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阐述了“先进制造技术与管理”课题的研究背景、研究内容、研究目标及保障措施。拟定的主要研究内容有CAD技术、先进测量技术、先进制造管理技术、新产品开发技术、先进制造经济学。  相似文献   
本文通过计划评审技术(PERT)在高机动靶机研制中的成功应用,探讨了如何结合实际情况运用现代工程管理中的一些基本原理,从而达到降谯成本,提高效率的目的.文中对网络计划的时参计算,完工概率分析,静/动态评审提出了见解总结了经验,可供大型科研项目的科学管理作参考。  相似文献   
针对运载器电气系统的数字化,给出研制过程中层次的划分、研制的关键环节及相互关系,并对运载器电气系统的数字样机技术和产品全生命周期管理技术进行扼要的分析,最后给出完整的应用系统框架结构。为运载器的数字化研制作了重要的补充。  相似文献   
近年来,美、欧、亚等技术发达国家的政府和工业界正携手研究推广一项叫做CALS(ContinuousAccuisitionandLife-cycleSupport)的工业发展战略措施。CALS主要含义是指:在产品的全寿命过程中,各环节和有关单位综合利用网络、数据库、多媒体等先进信息技术,各种业务和技术信息数字化,并采用统一交换和共享标准,通过网络或其他计算机信息介质,对需要传递共享的技术数据,实现业务和技术数据一次生成,多次传递使用,以此减少重复工作,提高效率。  相似文献   
文章从零件结构的特征分析、草图绘制、生成工程图3个方面,结合SolidWorks2001软件阐述了机械设计中三维图形绘制的构思和技巧,并介绍了三维图形绘制中常用的3种实用技术。  相似文献   
Due to the long lead time and great expense of traditional sample return mission plans to Mars or other astronomical bodies, there is a need for a new and innovative way to return materials, potentially at a lower cost. The Rapid Impactor Sample Return (RISR) mission is one such proposal. The general mission scenario involves a single pass of Mars, a Martian moon or an asteroid at high speeds (7 km/s), with the sample return vehicle skimming just 1 or 2 m above a high point (such as a top ridge on Olympus Mons on Mars) and releasing an impactor. The impactor strikes the ground, throwing up debris. The debris with roughly the same forward velocity will be captured by the sample return vehicle and returned to Earth. There is no delay or orbit in the vicinity of Mars or the asteroid: RISR is a one-pass mission. This paper discusses some of the details of the proposal. Calculations are presented that address the question of how much material can be recovered with this technique. There are concerns about the effect of Mars tenuous atmosphere. However, it will be noted that such issues do not occur for RISR style missions to Phobos, Deimos, or asteroids and Near Earth Objects (NEOs). Recent test results in the missile defense community (IFTs 6–8 in 2001, 2002) have scored direct hits at better than 1 m accuracy with closing velocities of 7.6 km/s, giving the belief that accuracy and sensing issues are developed to a point that the RISR mission scenario is feasible.  相似文献   
我们研制了一种功能较强的示波器自动校准系统,它能对各种类型的示波器进行全面的计量检定。本文详细介绍了采用微机程控各信号源对示波器进行检定的设计思想、工作原理、实施方法、检定实例、本系统的技术指标及其测试方法和数据处理。文章还阐明了采用补偿电缆损耗的思路和方法,使电缆输出端信号的平坦度优于±0.5dB。  相似文献   
介绍了近10年来南京航空航天大学在实验空气动力学研究方向的进展。南航已经建成了规模较大,较为完善配套的高、低速风洞试验设备,并利用这些设备进行了大量的空气动力学的实验研究。特别是在边界层、尾流旋涡、非定常流、流动控制、航空声学,以及相应的测试技术方面,获得了一大批高水平的研究成果。  相似文献   
In this work, the primary focus is to identify potential technical risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven operations for the safety monitoring of the air traffic from the perspective of speech communication by studying the representative case and evaluating user experience. The case study is performed to evaluate the AI-driven techniques and applications using objective metrics, in which several risks and technical facts are obtained to direct future research. Considering the safety–critical specificities of the air traffic control system, a comprehensive subjective evaluation is conducted to collect user experience by a well-designed anonymous questionnaire and a face-to-face interview. In this procedure, the potential risks obtained from the case study are confirmed, and the impacts on human working are considered. Both the case study and the evaluation of user experience provide compatible results and conclusions: (A) the proposed solution is promising to improve the traffic safety and reduce the workload by detecting potential risks in advance; (B) the AI-driven techniques and whole diagram are suggested to be enhanced to eliminate the possible distraction to the attention of air traffic controllers. Finally, a variety of strategies and approaches are discussed to explore their capability to advance the proposed solution to industrial practices.  相似文献   
自动纤维铺放(AFP)工艺能够有效制造大型复合材料构件,但在铺放过程中因为丝束末端等断面而出现不同角度内嵌缺陷。为解决相关问题,按照[(90°/0°)5/90°]和[(0°/90°)5/0°]的铺层顺序,在0°和90°铺层内分别设置不同丝束末端角度的孔隙缺陷或重叠缺陷。结果表明:不同角度纤维铺层内嵌不同角度缺陷时,导致复合材料构件差异明显。在90°纤维铺层方向上,内嵌90°孔隙缺陷和90°重叠缺陷时,试件拉伸强度最高,拉伸强度比分别为90. 89%和90. 11%。在0°纤维铺层方向上,内嵌±30°孔隙缺陷和30°重叠缺陷时,试件拉伸强度最高,拉伸强度比分别为28. 48%和50. 71%。  相似文献   
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