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Civil aviation faces great challenges because of its robust projected future growth and potential adverse environmental effects. The classical Tube-And-Wing(TAW) configuration following the Cayley's design principles has been optimized to the architecture's limit, which can hardly satisfy the further requirements on green aviation. By past decades' investigations the BlendedWing-Body(BWB) concept has emerged as a potential solution, which can simultaneously fulfill metrics of noise, emission and fuel burn. The purpose of the present work is to analyze the developments of critical technologies for BWB conceptual design from a historical perspective of technology progress. It was found that the high aerodynamic efficiency of BWB aircraft can be well scaled by the mean aerodynamic chord and wetted aspect ratio, and should be realized with the trade-offs among stability and control and low-speed performance. The structure concepts of non-cylinder pressurized cabin are of high risks on weight prediction and weight penalty. A static stability criterion is recommended and further clear and adequate criteria are required by the evaluations of flying and handling qualities. The difficulties of propulsion and airframe integration are analyzed. The energy to revenue work ratios of well-developed BWB configurations are compared,which are 31.5% and 40% better than that of TAW, using state-of-art engine technology and future engine technology, respectively. Finally, further study aspects are advocated.  相似文献   
基于滑模干扰观测器的近空间飞行器非线性广义预测控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
程路  姜长生  都延丽  张军 《宇航学报》2010,31(2):423-431
近空间飞行器(NSV)的飞行包络很大,特别在高超声速飞行过程中,系统将具有强烈非线性 、耦合性和快速时变性,同时将受到较大的外干扰及不确定性影响,这对控制系统提出了很 大的挑战。为此,提出了基于滑模干扰观测器(SMDO)的非线性广义预测控制(NGPC)策略,将 滑模控制的强鲁棒性和预测控制良好的动态性能相结合,设计了高超声速条件下NSV的姿态 制导控制律,进一步仿真实验,结果表明该飞控系统具有良好的控制性能和抗干扰能力。
对最近报道的耐温>1 000℃的高温吸波材料进行了回顾,主要介绍了碳和陶瓷类无机耐高温吸波材料;同时对在纳米技术、静电纺丝技术等研究中报道的新型耐高温材料应用为电磁吸收材料进行了展望。  相似文献   
本文介绍了大型捆绑运载火箭姿态控制系统方案、工作原理和首发飞行试验结果,并将部分参数同美国航天飞机进行比较。  相似文献   
针对我国军用电子设备吊舱载机电源紧张,国产电子元器件耐温性能相对较差,对环境控制系统要求较高的特点,本文提出了一种新型用冲压空气驱动的环境控制系统.该系统采用"蓄冷节能"的设计思想和逆升压回冷技术,并配备具有智能功能的测控子系统.为克服冲压空气压头低的困难,利用空气动力学理论,提高进气道总压恢复系数,扩大系统进出口压差,从而获得较大涡轮膨胀比.试验结果证明所设计的吊舱环控系统具有良好的制冷性能和经济性.  相似文献   
魏才盛  罗建军  殷泽阳 《宇航学报》2019,40(10):1167-1176
针对存在不确定惯量矩阵及其它未知不确定性(如执行器故障、航天器结构发生突变等)下的航天器姿态控制问题,综述了预设性能控制及其应用的研究进展。首先阐释了预设性能控制方法的基本内涵及其关键步骤;然后分析总结了现有航天器姿态控制以及预设性能控制研究的基本概况与发展趋势;最后面向未来复杂化、智能化的空间任务对航天器控制系统提出的新需求,提出航天器预设性能控制值得研究的问题和方向。  相似文献   
Vegetable oil can be used as a base oil in minimal quantity of lubrication(MQL). This study compared the performances of MQL grinding by using castor oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, and palm oil as base oils. A K-P36 numerical-control precision surface grinder was used to perform plain grinding on a workpiece material with a high-temperature nickel base alloy. A YDM–III 99 three-dimensional dynamometer was used to measure grinding force,and a clip-type thermocouple was used to determine grinding temperature. The grinding force, grinding temperature, and energy ratio coefficient of MQL grinding were compared among the seven vegetable oil types. Results revealed that(1) castor oil-based MQL grinding yields the lowest grinding force but exhibits the highest grinding temperature and energy ratio coefficient;(2) palm oil-based MQL grinding generates the second lowest grinding force but shows the lowest grinding temperature and energy ratio coefficient;(3) MQL grinding based on the five other vegetable oils produces similar grinding forces, grinding temperatures, and energy ratio coefficients, with values ranging between those of castor oil and palm oil;(4) viscosity significantly influences grinding force and grinding temperature to a greater extent than fatty acid varieties and contents in vegetable oils;(5) although more viscous vegetable oil exhibits greater lubrication and significantly lower grinding force than less viscous vegetable oil, high viscosity reduces the heat exchange capability of vegetable oil and thus yields a high grinding temperature;(6) saturated fatty acid is a more efficient lubricant than unsaturated fatty acid; and(7) a short carbon chain transfers heat more effectively than a long carbon chain. Palm oil is the optimum base oil of MQL grinding, and this base oil yields 26.98 N tangential grinding force,87.10 N normal grinding force, 119.6 °C grinding temperature, and 42.7% energy ratio coefficient.  相似文献   
在异步电机转速自适应全阶观测器无速度传感器控制方法的基础上,提出了一种基于波波夫稳定性理论的带速重投策略。该策略能够反映出转速估计值与实际值之间的误差关系,并通过自中心向两侧检索的方法使得转速估计值快速地向实际值收敛。采用了一种预励磁方案来达到减小带速重投过程中电流冲击的目的。仿真结果证明了所提策略的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   
考虑电液伺服系统的复杂非线性和不确定性特性,提出一类基于神经网络的并行自适应预测PI控制结构,该结构使控制参数的调整和系统的实时控制操作可并行进行,不仅做到了神经模型和控制器的在线辨识和设计,而且避免了神经网络方法通常存在的实时控制的困难,使复杂系统的在线学习控制成为可能。仿真结果表明该控制器具有良好的适应性和鲁棒性。   相似文献   
龚东升  顾蕴松  周宇航  史楠星 《航空学报》2020,41(10):123609-123609
流体推力矢量喷管型面固定、活动部件少、结构重量轻,能够为高机动飞行器提供有效的飞行控制手段,但无源流体推力矢量喷管热喷流的偏转控制规律尚未完全掌握。为了推进无源流体推力矢量技术的实用化,本文设计研制了适用于微型涡喷发动机的耐高温喷管模型,对该喷管在微型涡喷发动机热喷流状态下的控制规律进行研究。利用非接触光学显示和测量手段——红外热成像拍摄和粒子图像测速(PIV)技术对主射流流动特性进行研究,获得流动矢量角随二次流控制阀门闭合度变化的控制规律;利用六分量盒式天平测力实验研究无源流体推力矢量喷管的力学特性,获得推力矢量角随二次流控制阀门闭合度变化的控制规律。研究结果表明:该构型喷管在微型涡喷发动机热喷流下主射流连续可控偏转,最大流动矢量角为-12.3°/12.3°,最大推力矢量角为-12.9°/12.8°,控制规律接近线性,不存在主射流偏转突跳问题。  相似文献   
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