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采用了鲁棒性较好的遗传算法,对院校的必修课给出了染色体编码和适应度函数,并采用了自适应的杂交和变异概率,程序运行结果良好。  相似文献   
无人侦察机的巡航问题,如果不考虑其它约束条件,实际上是一个 TSP 问题。目前还没有求解 TSP 问题的比较有效的实时算法,我们首先利用改良圈算法求得一个较好的初始种群,再应用遗传算法就可以实时地求得一个较满意的解。  相似文献   
牛顿迭代收敛的加速   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于Newton迭代法单根的二阶收敛性和重根的线性收敛性,提出了加速牛顿迭代收敛的思想。利用反函数的性质,取Taylor展开式的前三项进行迭代;并利用差商代替导数的方法,构造出更高收敛阶的迭代公式。大量的数值实验结果表明,本文算法理论上的推导是完全可行的,且有效地提高了迭代公式的收敛速度。  相似文献   
摘要: 针对月地返回轨道周期较长、不确定性较大的特点,结合我国主、副着陆场的分布情况,提出一种通过在月地返回轨道中实施双脉冲机动,以实现在应急条件下将再入平面调整至原再入平面以外的异面再入落区方法.应用一种迭代算法实现了在月地系统复杂引力场中求解Lambert问题的精确解;而后,结合最优的必要性判定条件以及模拟退火算法,应用一种交互式脉冲优化方法,可求得双脉冲机动的最优解为0.025 2 km/s,满足工程实际约束.  相似文献   
反演航天器在轨瞬态外热流的导热反问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获得航天器在轨飞行过程中的外热流数据对于研究热控涂层在轨退化规律、各种空间因素对热控产品的影响以及航天器姿轨控发动机羽流热效应都有非常重要的意义,然而直接测量热流存在很多困难,因此可以通过求解导热反问题得到满足一定精度的结果.首先,通过研究利用航天器设备在轨遥测温度值反演出航天器在轨瞬态外热流的导热反问题方法,建立了反演航天器在轨瞬态外热流的数学模型,采用共轭梯度法求解导热反问题并从物理概念角度改进了共轭梯度法的迭代过程以增加其抗不适定性;然后构造了两组能够代表目前大多数地球轨道航天器以及深空探测航天器在轨吸收外热流变化的数值试验对共轭梯度法的反演效果进行了检验.除阶跃变化位置以外反演值与真实值的最大相对偏差为2.9%,反演效果非常好;对于阶跃变化位置的吸收外热流在对反演结果进行分析处理后也能够得到较好的反演结果.   相似文献   
An improved adaptive particle swarm optimization(IAPSO)algorithm is presented for solving the minimum makespan problem of job shop scheduling problem(JSP).Inspired by hormone modulation mechanism,an adaptive hormonal factor(HF),composed of an adaptive local hormonal factor(H l)and an adaptive global hormonal factor(H g),is devised to strengthen the information connection between particles.Using HF,each particle of the swarm can adjust its position self-adaptively to avoid premature phenomena and reach better solution.The computational results validate the effectiveness and stability of the proposed IAPSO,which can not only find optimal or close-to-optimal solutions but also obtain both better and more stability results than the existing particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithms.  相似文献   
NASA is concerned with protecting astronauts from the effects of galactic cosmic radiation and has expended substantial effort in the development of computer models to predict the shielding obtained from various materials. However, these models were only developed for shields up to about 120 g/cm2 in mass thickness and have predicted that shields of this mass thickness are insufficient to provide adequate protection for extended deep space flights. Consequently, effort is underway to extend the range of these models to thicker shields and experimental data is required to help confirm the resulting code. In this paper empirically obtained effective dose measurements from aircraft flights in the atmosphere are used to obtain the radiation shielding function of the Earth's atmosphere, a very thick, i.e. high mass, shield. Obtaining this result required solving an inverse problem and the method for solving it is presented. The results are shown to be in agreement with current code in the ranges where they overlap. These results are then checked and used to predict the radiation dosage under thick shields such as planetary regolith and the atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   
通过对多型航空电子对抗装备中发射机的维修研究,对机载连续波大功率行波管的主要工作原理、故障模式、维修策略以及维修中的注意事项进行了简要介绍,并提出了行波管在装备后的使用维护和调试方面的一些经验和建议。  相似文献   
张文博  成跃  王宁飞 《宇航学报》2015,36(5):510-517
根据地月循环轨道的概念,按照生成第二类周期轨道的弧段进行分类,并讨论了其共振性与对称性在轨道设计与应用中的作用。然后归纳了三种循环轨道的动力学建模与计算方法及其轨道延拓策略,最后总结了三种方法的利弊和应用轨道类型。对地月系统循环轨道的研究和分析,能够为我国未来载人登月工程提供一种新的思路与理论支持。  相似文献   
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