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Among the configurations of superconducting magnet structures proposed for protecting manned spaceships or manned deep space bases from ionizing radiation, toroidal ones are the most appealing for the efficient use of the magnetic field, being most of the incoming particle directions perpendicular to the induction lines of the field. The parameters of the toroid configuration essentially depend from the shape and volume of the habitat to be protected and the level of protection to be guaranteed. Two options are considered: (1) the magnetic system forming with the habitat a unique complex (compact toroid) to be launched as one piece; (2) the magnetic system to be launched separately from the habitat and assembled around it in space (large toroid).  相似文献   
基于有向图模型的卫星任务指令生成算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面向任务的卫星操控模式具有操作简便、星载资源使用效率高的优点,正在取代指令序列注入成为遥感卫星运控的新模式。文章提出一种基于有向图模型的遥感卫星任务指令序列生成算法,具有线性存储复杂度和计算复杂度,适合存储资源和计算资源受限的星载计算机应用。此算法已在某遥感卫星应用,测试试验表明,采用3个面向任务的高级指令即可生成52种指令序列,任务上行注入效率提升了5倍。本文方法根据有效载荷的使用约束条件,配置有向图模型参数,即可满足各种类型卫星使用。  相似文献   
无人直升机任务规划系统对于完成超视距侦察、监控能力和打击是非常重要的.本文分析了无人直升机任务规划系统的的基本体系结构和功能模块,研究了无人直升机任务规划系统的建模技术及其优化算法,并在V750无人直升机上进行了验证.  相似文献   
软着月任务窗口与轨道设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一套应用于多约束条件下软着月任务的窗口计算以及轨道设计方法。针对经历发射 段、地月转移段、绕月段及动力下降段的月球探测器,综合考虑各个特征点的位置、光照、 测控等约束,结合轨道特性,采用着月点→近月点→入轨点→发射点倒推的方式,快速确 定探测器的发射窗口。在其中选择发射时刻后即可计算转移轨道的轨道根数初值,并搜索计 算精确轨道。该方法对于我国月球探测后期工程的发射窗口计算与轨道设计工作有较重要的 参考价值。
我国首次火星探测任务   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
我国首次火星探测任务于2016年立项实施。综合介绍了国际火星探测的历史和现状,我国首次火星探测任务的工程目标和科学目标、总体技术方案、关键技术难点、预期创新成果。我国首次火星探测任务将通过一次发射,实现火星环绕和着陆巡视,对火星开展全球性普查和局部的精细探测,推进火星地形地貌与地质构造、土壤特征与水冰分布、表明物质组成、大气电离层和气候环境、物理场与内部构造等方面的研究。实现火星探测任务目标,针对火星探测面临的各种特殊环境,需突破长期自主管理与控制等8类关键技术,取得的一系列创新成果,将为我国建立独立自主的深空探测基础工程体系,掌握深空探测基础共性技术,形成开展深空探测的基础工程能力。  相似文献   
脉冲推力轨道拦截可达性描述及求解方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对航天器单脉冲轨道拦截可达性分析问题,基于共面变轨、逆轨拦截假设,考虑能量、时间和交会角约束,提出了拦截航天器可拦截区和可发射区的概念。在航天器单脉冲空间可达范围的基础上,进一步考虑了目标轨道的约束,建立了目标轨道命中区的计算策略,对异面轨道交叉点为燃料最省点做出了解释。把拦截可达性相关的问题归纳为8个基本拦截问题,通过这8个问题的组合,描述了考虑能量、时间和交会角约束下拦截问题的可拦截区和可发射区的计算方法。采用圆轨道共面变轨、逆轨拦截场景进行了仿真验证,结果表明该方法能够快速有效地计算出约束条件下航天器的拦截可达范围,能够用于分析特定任务情况下的拦截可达性。  相似文献   
在空间开展太阳观测是研究太阳活动周、太阳爆发、极端天气等事件起源的重要手段。环日全景探测计划是为实现从黄道面360°全方位观察太阳行星际空间而提出的。本文针对环日全景探测计划,构建了基于三体系统平动点低能量轨道的环日全景轨道部署方法。该方法以日–地L1/L2点Halo轨道幅值及Halo轨道离轨点为变量,以转移轨道飞行时间、入轨机动大小为评价指标,基于三体系统不变流形构建环日全景的转移轨道,并开展轨道优化设计。采用等高线图对设计变量及任务成本进行全局分析。仿真计算表明,轨道部署无法同时满足飞行时间最短与入轨机动最小的要求。设计了轨道机动约束条件下的最优飞行时间解,并给出了基于长三甲运载火箭的一箭双星发射及入轨方案。  相似文献   
叙述了模拟校准红外线气体分析记录仪标尺刻度的工作原理,介绍了模拟校准该仪器标尺刻度的方法及其改进的检定方法,提出了该仪器的测量准确度,减少其示值误差和测量不确定度。  相似文献   
龚庆祥 《航空学报》1990,11(6):242-246
 完成任务成功概率(MCSP)是军用飞机的一项重要的可靠性指标,在可靠性设计中必须反复进行预计。飞机整机的任务可靠性预计国内尚未有先例。本文从工程实践中总结了一套预计军用教练机MCSP及系统的任务可靠度的方法,比较全面地论述了任务可靠性框图的特点,并提出了一个计算军用教练机MCSP的实用数学模型。  相似文献   
The state-of-the-art electrostatic accelerometers (EA) used for the retrieval of non-gravitational forces acting on a satellite constitute a core component of every dedicated gravity field mission. However, due to their difficult-to-control thermal drift in the low observation frequencies, they are also one of the most limiting factors of the achievable performance of gravity recovery. Recently, a hybrid accelerometer consisting of a regular EA and a novel cold atom interferometer (CAI) that features a time-invariant observation stability and constantly recalibrates the EA has been developed in order to remedy this major drawback. In this paper we aim to assess the value of the hybrid accelerometer for gravity field retrieval in the context of GRACE-type and Bender-type missions by means of numerical closed-loop simulations where possible noise specifications of the novel instrument are considered and different components of the Earth’s gravity field signal are added subsequently. It is shown that the quality of the gravity field solutions is mainly dependent on the CAI’s measurement accuracy. While a low CAI performance (10?8 to 10?9?m/s2/Hz1/2) does not lead to any gains compared to a stand-alone EA, a sufficiently high one (10?11?m/s2/Hz1/2) may improve the retrieval performance by over one order of magnitude. We also show that improvements which are limited to low-frequency observations may even propagate into high spherical harmonic degrees. Further, the accelerometer performance seems to play a less prominent role if the overall observation geometry is improved as it is the case for a Bender-type mission. The impact of the accelerometer measurements diminishes further when temporal variations of the gravity field are introduced, pointing out the need for proper de-aliasing techniques. An additional study reveals that the hybrid accelerometer is – contrary to a stand-alone EA – widely unaffected by scale factor instabilities.  相似文献   
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