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为确保航天器软件产品功能、性能符合任务需求,安全、可靠地完成飞行任务,需要对其进行风险管理。文章首先介绍了软件风险管理理论研究现状;然后结合航天器软件强实时性、高可靠性和安全性、维护困难等问题,提出了基于系统集成思想的软件风险控制方法;最后以某航天器为例介绍了该套方法的应用成果。研究结果可为识别航天器软件风险,提高软件产品质量提供参考。  相似文献   
For the first time, the International DORIS Service (IDS) has produced a technique level combination based on the contributions of seven analysis centers (ACs), including the European Space Operations Center (ESOC), Geodetic Observatory Pecny (GOP), Geoscience Australia (GAU), the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the Institut Géographique National (IGN), the Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN, named as INA), and CNES/CLS (named as LCA). The ACs used five different software packages to process the DORIS data from 1992 to 2008, including NAPEOS (ESA), Bernese (GOP), GEODYN (GAU, GSC), GIPSY/OASIS (INA), and GINS (LCA). The data from seven DORIS satellites, TOPEX/Poseidon, SPOT-2, SPOT-3, SPOT-4, SPOT-5, Envisat and Jason-1 were processed and all the analysis centers produced weekly SINEX files in either variance–covariance or normal equation format. The processing by the analysis centers used the latest GRACE-derived gravity models, forward modelling of atmospheric gravity, updates to the radiation pressure modelling to improve the DORIS geocenter solutions, denser parameterization of empirically determined drag coefficients to improve station and EOP solutions, especially near the solar maximum in 2001–2002, updated troposphere mapping functions, and an ITRF2005-derived station set for orbit determination, DPOD2005. The CATREF software was used to process the weekly AC solutions, and produce three iterations of an IDS global weekly combination. Between the development of the initial solution IDS-1, and the final solution, IDS-3, the ACs improved their analysis strategies and submitted updated solutions to eliminate troposphere-derived biases in the solution scale, to reduce drag-related degradations in station positioning, and to refine the estimation strategy to improve the combination geocenter solution. An analysis of the frequency content of the individual AC geocenter and scale solutions was used as the basis to define the scale and geocenter of the IDS-3 combination. The final IDS-3 combination has an internal position consistency (WRMS) that is 15 to 20 mm before 2002 and 8 to 10 mm after 2002, when 4 or 5 satellites contribute to the weekly solutions. The final IDS-3 combination includes solutions for 130 DORIS stations on 67 different sites of which 35 have occupations over 16 years (1993.0–2009.0). The EOPs from the IDS-3 combination were compared with the IERS 05 C04 time series and the RMS agreement was 0.24 mas and 0.35 mas for the X and Y components of polar motion. The comparison to ITRF2005 in station position shows an agreement of 6 to 8 mm RMS in horizontal and 10.3 mm in height. The RMS comparison to ITRF2005 in station velocity is at 1.8 mm/year on the East component, to 1.2 mm/year in North component and 1.6 mm/year in height.  相似文献   
Coulomb forces between charged close-flying satellites can be used for formation control, and constant electric potentials enable static equilibria solutions. In this work, open-loop time-varying potential functions, which produce periodic, two-craft, Coulomb formation motions are demonstrated for the first time. This is done in the rotating Hill-Frame, with linearized gravity, and craft position components assumed in the form of simple harmonic oscillators. Substitution of the oscillatory functions into the dynamics, further constrains these functions, and yields necessary potential histories, to produce the periodic flow. The assumed position functions, however, are not arbitrary, since the dynamical model restricts what oscillatory trajectories are allowed. Specifically, a Hill-Frame integral of motion is derived, and this is used to show certain candidate periodic functions to be inadmissible. The system dynamics are then linearized to expose stability properties of the solutions, and it is established that asymptotic stability is impossible for all orbit families. Finally, the degree of instability in the assumed motions, over free parameter ranges, is determined numerically via the Floquet multipliers of the associated full-cycle state-transition matrices.  相似文献   
除了常说的三大理论来源以外,马克思的理论体系的形成还有很多丰富的思想资源,其中,基督教和《圣经》传统、古希腊神话和西方文学作品对马克思科学世界观、人生观、价值观的形成产生了深刻影响,马克思对他们采取了批判的借鉴的态度,从中汲取了丰富的营养,成为马克思理论体系重要的思想资源。  相似文献   
我国东西部私营经济发展的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东部沿海地区私营经济发展的实践证明,私营经济对拉动经济增长、增加就业等作用显著。通过对比分析东西部私营经济发展的总体规模和对社会的贡献,借鉴东部私营经济发展的成功经验,从思想认识上、制度管理上和环境建设上对中西部地区私营经济提出了扶持、造血和集群化发展的建议。  相似文献   
关于公差原则中的相关要求的计算问题 ,本文提出了两种方法 :计算法和图解法。运用这两种方法可以简化此类问题的计算过程 ,准确求得计算结果。  相似文献   
缩短工时能够创造就业机会,提供有效的就业岗位。本文分析比较了国内外就业理论和创造就业实际操作过程的政策选择,认为:应该抓紧对实行35小时/周工作制的研究,并尽快出台相关法案。  相似文献   
本文根据人体的热调节机制建立了二维人体热调节的有限元模型,并设计了相应的实验对该模型进行了验证,实验结果与计算结果吻合较好,本模型对于以人体-环境热交换为内容的工程实践和理论研究有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   
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