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The precision forming of thin-walled components has been urgently needed in aviation and aerospace field. However, the wrinkling induced by the compressive instability is one of the major defects in thin-walled part forming. The initiation and growth of the wrinkles are interac-tively affected by many factors such as stress states, mechanical properties of the material, geometry of the workpiece and boundary conditions. Especially when the forming process involves compli-cated boundary conditions such as multi-dies constrains, the perturbation of clearances between workpiece and dies and the contact conditions changing in time and space, etc., the predication of the wrinkling is further complicated. In this paper, the current prediction methods were summa-rized including the static equilibrium method, the energy method, the initial imperfection method, the eigenvalue buckling analysis method, the static-implicit finite element method and the dynamic-explicit finite element method. Then, a systematical comparison and summary of these methods in terms of their advantages and limitations are presented. By using a combination of explicit FE method, initial imperfection and energy conservation, a hybrid method is recommended to predict plastic wrinkling in thin-walled part forming. Finally, considering the urgent requirements of com-plex thin-walled structures’ part in aviation and aerospace field, the trends and challenges in wrin-kling prediction under complicated boundary conditions are presented.  相似文献   
Applications of a novel curve-fitting technique are presented to efficiently predict the motion of the vortex filament, which is trailed from a rigid body such as wings and rotors. The governing equations of the motion, when a Lagrangian approach with the present curve-fitting method is applied, can be transformed into an easily solvable form of the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The applicability of Be′zier curves, B-spline, and Lagrange interpolating polynomials is investigated. Local Lagrange interpolating polynomials with a shift operator are proposed as the best selection for applications, since it provides superior system characteristics with minimum computing time, compared to other methods. In addition, the Gauss quadrature formula with local refinement strategy has been developed for an accurate prediction of the induced velocity computed with the line integration of the Biot–Savart law. Rotary-wing problems including a vortex ring problem are analyzed to show the efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility in the applications of the proposed method.  相似文献   
分析了跨流域流动特点、工程背景需求、国内外研究现状,针对高超声速飞行器跨流域气动力/热预测存在的主要问题,从粘性干扰参数与克努森数搭接的跨流域模拟准则、微量天平结构优化及测力技术、红外大面积中低量值热流测量技术、流场显示与测量技术和 N-S/DSMC 自适应紧耦合数值模拟方法等方面,总结了近年来取得的研究进展,并讨论了下一步研究方向。  相似文献   
吴福仙  温卫东 《航空动力学报》2016,31(10):2331-2338
针对经典型最大熵概率密度函数模型及其计算目前存在的非线性程度高,优化不收敛,求解效率低等问题,提出了一种对偶型最大熵概率密度函数模型+逐次优化的方法.根据优化过程不稳定,重新推导了拉格朗日系数的线性变换公式.针对几种常见及一种复杂的概率密度函数,采用经典型与对偶型最大熵概率密度函数模型分别计算概率密度及可靠度的对比表明:与经典型最大熵概率密度函数模型相比,对偶型最大熵概率密度函数模型优化函数形式简单,非线性程度低.逐次优化法求解拉格朗日系数不仅克服了初始值敏感性问题,而且计算效率高.对偶型最大熵概率密度函数模型+逐次优化法与其他方法相比,计算精度最高,且能很好的应用于复杂概率分布及可靠性问题.   相似文献   
为了研究加筋壁板大开口结构的压缩承载极限问题,规划了两组具有不同设计参数的试验件进行了静力试验,并同时采用了线性特征值法以及非线性的弧长法对其压缩极限进行了对比分析。在采用弧长法分析时,引入了模态扰动技术,而且考虑了材料的弹塑性性质。计算结果与试验的对比表明:针对复杂结构稳定性问题,屈曲特征值法具有较大局限性,而结合模态扰动的弧长法对这种复杂的加筋壁板类结构压缩极限的分析精度较好。通过分析给出了加筋壁板大开口结构设计的一些建议。  相似文献   
通过对必检项目确认原则的分析,针对实际维修工作的流程,对必检项目的确认及其检验工作的实施进行了研究,以期对必检项目的正确执行提供指导。  相似文献   
铝合金预拉伸板已广泛应用于航空整体结构件的制造,其内部初始残余应力引起的加工变形已严重制约新型飞机的研制和生产。测量残余应力的方法很多,但一般只能测量工件的表面和浅表层,而厚板内部残余应力测量一直是工程中的难点。文中针对铝合金预拉伸厚板的特点,提出了测量其内部残余应力的方法,并运用弹性力学理论进行了理论推导,得到了应力-应变关系矩阵。用该方法测量了7050T7451铝合金厚板内部残余应力,并对测试结果进了分析和比较。结果表明,本文提出的方法有效地解决了厚板内部残余应力测量的难题,有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
在今年本刊第三期刊登的《飞机结构健康监控中的信息获取技术》中,详细介绍了结构健康系统中信息获取的各种手段和途径,本文主要介绍通过上述途径获得信息之后的处理技术,这些信息处理技术可以剔除与结构健康状态无关的干扰信号,并对能反映结构的损伤状态的信号进行压缩、提炼、转化,使之成为有用的信号以确定结构的健康状态,并对结构健康监控系统做出了展望。  相似文献   
飞机风挡透明件的鸟撞分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 本文研究了风挡透明件鸟撞动力响应的分析模型和方法。考虑了撞击载荷与风挡透明件动力响应的耦合作用和非线性效应。为了能方便地使用现有的非线性有限元分析程序并避免数值解的振荡现象,在研究中不采用常用的拉格朗日法和罚函数法,而是采用动量平衡法。同时,为了避免不断调整撞击接触点和修改网格,本文采用超弹性的橡皮材料来模拟鸟体,而不是象国外那样采用流体柱。研究和比较了衍生动载荷响应解,并提出相应的看法。  相似文献   
针对受一个阴极保护站保护的埋地钢质管道,提出了管道电位和电流计算的等效电阻方法,并用解析方法推导出管道覆盖层破损后电位和电流的计算公式。等效电阻方法将所研究管道划分成若干管段,用一个电阻表示管段对轴向电流的阻碍作用,一个电阻表示对径向电流的阻碍作用,从而将管道强制电流阴极保护系统表示成一个等效电阻电路。利用网孔电流法求解该电路的网孔电流,并计算出管道各节点上的电位。计算结果表明,等效电阻方法得到的结果与解析法的计算结果完全吻合。该方法特别适合于管径和(或)过渡电阻发生变化的情况。  相似文献   
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