶片内冷通道换热特性的影响,选取冲击气膜冷却结构,基于微尘沉积实验结果,构造微尘沉积形貌,由锥状突起和环状突起组成,通过数值模拟获得不同射流雷诺数下冲击靶面努塞尔数Nu。研究结果表明,冲击靶面微尘沉积层的出现,将大幅降低浸润面积平均努塞尔数Nuwetted,而对映射面积平均努塞尔数Nuavg影响较小;冲击驻点周围的高换热区范围减少;相邻冲击孔中点附近的高换热区努塞尔数Nu增大;此外,射流雷诺数的增大整体上提高了冲击靶面的换热强度。由于锥状突起和环状突起的扰动作用, 壁面附近回流涡增多, 使得冲击靶面大部分区域温度边界层厚度增加,因此换热性能降低。  相似文献   
The space plasma environment usually contains charged dust grains. The grain charge is an important parameter determining its migration through the space, coagulation, formation of dust clouds and so on. The knowledge of its charge is thus one of the basic information we want to know. There are several emission processes leading to both positive and negative charges, among others photoemission, all kinds of secondary emissions, field emissions, etc. The present study is focused on a laboratory simulation of emissions caused by impacts by energetic ions. Our experiment is based on the Paul trap which gives us an opportunity to catch a single dust grain for several days inside the vacuum vessel and exposed it by electron/ion beams. This experimental approach allows us to separate an individual charging process. We have chosen spherically shaped gold grains and discussed the processes leading to the limitation of the grain charge. We suggested that the implantation of charging ions leads to deformations of the grain surface. The deformations enhance the local electric field strength that becomes sufficient for the field ionization.  相似文献   
The average mass of dust per volume in space equals that of the solar wind so that the interplanetary medium should provide an obvious region to study dust plasma interactions. While dust collective behavior is typically not observed in the interplanetary medium, the dust component rather consists of isolated grains screened by and interacting with the plasma. Space measurements have revealed several phenomena possibly resulting from dust plasma interactions, but most of the dust plasma interactions are at present not quantified. Examples are the production of neutrals and pick-up ions from the dust, dust impact generated field variations at spacecraft and magnetic field variations possibly caused by solar wind interacting with dust trails. Since dust particles carry a surface charge, they are exposed to the Lorentz force in the interplanetary magnetic field and for grains of sub-micrometer sizes acceleration can be substantial.  相似文献   
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