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运动补偿用惯性器件误差对SAR成像分辨率的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛蔚  房建成  韩晓英 《航空学报》2007,28(5):1162-1167
 为提高合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统的性价比,必须根据SAR成像分辨率的要求和整体系统参数,设计相应精度的运动补偿用捷联惯导系统。在确定SAR运动补偿系统方案和安装方式的基础上,分析不同方向的加速度计和陀螺仪误差对天线相位中心位置测量误差的影响,并利用位置测量误差与SAR成像分辨率之间的关系,进一步明确了不同方向的加速度计和陀螺仪对SAR成像分辨率的影响。研究表明:基于SAR的工作原理和安装方式,x方向加速度计和y方向陀螺仪对SAR成像分辨率的影响明显比其他惯性器件严重;相同误差水平的惯性器件对SAR成像分辨率的影响随着合成孔径时间和工作波长的不同而不同,时间越长,波长越短,影响则越严重。SAR成像仿真证明了结论的正确性。研究结果对于研制高性价比SAR成像运动补偿系统有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于SEM(Spectrum Entropy Minimization,频谱熵最小化)的频偏估计算法。研究发现,频偏越小,离散信号频谱的熵越小。根据这一性质建立了相关算法,通过一维搜索的方式得到使相位补偿后信号频谱熵最小的频偏估计。仿真结果表明:SEM算法的估计性能能够达到CR(Cramer-Rao,克拉美罗)下界,而且估计的稳定性和鲁棒性较好,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
从NCBI 数据库(http:∥www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/mapview/map)下载鸡Z染色体上全部基因完整的cDNA,最终共有626个基因的CDS序列纳入统计分析.使用CodonW(1.4.2)进行密码子偏性分析,确定了CGG、AGC、UGC等26个密码子为Z染色体基因表达的"最优"密码子.对应分析表明,影响鸡Z染色体基因表达的密码子偏性的主要因素分别为GC3s、基因的表达丰度、GC含量、CDS长度及氨基酸的疏水性.鸡Z染色体基因表达的密码子用法受到了核苷酸组成偏好的显著影响,这种核苷酸组成偏好很可能是突变偏畸、固定偏畸及基因转换导致的.对于鸡这种群体有效规模较大的群体,密码子的偏性更有可能是核苷酸组成偏好及选择等因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   
理性人假设历来饱受诟病,现状偏好现象在成熟资本市场广泛存在.西方行为金融学学者提出了现状偏好理论,而该理论在我国鲜有实证支持.尝试提出了以中国股票市场的正负收益率对换手率的不对称影响来衡量现状偏好现象的理论,选择了我国2011年1月4日至2012年9月28日之间上交所和深交所挂牌的主板A股的数据进行实证分析,发现中国股票市场存在明显的现状偏好现象,并计算出该时期上交所主板A股的现状偏好系数为9.61%,上交所主板A股的现状偏好系数为11.11%.  相似文献   
The overlapping-frequency signals from different GNSS constellations are interoperable and can be integrated as one constellation in multi-GNSS positioning when inter-system bias (ISB) is properly disposed. The look-up table method for ISB calibration can enhance the model strength, maximize the number of integer-estimable ambiguities, and thus is preferred. However, the characteristics and magnitudes of the receiver code ISB and phase fractional ISB (F-ISB) are not well known and the wrong values of the biases can seriously degrade the positioning results. In this contribution, we first estimate the between-receiver code ISB and phase F-ISB of hundreds of the baselines up to around 25km in the European Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) and the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) for the overlapping frequencies L1-E1 (L1), L5-E5a (L5) and E5b-B2b (L7). The data collected from 1st January 2016 to 1st January 2019. Second, the receiver-type and firmware-version combinations for the receivers of Trimble, Leica, Javad, Septentrio and NovAtel are carefully classified. Results show that the Septentrio receivers have consistent code and phase ISB values for the three overlapping frequencies i.e. only one value for each frequency and no receivers are different. The Leica, Trimble and Javad receivers have two or more ISB values for at least one of the three frequencies. A few receivers with biases to the groups are also found and listed. Third, the code ISB and phase F-ISB of the groups are adjusted by the least-squares method. The root mean square errors (RMSE) of the least square adjustment are 0.240 m, 0.250 m and 0.200 m for code of L1, L5 and L7 frequencies, respectively, and are 0.0009 m, 0.0015 m and 0.0031 m for phase of L1, L5 and L7 frequencies, respectively. Finally, the effects of code ISB errors on code positing are investigated with the zero-baseline MAT1_MATZ. The distance root mean square error (DRMS) of L1-E1 code positioning can be reduced by 48.2% with 5 GPS and Galileo satellites and the DRMS degrades quickly when the code ISB error is larger.  相似文献   
Precise point positioning (PPP) usually takes about 30?min to obtain centimetre-level accuracy, which greatly limits its application. To address the drawbacks of convergence speed and positioning accuracy, we develop a PPP model with integrated GPS and BDS observations. Based on the method, stations with global coverage are selected to estimate the fractional cycle bias (FCB) of GPS and BDS. The short-term and long-term time series of wide-lane (WL) FCB, and the single day change of narrow-lane (NL) FCB are analysed. It is found that the range of GPS and BDS non-GEO (IGSO and MEO) WL FCB is stable at up to a 30-day-time frame. At times frame of up to 60?days, the stability is reduced a lot. Whether for short-term or long-term, the changes in the BDS GEO WL FCB are large. Moreover, BDS FCB sometimes undergoes a sudden jump. Besides, 17 and 10 stations were used respectively to investigate the convergence speed and positioning errors with six strategies: BDS ambiguity-float PPP (Bfloat), GPS ambiguity-float PPP (Gfloat), BDS/GPS ambiguity-float PPP (BGfloat), BDS ambiguity-fixed PPP (Bfix), GPS ambiguity-fixed (Gfix), and BDS/GPS ambiguity-fixed (BGfix). The average convergence speed of the ambiguity-fixed solution is greatly improved compared with the ambiguity-float solution. In terms of the average convergence time, the Bfloat is the longest and the BGfix is the shortest among these six strategies. Whether for ambiguity-float PPP or ambiguity-fixed PPP, the convergence reduction time in three directions for the combined system is the largest compared with the single BDS. The average RMS value of the Bfix in three directions (easting (E), northing (N), and up (U)) are 2.0?cm, 1.5?cm, and 5.9?cm respectively, while those of the Gfix are 0.8?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.7?cm. Compared with single system, the BDS/GPS combined ambiguity-fixed system (BGfix) has the fastest convergence speed and the highest accuracy, with average RMS as 0.7?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.9?cm for the E, N, U components, respectively.  相似文献   
针对卫星可视弧段内伪距测量异常波动现象,从信号质量监测角度研究了卫星可视弧段内导航信号测距偏差变化问题,确认伪距波动是否由星体多径引起.利用大口径天线跟踪北斗卫星,采用两套采集设备实现了卫星可视弧段内的B1频点信号多次高载噪比采集,根据基于参考波形的测距偏差估计方法分别处理多组采集数据,获得了不同仰角上的测距偏差.在一个仰角下的采集数据,当滤波器带宽远远大于信号带宽时,采样率与下变频器均不同的两套采集设备获得的测距偏差相同,且测距偏差均与相关间距及滤波器带宽有关,但当滤波器带宽超过15MHz后,测距偏差的差异可以忽略.比较不同仰角下的测距偏差,在卫星可视弧段内测距偏差变化很小,因此认为星体多径引起卫星可视弧段内信号质量的变化不是伪距测量异常波动的原因.  相似文献   
在实际工程中,高精度激光陀螺仪的输出零偏会随着温度变化发生漂移,限制了其应用。为了降低和补偿温度对陀螺零偏的影响,提高陀螺应用性能,降低装备成本,从探究温度对输出零偏的影响因素出发,建立了一种考虑多影响因素的温度补偿模型,并设计了相应的温度试验。试验结果表明,高精度机抖激光陀螺的零偏和温度、温变速率、温度梯度具有较好的相关性和重复性,该温度补偿模型补偿效果显著,可基本消除零偏随温度变化的趋势,有效降低武器装备对零部件的要求,能够降低应用成本,具有很强的实用价值。  相似文献   
陈雪芹  孙瑞  吴凡  蒋万程 《航空学报》2019,40(5):322551-322551
针对卫星姿态控制过程中可能发生的执行机构或敏感器故障,提出了一种基于无损卡尔曼滤波(UKF)及偏差分离原理的自适应二阶无损卡尔曼滤波(ATSUKF)算法。首先,提出TSUKF算法,通过UKF处理姿态机动时的非线性并通过偏差分离原理将非线性系统的状态及故障分别估计,避免非线性模型的线性化过程同时降低了计算过程中的矩阵维度。然后,在TSUKF算法的基础上提出了ATSUKF算法,通过滑动窗口内的残差计算自适应矩阵,使滤波器在统计特性不准确的情况下仍然具有较快的收敛速度,特别适用于卫星快速机动过程中的姿态与故障估计。数值仿真结果表明,ATSUKF算法相较于TSUKF算法能有效降低统计特性不准对系统造成的不利影响,实现卫星姿态、执行机构/敏感器故障的快速估计。  相似文献   
The estimation of the sensor measurement biases in a multisensor system is vital for the sensor data fusion. A solution is provided for the estimation of dynamically varying multiple sensor biases without any knowledge of the dynamic bias model pa- rameters. It is shown that the sensor bias pseudomeasurement can be dynamically obtained via a parity vector. This is accom- plished by multiplying the sensor uncalibrated measurement equations by a projection matrix so that the measured variable is eliminated from the equations. Once the state equations of the dynamically varying sensor biases are modeled by a polynomial prediction filter, the dynamically varying multisensor biases can be obtained by Kalman filter. Simulation results validate that the proposed method can estimate the constant biases and dynamic biases of multisensors and outperforms the methods reported in literature.  相似文献   
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