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概括地阐述了气动加热对机载武器的危害,定量地描述了影响气动加热温度的各种因素。本文提供了大量的图表、曲线,从中可确定在各种飞行高度和环境温度下防止过热的飞行速度和飞行时间。文中最后给出一种典型的空-空导弹飞行试验结果供参考。  相似文献   
针对地磁扰动期间大气密度变化造成的低轨目标较大的轨道预报误差,提出一种根据POES卫星观测的极光能量注入数据改进短期轨道预报的方法。分析表明CHAMP卫星的沿迹大气密度及轨道衰减与极光能量注入具有较好的相关性。通过线性回归方法,建立轨道半长轴衰减及阻力调制系数的修正公式,并使用修正后的阻力调制系数取代两行元(TLE)中的该系数带入SGP4模型进行位置预报。该方案考虑了外推过程中地磁扰动引起的大气密度响应,能更准确地反映外推过程中大气阻力对轨道的影响。将其应用到2008年CHAMP卫星和国际空间站的轨道预报中,结果表明,半长轴和位置的预报误差可分别降低50%和30%左右。进一步对不同年份、不同轨道高度的目标进行了预报误差修正的分析,验证了该方法的普适性。  相似文献   
针对气动加热条件下光学窗口辐射导热耦合传热开展研究,以了解光学窗口的热辐射发射规律及热防护性能。采用有限体积法、蒙特卡罗法、谱带模型建立了具有镜反射界面的光学窗口辐射传输及辐射导热耦合传热计算模型,对具有两层SiO2玻璃的光学窗口传热特性进行了模拟。结果表明处于高温区玻璃向外发射热辐射,低温区玻璃吸收热辐射;除了加热面附近外的玻璃区域,辐射热流密度远大于导热热流密度,在2.9~4.2μm谱带内的辐射热流密度大于0.4~2.9μm谱带内的;在0.4~2.9μm谱带内,可见光波长内的出射辐射热流密度最小,中红外波长范围内出射辐射热流密度最大。在光学窗口总厚度一定的情况下,降低玻璃层厚度和玻璃夹层气体热导率能够有效降低光学窗口非加热面稳态温度。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了TVD类型格式中近似黎曼解的耗散机理,该耗散机制对于粘性问题的计算有较大的负面影响.通过引入低耗散的格式,所发展的数值方法对粘性流场的气动力热问题的计算具有较高的精度.以该数值方法为基础发展的软件系统,在亚跨超和高超声速领域中的气动力热问题上均得到了验证,计算结果与实验进行了对比验证,表明该计算软件系统具有较高的可信性.  相似文献   
本文针对临近空间大气压力传感器现场校准需求,介绍了临近空间大气压力传感器现场校准装置工作原理, 进行理论分析与仿真,提出需突破的关键技术,给出了不确定度预估。  相似文献   
Upper atmospheric densities during geomagnetic storms are usually poorly estimated due to a lack of clear understanding of coupling mechanisms between the thermosphere and magnetosphere. Consequently, the orbit determination and propagation for low-Earth-orbit objects during geomagnetic storms have large uncertainties. Artificial neural networks are often used to identify nonlinear systems in the absence of rigorous theory. In the present study, an attempt has been made to model the storm-time atmospheric density using neural networks. Considering the debate over the representative of geomagnetic storm effect, i.e. the geomagnetic indices ap and Dst, three neural network models (NNM) are developed with ap, Dst and a combination of ap and Dst respectively. The density data used for training the NNMs are derived from the measurements of the satellites CHAMP and GRACE. The NNMs are evaluated by looking at: (a) the mean residuals and the standard deviations with respect to the density data that are not used in training process, and (b) the accuracy of reconstructing the orbits of selected objects during storms employing each model. This empirical modeling technique and the comparisons with the models NRLMSIS-00 and Jacchia-Bowman 2008 reveal (1) the capability of neural networks to model the relationship between solar and geomagnetic activities, and density variations; and (2) the merits and demerits of ap and Dst when it comes to characterizing density variations during storms.  相似文献   
对低轨卫星(LEO),大气阻尼摄动是主要的定轨误差源.尤其在发生磁暴时,求解一个大气阻尼因子的定轨方法已不能充分吸收大气密度计算不准所造成的定轨误差,因而在标校统一S波段(USB)的测量系统差和随机差时往往计算失真.本文提出了一种求解折线型Cd因子的新方法,克服了动力学模型不准所带来的定轨误差,通过与独立的GPS数据比较,定轨精度有明显提高,同时给出的测量系统差和随机差更加真实可信.  相似文献   
超声速流动中功能梯度曲壁板的热气动弹性颤振机理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对高超声速环境中功能梯度曲壁板的热气动弹性颤振机理及分岔特性进行了研究。分别采用活塞理论和Eckert参考焓方法模拟气动力以及气动加热效应,在求解板内二维热传导方程以及考虑温升对材料物性影响的基础上,建立了一个气动加热-气动弹性双向耦合的功能梯度曲壁板的热气动弹性颤振模型。采用有限元方法对曲壁板控制方程进行了数值模拟,着重分析了不同拱高下曲壁板的分岔行为,探讨了拱高变化对曲壁板分岔图的影响,发现了曲壁板颤振三种典型的颤振行为,即:热屈曲、混沌以及规则振动。对初始拱高板厚比为1时,曲壁板的两种规则振动行为进行对比发现,随着马赫数的增大,气动加热效应所引起的热内力会使曲壁板的规则振动更加复杂,同时振动的主振型及频率均会发生变化。  相似文献   
影响甚低频/低频(VLF/LF)通信效果的主要因素是雷电引起的大气噪声,其发生具有随机性,理论分析比较困难。文章利用噪声特征经典分析模型,采用其低通等效形式在Simulnk仿真平台下建立了仿真模型,并对大气噪声条件下的甚低频/低频(VLF/LF)通信系统误码性能进行了仿真研究。  相似文献   
The nanosatellite UNICubeSAT is described, carrying a Broglio Drag Balance Instrument for neutral thermosphere density in situ measurements. The aim of the mission is to contribute to the development of accurate thermosphere models, achieving in situ, real time measurements of atmosphere density, that could be exploited for global atmosphere model validation and accurate short term (1–3 days) real time space weather forecasts. The satellite is inexpensive and swarms could be easily launched operating as a distributed sensor network to get simultaneous in situ local (not orbit averaged) measurements in multiple positions and orbit heights. The nanosatellite is based on the Cubesat standard architecture, weighing about 1 kg for 1-L volume. Atmospheric drag force is measured by the displacement of light plates exposed to the incoming particle flux seen by the spacecraft, applying the original three dimensional Broglio Drag Balance concept to a single nanosatellite axis. The instrument concept and its relation to the satellite bus is depicted, showing that many long term potential measurement error sources and biases can be removed in data processing if the spacecraft is spin stabilized. The expected accuracy in density measurements is 20%. The instrument cost is a fraction of that of accurate accelerometers. The onboard systems are based on commercial off the shelf components, in accordance with the short lifetime typical of aeronomy satellites.  相似文献   
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