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CAKE (Cosmic Abundances below Knee Energies) was a prototype balloon experiment for the determination of the charge spectra and abundances of the primary cosmic rays (CR) with Z > 10. It was a passive instrument made of layers of CR39® and Lexan®/Makrofol® nuclear track detectors; it had a geometric acceptance of ∼0.7 m2 sr for Fe nuclei. Here, the scanning and analysis strategies, the algorithms used for the off-line filtering and for the tracking in automated mode of the primary cosmic rays are presented, together with the resulting CR charge distribution and their abundances.  相似文献   
李夏苗  陈新江  伍国华  贺川  龙运军 《航空学报》2019,40(11):323233-323233
为提高中继卫星系统的应用效能及数传任务的完成率,在中继卫星调度中考虑了断点续传这一应用模式,即对单个数传任务进行合理拆分,使其在多个时间窗口内完成。首先构建面向断点续传的中继卫星单址天线的调度模型,然后提出一种基于冲突风险评估的冲突度量化方法,并设计考虑断点续传的两阶段调度算法。最后开展大量的仿真实验将该算法与贪婪算法、基于最小冲突度的启发式算法和基于任务优先级的启发式算法这3个不考虑断点续传的算法进行对比。实验结果表明,所提出的算法在任务完成率方面分别提高了7.67%、6.34%和8.67%。  相似文献   
Rendezvous and docking (RVD) with a tumbling target is challenging. In this paper, a novel control scheme based on motion planning and pose (position and attitude) tracking is proposed to solve the pose control of a chaser docking with a tumbling target in the phase of close range rendezvous. Firstly, the current desired motion of the chaser is planned according to the motion of the target. In planning the desired motion, the “approach path constraint” is considered to avoid collisions between the chaser and the target, and the “field-of-view constraint” is considered to make sure the vision sensors on the chaser to obtain tight relative pose knowledge of the target with respect to the chaser. Then, the difference between the chaser’s motion and the desired motion is gradually reduced by a pose tracking controller. This controller is based on the non-singular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) method to make the tracking error converge to zero in finite time. Since the chaser nearly moves along the desired motion and the motion is reasonable, (1) it could safely arrive at the docking port of the target with a suitable relative attitude, (2) it will be always suitably oriented to observe the target well, and (3) the magnitude of the needed control inputs are less than that in existing literatures. The numerical results demonstrate the above three advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   
月面着陆器在下降着陆过程中质量变化大,质心漂移及其引起的姿态扰动问题突出。载人月面着陆任务对安全性可靠性要求高,如何提高姿态控制的精度和稳定度是着陆任务顺利实施的关键。文章提出采用反作用控制系统和推力矢量控制的联合姿态控制方案,设计了自适应姿态控制器及质心漂移自适应估计器,通过李雅普洛夫方法证明闭环姿态控制系统稳定,引入反作用控制和推力矢量控制的误差特性以检验控制器的鲁棒性。数值仿真结果表明该控制方案可行,所设计自适应姿态控制器能使姿态控制系统稳定,推力矢量控制侧摆能使推力指向跟踪质心,可为工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
基于深度学习的目标跟踪技术及其多波段应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目标跟踪是计算机视觉领域中最具挑战性的领域之一。首先,回顾了目标跟踪技术发展现状并总结出目标跟踪的一般流程;其次,分析了卡尔曼滤波、粒子滤波等传统目标跟踪方法的优缺点;再次,依次重点介绍了固定窗跟踪等相关滤波目标跟踪方法,以及全网络自适应目标跟踪等高性能目标跟踪方法;最后,总结了目标跟踪在红外、毫米波、太赫兹等波段的应用,并对多波段融合目标跟踪进行了展望。  相似文献   
在块对角控制系统中,采用解析逆解等思想使控制器设计具有很多的优点,但是该控制器存在参数较多且难以优化选取的问题。文中提出了一种基于粒子群算法的纵向块对角控制器参数优化方法,进行了原理分析及数值仿真。结果表明,该方法可以较好地寻优纵向块对角控制器参数,实现舰载机跟踪理想轨迹准确着舰。  相似文献   
针对无人机自动着陆过程中外部不确定性强,影响控制精度和飞行安全的问题,提出一种基于鲁棒伺服线性二次型(Linear Quadratic Regulator,LQR)的横航向自动着陆控制律设计方法。基于鲁棒伺服LQR设计滚转姿态保持内回路,设计航向保持/预选模态和航向信标(Localizer,LOC)截获与跟踪模态,实现横航向轨迹的稳定与精确跟踪。数字仿真结果表明,该方法具有较好的控制效果。  相似文献   
An adaptive sliding mode control(ASMC) law is proposed in decentralized scheme for trajectory tracking control of a new concept space robot.Each joint of the system is a free ball joint capable of rotating with three degrees of freedom(DOF).A cluster of control moment gyroscopes(CMGs) is mounted on each link and the base to actuate the system.The modified Rodrigues parameters(MRPs) are employed to describe the angular displacements,and the equations of motion are derived using Kane's equations.The controller for each link or the base is designed separately in decentralized scheme.The unknown disturbances,inertia parameter uncertainties and nonlinear uncertainties are classified as a ‘‘lumped matched uncertainty with unknown upper bound,and a continuous sliding mode control(SMC) law is proposed,in which the control gain is tuned by the improved adaptation laws for the upper bound on norm of the uncertainty.A general amplification function is designed and incorporated in the adaptation laws to reduce the control error without conspicuously increasing the magnitude of the control input.Uniformly ultimate boundedness of the closed loop system is proved by Lyapunov's method.Simulation results based on a three-link system verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   
为了跟踪空间目标,构建了基于局部粒子滤波器的多传感器融合方法估计空间目标状态。粒子滤波重要采样过程中,设计了基于融合估计的重要密度函数减少粒子贫化问题,并设计基于 McDE(Memetic compact Differ. ential Evolution)重采样策略,通过对粒子的变异与选择等进化操作来解决粒子退化问题。理论推导与仿真结果皆证明方法的有效性。  相似文献   
微型飞行器过失速降落轨迹跟踪控制设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用基于张量积的T-S模糊建模与控制方法,对微型飞行器过失速降落纵向运动的轨迹跟踪控制问题进行了研究。首先,建立了过失速降落中飞行器纵向运动的线性变参数动力学模型;然后,通过张量积模型转化方法,将线性变参数模型转化为张量积胞体模型,基于该模型设计了并行分布补偿控制器,用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了闭环系统的稳定性,并推导了区域极点配置条件以获得更好的暂态响应性能;最后,对飞行器的过失速降落过程进行了仿真,验证了所设计的跟踪控制器的有效性。  相似文献   
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