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仪器舱惯组支架角振动传递特性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大型的仪器舱角振动试验对试验能力提出了新要求,仿真计算十分必要。建立了仪器舱和惯组小系统的有限元模型,研究了惯组系统置于仪器舱支架上后角振动传递特性的变化规律,分析了线角交联响应特性。分析表明,放置于支架上的惯组角振动传递特性变得恶劣,而且线振动输入下交联响应较大。研究结论对于仪器舱角振动试验的实施具有很大价值。 相似文献
1978—1988年间磁扰的分析与日地耦合 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用1978-1988年间行星际磁场(IMF)的Bz分量、极光区AL指数和赤道附近地磁台Z分量等资料探讨了日地耦合中的主要物理过程。Bz的11年变化大致与太阳活动程度相当,但AL和赤道附近ΔZ更多地受磁层和电离层内部过程所控制。分析中强调了对国际磁抗日按物理过程进行分类的必要性。 相似文献
Dynamic Response Analysis of Bird Strike on Aircraft Windshield Based on Damage-modified Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Relation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Wang Xinjun Feng Zhenzhou Wang Fusheng Yue Zhufeng 《中国航空学报》2007,20(6):511-517
Damage-modified nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive equation and failure criterion are introduced and the three-dimensional incremental forms are deduced based on the updated Lagrangian approach. A simple tensile test model and a split Hopkinson pressure bar model are built to verify the accuracy of the subroutine implemented within the non-linear finite element program LS-DYNA. A numerical model of bird strike on windshield is established to study the responses of windshield under three different bird velocities at three sites. The bird is represented by a cylinder with a hemisphere at each end and the contact-impact coupling algorithm is used in this study. It is found that the implemented subroutine can properly describe the mechanical behavior of polymethyl methacrylate under low and high strain rates and large deformation, and can be used validly. 相似文献
Wang Wei Xia Pinqi 《中国航空学报》2007,20(6):501-510
The methodology for adaptive control of helicopter ground resonance with magnetorheological (MR) damper is presented. The adaptive inverse control method is used to control the output damping force of MR damper and the range of the damping force is given. Through the adaptive inverse control, the damping force of MR damper is fit to a desired damping force. With the background of applying MR damper to control of helicopter ground resonance, a model of loss force and an adaptive arithmetic for stabilization of the coupled rotor/fuselage system are presented. The simulation shows that the controller presented in this paper can stabilize the rotor/fuselage coupling system quickly and control the helicopter ground resonance effectively. 相似文献
Tatsuhiro Yokoyama 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2014
Nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), which have tilted frontal structures in the midlatitude ionosphere, are investigated by the midlatitude ionosphere electrodynamics coupling (MIECO) model in this study. It has been proposed that the electrodynamic coupling between the E and F regions plays an important role in generating MSTIDs within a few hours. An intriguing aspect of MSTIDs is that they were simultaneously observed at magnetic conjugate locations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In order to study the hemisphere-coupled electrodynamics, the MIECO model has been upgraded to consist of two simulation domains for both hemispheres in which the electrostatic potential is solved by considering electrodynamics in both hemispheres. The simultaneous occurrence of MSTIDs at the magnetic conjugate stations has clearly been reproduced when the F-region neutral wind satisfies the unstable condition in both hemispheres and a sporadic-E layer is given only at the Northern (summer) Hemisphere. Even if the unstable condition is satisfied in the summer hemisphere, an unfavorable F-region neutral wind in the winter hemisphere largely suppresses the growth of MSTIDs in both hemispheres. 相似文献
本文详细论述了求解周期系数微分方程的Floquet理论及其在直升机旋翼-机身耦合动不稳定性分析中的应用,建立了一套实用的计算方法。这种计算方法,不仅可以分析旋翼特性各向同性的情况,还可以分析旋翼特性各向异性的情况,尤其对于旋翼特性各向异性情况下的旋翼-机身耦合动不稳定性的分析,该计算方法是目前最为有效和可靠的方法。本文给出了旋翼特性各向同性和各向异性情况下直升机旋翼-机身耦合动不稳定性算例计算结果,分析了一个减摆器失效和减摆器阻尼特性存在差异度情况下的耦合系统的动不稳定性,并得出明确的结论。 相似文献
为了研究柔性小变形对大长细比旋转式火箭弹弹道运动的影响,建立了旋转式火箭弹的刚柔耦合动力学模型。运用有限元法来解算弹体柔性小变形,运用弹道仿真来解算空间大运动,通过两种解算方法之间力和攻角的交换来完成刚柔耦合过程。对比了刚柔耦合模型和纯刚体模型的部分弹道。由对比可以看出弹体的柔性变形对火箭弹弹道影响很大,必须充分予以考虑。 相似文献
以任意相控阵天线式空间太阳能电站为研究对象,主要研究了其在轨运行过程中受到的重力姿轨耦合效应对其轨道运动的影响。首先,通过Hamilton原理建立起考虑重力姿轨耦合效应时的姿态运动和轨道运动的方程。其中,任意相控阵天线式空间太阳能电站被简化成刚体,它的重力势能以其结构尺寸和其轨道半径的比值为小量进行泰勒展开,并保留至二阶项。之后,采用解析的方法对方程进行分析,并发现当电站的姿态运动满足一定条件时,其轨道运动将会出现共振现象。此外,重力姿轨耦合效应还会引起空间太阳能电站轨道运动长期的漂移,通过选择合适的轨道运动初始条件可以消除漂移;而且,在一定条件下,重力姿轨耦合效应还会引起轨道运动的发散。最后,数值仿真结果验证了分析的正确性。 相似文献
随着霍尔推力器的大力发展,碘工质霍尔推力器越来越受到研究人员的重视。深入了解碘工质霍尔推力器放电室内部过程,为优化推力器性能和拓展空间应用提供依据。建立了二维PIC/DSMC/MCC混合方法模型,结合鞘层和二次电子发射模型,根据碘工质特性,加入解离-电离过程,在定壁温条件下,针对200 W碘工质霍尔推力器放电室内部过程开展了数值模拟,考察其放电室内等离子体的多场耦合特性以及与壁面的相互作用过程。研究其放电通道内部的等离子体行为,分析放电室内的等离子体参数,获取其离子数密度、离子轴向运动速度、电子温度等特征参数,将模拟结果和氙工质进行比较。结果表明:相较于氙工质,碘工质霍尔推力器存在解离区,宽度约为2 mm,位于近阳极区之后、电离区之前。 相似文献
基于Navier Stokes(N-S)方程组对包括隔热屏、隔热屏内外流、大气外流在内的涡轮基组合动力(TBCC)发动机燃烧室/喷管进行了一体化的气/热耦合数值模拟,考虑了燃气组分输运、辐射换热等影响,研究了其在某典型飞行状态下TBCC冲压发动机燃烧室/喷管筒体及隔热屏内外壁壁面温度、辐射换热热流及对流换热热流分布.结果表明:燃烧室/喷管筒体与对称面上下交线的壁面温度在轴向距离为0.5~2.6m内变化较小,在轴向距离为2.6~3.1m内急剧增加,在轴向距离为3.1~3.5m内急剧下降.之后,上交线筒体壁面温度沿流向减小,下交线筒体壁面温度先升高后降低.筒体壁面温度最高点在喷管下调节板收缩段,为1577K.隔热屏内壁面辐射热流在370~500kW/m2变化,上下交线处的辐射热流较外壁面的辐射热流约高300kW/m2,辐射热流沿流向先减小后增加.隔热屏外壁面辐射热流在50~200kW/m2范围内分布. 相似文献