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Studies show that different geometries of a Variable Cycle Engine (VCE) can be adjusted during the transient stage of the engine operation to improve the engine performance. However, this improvement increases the complexity of the acceleration and deceleration control schedule. In order to resolve this problem, the Transient-state Reverse Method (TRM) is established in the present study based on the Steady-state Reverse Method (SRM) and the Virtual Power Extraction Method (VPEM). The state factors in the component-based engine performance models are replaced by variable geometry parameters to establish the TRM for a double bypass VCE. Obtained results are compared with the conventional component-based model from different aspects, including the accuracy and the convergence rate. The TRM is then employed to optimize the control schedule of a VCE. Obtained results show that the accuracy and the convergence rate of the proposed method are consistent with that of the conventional model. On the other hand, it is found that the new-model-optimized control schedules reduce the acceleration and deceleration time by 45% and 54%, respectively. Meanwhile, the surge margin of compressors, fuel–air ratio and the turbine inlet temperature maintained are within the acceptable criteria. It is concluded that the proposed TRM is a powerful method to design the acceleration and deceleration control schedule of the VCE. 相似文献
The transit time difference of fluid particles moving along the upper and lower surfaces of a lift-producing airfoil is studied here both theoretically and numerically. We show that, under thin airfoil assumption and for potential flow, the transit time difference is equal to the circulation divided by the square of the inflow velocity and the lift coefficient is equal to half of the number of chords travelled by the airfoil during the transit time difference. An analysis of transit time differe... 相似文献
The interception problem of Hypersonic Gliding Vehicles (HGVs) has been an important aspect of missile defense systems. In order to provide interceptors with accurate information of target trajectory, a model based on an improved Long Short-Time Memory (LSTM) network for trajectory prediction pipeline is proposed for the interception of a skip gliding hypersonic target. Firstly, for trajectory prediction required by intercepting guidance laws, the altitude, velocity and velocity direction of the target are formulated in the form of analytic functions, consisting of linear decay terms and amplitude decay sinusoidal terms. Then, the dynamic characteristics of the model parameters are analyzed, and the target trajectory prediction pipeline is proposed with the prediction error considered. Finally, an improved LSTM network is designed to estimate parameters in a dynamically-updated manner, and estimation results are used for the calculation of the final trajectory prediction pipeline. The proposed prediction algorithm provides information on the velocity vector for midcourse guidance with the effect of prediction errors on interception taken into account. Simulation is conducted and the results show the high accuracy of the algorithm in HGVs’ trajectory prediction which is conducive to increasing the interception success rate. 相似文献
本文利用一种新的混合法——光弹性实验与权函数解法相结合求解了孔壁受均匀内压作用偏置圆孔边径向裂纹的应力强度因子,该方法具有简单、经济、精度高等优点,对分析复杂应力场中圆孔边穿透裂纹问题,该方法同样适用,且优点更为突出. 相似文献
DG/FV混合方法因其具有紧致、易于推广获得高阶格式及相比同阶精度DG方法计算量、存储量小等优点,自提出以来已成功应用于一维、二维标量方程和Euler/N-S方程的求解。综述了DG/FV混合方法的研究进展,重点介绍了DG/FV混合方法的空间重构算法、针对RANS方程的求解方法、隐式时间离散格式、数值色散耗散及稳定性分析、计算量理论分析,并给出了系列粘性流算例的计算结果,包括用于验证混合方法数值精度的库埃特流,以及方腔流、亚声速剪切层、低速平板湍流、NACA0012翼型湍流绕流等。数值计算结果表明DG/FV混合方法达到了设计的精度阶,且相比同阶DG方法计算量减少约40%,而隐式方法能大幅提高定常流的收敛历程,较显式Runge-Kutta的收敛速度提高1~2个量级。 相似文献
采用风洞试验和CFD相结合的方法对机载导弹折叠舵外翼气动特性进行了研究,研究内容包括外翼折叠角、迎角、来流Ma数、气动滚转角等,通过研究推导建立了外翼气动载荷的经验计算公式。研究结果表明,“×”型状态下外翼载荷随外翼展开而变大,在折叠角约30°附近载荷最大。CFD计算与试验数据吻合良好,不同Ma数下气动系数差别较小,Ma=1.2时气动系数值最大。大量计算数据表明,外翼气动载荷与当地气流偏角存在正相关性,并可以写成合成迎角,滚转角、舵面方位角和折叠角的函数。在迎风区预测值与样本值几乎完全重合,而在背风区受弹身干扰而存在一定误差。 相似文献
An Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian(ALE) approach with interface tracking is developed in this paper to simulate the supersonic parachute inflation. A two-way interaction between a nonlinear finite element method and a finite volume method is accomplished. In order to apply this interface tracking method to problems with instantaneous large deformation and self-contact, a new virtual structure contact method is proposed to leave room for the body-fitted mesh between the contact structural surfaces.... 相似文献
Forward Variable Area Bypass Injector (FVABI) is one of key components which contributes to modulate the cycle parameters of Variable Cycle Engine (VCE) under various operation conditions. The modeling method of zero-dimensional FVABI was reviewed and its deficiency was analyzed based on FVABI flow characteristic. In order to improve the accuracy of VCE performance simulation, the high-fidelity modeling method of FVABI was developed based on its working characteristics. Then it was coupled with the zero-dimensional VCE model and the multi-level VCE model was built. The results indicate that the geometric and aerodynamic parameters can affect the interaction between the two airflows and the zero-dimensional FVABI model is too simple to predict the component performance accurately, especially when the FVABI inner bypass is chocked. Based on the performance curves for single bypass mode and the regression model of multi-scale support vector regression for double bypass mode, the high-fidelity model can predict FVABI performance accurately and rapidly. The integration of high-fidelity FVABI model into zero-dimensional VCE model can be done by adjusting iterative variables and balance equations. The multi-level model has good convergence and it can predict VCE performance when the FVABI inner bypass is chocked. 相似文献
本文用Jameson的三维欧拉方程有限体积法、四步Runge-Kutta时间推进格式,计算机身和大后掠细长机翼的三维可压缩绕流。对钝头机身,用C-O型网格;尖头机身与大后掠细长机翼用H-O型网格。本文介绍钝头旋成体、带座舱前机身和三角翼绕流的计算结果,显示流场等值M线分布,计算压强系数分布与实验比较,以及三角翼大迎角分离涡等。由于用了隐式残值光顺等加速收敛措施,有效地减少推进步数,节省机时。 相似文献