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稳态温度场作用下涡轮叶片振动特性的研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
根据一维线性分段插值方法对一维温度场进行分段插值拟合,为有限元方法分析温度场作用下叶片振动问题中温度载荷的施加提供了简化可行的方案,利用有限元方法验证该线性拟合方案的可行性,并采用多种方法对计算结果进行验证分析,对一维稳态温度场的分段插值进行了误差分析,得到稳态温度场作用下叶片振动问题的有限元分析计算方法和温度载荷施加方案。 相似文献
卡箍在飞机上的应用较为广泛,卡箍的质量问题也会影响飞行的安全.新型铝合金柔性导管连接卡箍结构简单,质量轻,便于加工、安装、维护,能防止漏油、漏气等,可有效解决现在军用飞机上卡箍结构复杂、质量重、安装不方便、使用和维护不方便、易漏油、漏气,以及不能双向补偿导管安装时的角度偏差和径向位移的问题,能进一步满足军机的使用需求.本文分析了目前导管连接卡箍存在的问题,并在研究新型铝合金柔性导管连接卡箍结构、材料、性能等特点的基础上,提出了鉴定试验项目. 相似文献
Chen Jinbao Nie Hong 《中国航空学报》2008,21(1):43-47
Along with the progress of sciences and technologies, a lot of explorations are taken in many countries or organizations in succession. Lunar, the natural satellite of the earth, become a focus of the space discovery again recently because of its abundant resource and high value in use. Lunar exploration is also one of the most important projects in China. A primary objective of the probe in lunar is to soft-land a manned spacecraft on the lunar surface. The soft-landing system is the key composition of the lunar lander. In the overall design of lunar lander, the analysis of touchdown dynamics during landing stage is an important work. The rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a system with flexible cantilevers attached to the main lander is analyzed. The equations are derived from the subsystem method. Results show that the deformations of cantilevers have considerable effect on the overloading of the lunar lander system. 相似文献
利用MSC.DYTRAN软件建立了鸟撞航空发动机叶片转子级瞬态动力学有限元模型,采用流固耦合算法,模拟受气动和离心载荷作用并稳定旋转的发动机转子叶片,遭受不同鸟体撞击的瞬态响应过程.计算结果表明:鸟体撞击会使叶片产生巨大的瞬时冲击应力;鸟体速度、密度和尺寸的增加,将迅速增加叶片的冲击应力峰值,当叶片硬化和变形能力达到充分发展后,冲击应力峰值的增加速度会变慢;同时,叶片材料静态硬化模量的增加也会提高冲击应力峰值,而静态屈服强度的增加则会减小冲击峰的作用时间.最后还进一步模拟了鸟撞使叶片发生失效破坏的过程. 相似文献
在任意非结构网格下,采用开源程序对某型涡喷发动机环形燃烧室内的喷雾燃烧过程进行数值模拟.首先选用k-ε双方程模型、EBU(eddy break up)-Arrhenius紊流燃烧模型、颗粒随机轨道模型等模拟流场中的物理过程.然后用隐式耦合算法求解气相流动、拉格朗日方法跟踪液滴相在流动区域的运动,并考虑气相与液滴相的完全双向耦合作用.仿真实验得到的 燃烧室内温度分布、马赫数分布、速度分布、压力分布均较合理,温度分布与文献中的基本一致,这表明隐式耦合方法能够较好地模拟燃烧室内流场,反映其内部流动特点. 相似文献
失谐周期压电复合材料结构中的波动局部化研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
考虑力电耦合效应的影响,研究了层状失谐周期压电复合材料结构中的波动局部化问题。根据界面上力电连续条件,推导了结构中相邻单胞间的传递矩阵。以力场和电场变量为状态向量,给出了结构中局部化因子的表达式。作为算例,计算了结构中的波动局部化因子。计算结果表明,压电陶瓷的压电效应对周期压电复合材料的波动局部化特性有显著影响,压电常数越大局部化因子值越大,结构的局部化程度越强;结构的失谐度越大,频率通带区间内的局部化因子值越大,局部化程度越强。分析结果对于周期压电复合材料结构的优化设计和振动控制具有理论参考价值。 相似文献
U. Villante M. De Lauretis P. Francia M. Vellante A. Piancatelli 《Space Science Reviews》2006,122(1-4):107-117
We review the results obtained in the frequency range of Pc3 (22-100 mHz) and Pc4 (7-22 mHz) pulsations at Italian Antarctic stations in the southern polar cap (“Mario Zucchelli”, at Terra Nova Bay, TNB, 80˚.S; “Concordia”, the Italian/French base at Dome C, DMC, 89˚.S). The absence of a midnight enhancement in the pulsation power suggests a negligible substorm influence at extreme latitudes, while the sharp noon enhancement, which appears only at TNB, is determined by the closer proximity of the station to cusp related phenomena. The relationship between the frequency of the band-limited signals and the interplanetary magnetic field strength, the cone angle influence, and the higher correlation of the Pc3 power with the solar wind speed in the morning hours suggest a global scenario in which upstream waves would be mainly responsible for the mid-frequency activity in the polar cap. However, the polarization pattern is odd with respect to the predictions for tailward propagating modes. 相似文献