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DDES延迟函数在超声速底部流动中的性能分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
DDES是广泛应用的一类RANS/LES混合方法,其通过引入延迟函数保证近壁区的RANS模化,对分离流动十分有效。目前DDES已发展了多种不同的延迟函数,但对各延迟函数的性能特点认识尚不够充分,尤其缺乏超声速流动中的相关研究。围绕DDES方法中不同延迟函数开展研究工作,选取超声速底部流动作为测试算例,通过与实验数据的系统对比分析,考察不同延迟函数在超声速分离流动中的分布规律、作用效果及模型求解能力。研究表明,不同延迟函数作用范围与求解能力存在差异,其中DDES-F1能够在起到保护作用的同时不损害模型的求解精度,对该流动较为有效,所得结果与实验数据吻合较好。 相似文献
Jianguo Cai Meng Li Yuanyuan Li Yifan Ding Jian Feng 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2021,67(10):3343-3353
Miura-ori is a rigid origami structure utilized in the packaging of deployable solar panels for use in space or in the folding of maps. It's pattern can largely reduce the membrane stress and improve the work efficiency. Inspired by origami structures, we numerically and experimentally studied a scalable solar sail structure. As an improvement of the existing membrane simulations, a variable Poisson's ratio model considering the wrinkling effect of the membrane was introduced. We focused on a quadrant shape and studied how its geometry parameters and initial imperfections affect the membrane mechanical behavior. We also designed and fabricated a pantographic mechanism as an origami membrane actuator. In addition, design protocols of deployment applied to a scalable gossamer structure were proposed. 相似文献
I.V. Chashei A.I. Efimov L.N. Samoznaev D. Plettemeier M.K. Bird 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2005,35(12):2195-2198
Measurements of the motion of plasma density inhomogeneities in the inner solar wind are presented. The speeds were estimated using a cross-correlation analysis of radio frequency fluctuations of the Galileo spacecraft measured simultaneously at widely spaced ground stations. The radial projections of the correlation baselines on the pattern plane were of the order of several thousand kilometers. For cross-correlation functions calculated with comparatively short averaging times, we find that a pronounced two-velocity configuration is occasionally observed over the range of heliocentric distances 20 R < R < 40 R. The typical mean speed for such observations is about 300–400 km/s and the difference between the two predominant speeds is about 150–200 km/s. These results may indicate that the density fluctuations are associated with slow magnetosonic waves propagating in opposite directions at the local speed of sound in the reference frame moving with the mean solar wind speed. Quite reasonable estimates of the solar wind speed and speed of sound are obtained from this model. Another possible explanation of the two-velocity structures is that two independent solar wind streams are present simultaneously along different segments of the radio ray path. 相似文献
磁层压缩ULF湍流对电子的加速 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
在准线性理论下,磁层压缩 ULF(超低频)湍流可以通过“渡越时间加速”机制使电子增加能量.典型的压缩 ULF 湍流的频率为2—15mHz,被加速的源电子为同步轨道附近的背景电子(E<30keV)和亚暴注入电子(30—300 keV).当发生波粒共振时,低能电子数减少,而高能尾部分的相对论(E≥1 MeV)电子数增加,这说明电子得到了压缩湍流的有效加速,且亚暴注入的电子数越多,其加速产生的相对论电子数也越多.在亚暴注入率ε=0.5的情况下,这种加速机制只要约12h 就可以造成同步轨道附近相对论电子数量的显著增加. 相似文献
Debasish Roy Biswajit Sahu 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2021,67(3):1039-1048
Within a quantum hydrodynamic model and using the reductive perturbation technique, the nonlinear ion-acoustic wave (IAW) excitations due to a moving charged object in an electron-pair-ion quantum plasma are studied both analytically and numerically. In such quantum plasmas we have derived forced Korteweg-de Vries (fKdV) type equation for finite amplitude nonlinear IAWs. The effect of relevant plasma parameters on solitonic excitations is investigated. Numerical simulation shows the generation of advancing solitons ahead of the forcing term traveling at a faster rate with trailing wakes behind the forcing disturbance. It is found that propagation characteristics of nonlinear excitations are significantly affected by quantum parameter. Additionally, we have pursued our analysis by extending it to account for arbitrary amplitude IA solitons, and derived a system of nonlinear differential equations which are analyzed numerically to study the dynamics. Nonlinear analysis predicts the existence of periodic and quasiperiodic nature of the nonlinear system and reveals that the transition from quasiperiodic to periodic behavior occurs due to the variation of quantum diffraction. 相似文献
风场的准确测量在风工程中意义重大。测风塔是最常用的风场观测平台,而塔影效应是测风精度评估中需主要考虑的因素。基于我国3个不同区域测风塔1年的外场数据,研究了塔影效应对平均风速、湍流强度的影响,通过塔影效应影响因子(Tower Distortion Factor, TDF)和离散因子(Scatter Factor, SCF)量化分析了塔影效应的平均值和离散度。结果表明:塔体对下游气流影响明显,塔影效应可使平均风速降低15.5%、湍流强度增大26.1%;塔体对上游气流的阻挡效应弱于塔影效应,可使平均风速降低2.2%、湍流强度增大0.4%。塔影效应与平均风速、湍流强度的关系为负相关,相关系数为–0.864,线性拟合的斜率为–0.443。塔影效应对湍流强度的影响更显著,是对平均风速影响的2.257倍。在平均值上,平均风速TDF、湍流强度TDF的分布范围分别为0.0141~0.0314、0.0214~0.0385,塔影效应对平均风速和平均湍流强度影响的贡献分别为34.6%、49.0%;在离散度上,平均风速SCF、湍流强度SCF的分布范围分别为0.0179~0.0240、0.0648~0.0845,塔影效应对平均风速和平均湍流强度影响的贡献分别为10.5%、10.8%。塔影效应对平均湍流强度的影响高于对平均风速的影响,对二者离散程度造成的影响接近。
基于红外图像重建飞机三维形体结构技术的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了基于红外图像重建飞机三维形体结构的技术,并在理论研究基础上开发了三维重建系统。该系统包括红外图像的处理技术、三维信息提取的体相交技术、三维形体的表示方法和基于八叉树结构的飞机三维形体重建的实现。旋转是表示实体三维结构信息的一种有效方法,本文最后给出了重建三维飞机的旋转系列图像。 相似文献
发展了高效求解基于Navier-Stokes方程的扰动方程高阶紧致差分方法,研究了壁面强脉冲到湍流相干结构的复杂演化过程。该方法采用高精度、高分辨率的三维耦合中心差分格式,以及和高阶时间分裂法相结合因而更为有效,比一般谱方法更适用于较为广泛的流动区域和边界条件的湍流相干结构研究。中模拟了槽道流动中壁面强脉冲诱导的湍流相干结构的产生、发展和演化过程,显示了湍流相干结构的基本特征和发展规律.计算结果表明,所用壁面强脉冲模型比共振三波模型更有效. 相似文献