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梁坤  施浒立 《宇航学报》2007,28(3):571-575
精确的码相位测量是保证GPS接收机得到精确伪距值进而进行精确定位的一个重要前提。在已有码相位测量精化方法的基础之上提出了两种新的码相位测量精化的方法,讲述了两种方法的原理与具体实现方法,并利用蒙特卡洛方法进行了仿真实验,得到了码相位结果均值、码相位结果均值方差等一系列实验结果,对几种方法的精化效果从精确性、稳定性和跟踪性能等几个方面进行了比较分析,得出了相应的结论。与三角匹配法和二次曲线插值精化法相比,二阶最小二乘拟合精化法和广义延拓逼近精化法有明显优势;广义延拓逼近精化法的精化精度最高、跟踪精度最高,而二阶最小二乘拟合精化法的稳定性最好。  相似文献   
地形匹配系统中各项误差的等效噪声分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了把航迹、航速和航向误差等效为附加的测量噪声的方法。用两种统计参数估计方法估计了等效测量噪声的均值和标准差。求出了这些数字特征与地形的起伏标准差、粗糙度以及航速、航向误差之间的定量变化关系,为工程设计提供参考和依据。  相似文献   
范绪箕  白丹 《宇航学报》2006,27(3):452-456,482
鉴于热防护系统的硅纤维隔热层是各向异性的非灰体材料,其复合传热计算是复杂且耗时的,提出了一种简便方法用于硅纤维这类各向异性非灰体材料的复合传热计算。该方法借鉴了医学领域断层摄影法(局部X射线检测法)中对光沿各向异性散射介质传播分析的思路,得到了各向异性扩散的热辐射方程(RTE—D)并把该方程用于求解非灰体半透明介质的辐射热通量。计算结果与文献中基于辐射传递方程(RTE)求得辐射热流的复合传热数值结果相比较,其最大相对误差为1.5%,并且其计算时间也由Pentium Ⅱ的3297.66分钟缩短为PentiumⅣ的约5分钟。最后,该方法被用于真实热环境下刚性隔热瓦L1900(高空隙率硅纤维隔热材料)的复合传热计算,计算结果与实验数据有较高吻合度。数据结果表明,各向异性的扩散近似被用于求解非灰体半透明介质的辐射热通量的方法用在热防护系统的硅纤维隔热层复合传热数值计算中是简便高效的。  相似文献   
基于Kriging模型的结构耐撞性优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于Kriging模型的耐撞性优化方法。首先就Kriging模型的构造方法及其精度评估问题进行了讨论;然后,以薄壁管为研究对象,采用瞬态非线性有限元分析程序作为计算核心,以薄壁圆管的直径和壁厚为优化变量,以最大撞击载荷为目标函数,薄壁管的最大压缩量等作为约束函数,构造了基于Kriging模型的全局近似函数来逼近真实的优化目标函数与约束函数;随后,提出了提高全局近似函数精度的Kriging模型更新方法,改进了优化设计分析流程;最后,在所构造的全局近似函数的基础上,采用遗传算法进行优化分析。算例分析结果表明,该方法构造的最大撞击载荷与最大压缩量的全局近似函数在最优解处与真实解非常吻合,说明了Kriging模型的有效性。  相似文献   
间隙非线性结构气弹响应分析程序的DMAP开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大型工程结构,目前MSC/NASTRAN提供了线性颤振、线性气弹的计算功能,但无法进行非线性结构的气弹响应分析。本文采用Roger有理函数拟合法,从简谐运动情况下NASTRAN求得的若干折减频率下的非定常气动力系数矩阵,导出任意运动情况下的非定常气动力近似表达式,并将该气动模型引入到非线性运动方程中,利用DM AP语言在NASTRAN非线性瞬态响应分析程序中加入相关气动力模块,实现了大型有限元机翼结构的非线性气弹响应分析。文中给出了算例,结果验证了该法分析间隙非线性结构气弹响应的有效性。  相似文献   
The origin of the aluminum equivalent shield approximation in space radiation analysis can be traced back to its roots in the early years of the NASA space programs (Mercury, Gemini and Apollo) wherein the primary radiobiological concern was the intense sources of ionizing radiation causing short term effects which was thought to jeopardize the safety of the crew and hence the mission. Herein, it is shown that the aluminum equivalent shield approximation, although reasonably well suited for that time period and to the application for which it was developed, is of questionable usefulness to the radiobiological concerns of routine space operations of the 21st century which will include long stays onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and perhaps the moon. This is especially true for a risk based protection system, as appears imminent for deep space exploration where the long-term effects of Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) exposure is of primary concern. The present analysis demonstrates that sufficiently large errors in the interior particle environment of a spacecraft result from the use of the aluminum equivalent approximation, and such approximations should be avoided in future astronaut risk estimates. In this study, the aluminum equivalent approximation is evaluated as a means for estimating the particle environment within a spacecraft structure induced by the GCR radiation field. For comparison, the two extremes of the GCR environment, the 1977 solar minimum and the 2001 solar maximum, are considered. These environments are coupled to the Langley Research Center (LaRC) deterministic ionized particle transport code High charge (Z) and Energy TRaNsport (HZETRN), which propagates the GCR spectra for elements with charges (Z) in the range 1 ? Z ? 28 (H–Ni) and secondary neutrons through selected target materials. The coupling of the GCR extremes to HZETRN allows for the examination of the induced environment within the interior of an idealized spacecraft as approximated by a spherical shell shield, and the effects of the aluminum equivalent approximation for a good polymeric shield material such as generic polyethylene (PE). The shield thickness is represented by a 25 g/cm2 spherical shell. Although, one could imagine the progression to greater thickness, the current range will be sufficient to evaluate the qualitative usefulness of the aluminum equivalent approximation. Upon establishing the inaccuracies of the aluminum equivalent approximation through numerical simulations of the GCR radiation field attenuation for PE and aluminum equivalent PE spherical shells, we further present results for a limited set of commercially available, hydrogen rich, multifunctional polymeric constituents to assess the effect of the aluminum equivalent approximation on their radiation attenuation response as compared to the generic PE.  相似文献   
In the framework of a plane problem of elasticity theory in strength analysis based on the finite element method in the hybrid formulation, we suggest that the approximation of displacements and stresses be used as magnitudes of vector and tensor fields, respectively. The quadrilateral finite element, the displacements and stresses of which are accepted as nodal unknowns is proposed. The mixed Reissner functional is applied to form a finite element deformation matrix.  相似文献   
基于“准稳态”方法建立了一套碳氢燃料点火燃烧的化学反应动力学模型简化方法和相应的软件SPARCK,并从甲烷点火燃烧的GRI2.11详细基元反应动力学模型出发简化得出了包含16个组分12步总包反应形式的简化化学反应动力学模型,从庚烷点火燃烧的详细基元反应动力学模型出发简化得出了包含25个组分21步总包反应形式的简化化学反应动力学模型。通过其计算结果与CARM软件导出简化模型的计算结果和典型激波管试验结果的对比可以看出,本文简化得到的简化反应动力学模型能较为有效地再现详细基元反应模型的反应机理,简化模型的计算精度与CARM软件导出简化模型的计算精度相当。与详细基元反应动力学模型相比,简化模型有效地减少了反应组分,在工程计算中有比较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
设计了一种用于逐次逼近结构ADC中的低电压比较器,比较器由前置开关预放器和动态锁存器组成。前置放大器完成对输入信号进行放大,其高增益提高了比较器的准确度,动态锁存器的正反馈提高了比较器的速度。采用了0.6μm CMOS工艺设计,工作于2.5 V单电源电压,通过详细的电路原理分析和软件SMATSPICE的仿真,得到的分析和仿真结果说明该比较器具有速度快、准确度高、功耗小的特点,适用于逐次逼近结构中的低电压模数转换器。  相似文献   
In real machining, the tool paths are composed of a series of short line segments, which constitute groups of sharp corners correspondingly leading to geometry discontinuity in tangent. As a result, high acceleration with high fluctuation usually occurs. If these kinds of tool paths are directly used for machining, the feedrate and quality will be greatly reduced. Thus, generating continuous tool paths is strongly desired. This paper presents a new error-controllable method for generating continuous tool path. Different from the traditional method focusing on fitting the cutter locations, the proposed method realizes globally smoothing the tool path in an error-controllable way. Concretely, it does the smoothing by approaching the newly produced curve to the linear tool path by taking the tolerance requirement as a constraint. That is, the error between the desired tool path and the G01 commands are taken as a boundary condition to ensure the finally smoothed curve being within the given tolerance. Besides, to improve the smoothing ability in case of small corner angle, an improved local smoothing method is also proposed by symmetrically assigning the control points to the two adjacent linear segments with the constrains of tolerance and G3 continuity. Experiments on an open five-axis machine are developed to verify the advantages of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
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