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本文在具有无尺度铅垂坐标的直角坐标系中采用完全的三维雷诺方程组描述明渠中的水流运动,利用二维沿水深平均的连续方程确定自由表面形状。文中给出的隐式求解方法保持了经典SIMPLE算法的全部优点,并具有高的收敛速度。算例表明,计算结果与实测值十分一致。  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to investigate cloud attenuation at 30 GHz frequency using ground-based microwave radiometric observations at a tropical location, Kolkata. At higher frequencies and lower elevation angles, cloud attenuation is of major concern at a tropical location. The location experiences high value of liquid water path (LWP), which is responsible for cloud attenuation, during the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and pre-monsoon season. Significant amount of cloud attenuation has been observed during monsoon season at 30 GHz. Two years observations of exceedance probability of cloud attenuation and worst month statistics are presented. The variation of cloud attenuation with frequencies for different elevation angles has also been investigated. The seasonal and diurnal patterns of cloud attenuation are examined. Cloud attenuation, inferred from radiometric measurements before rain commencement, has been compared to rain attenuation at Ku-band. Exceedance probabilities of cloud and rain attenuation have been compared.  相似文献   
Hyperspectral resolution image products of a synthetic sensor featuring the high spatial resolution of the space-borne sensor can offer cost-effective means for enhancing our current capabilities in terms of providing an array of images in lieu of designing an expensive system for image acquisition, which can serve the expanding needs of the scientific and user communities for various critical water color applications. Despite several studies on enhancing the capability of land remote sensing sensors, full spectrum reconstruction of water color images with varying spectral bands is hampered by the lack of methods and accurate atmospheric correction procedures. In the present work, a novel method is developed for reconstruction of hyperspectral resolution images from high spatial-resolution Sentinel 2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) data representative of many complex waters in coastal and inland zones. This method uses a deep neural network (DNN) with multiple blocks of deconvolution and dense layers. The spectral reconstruction of hyperspectral resolution images from multispectral data was based on rigorous training data from the atmospherically-corrected and validated HICO normalized water-leaving radiance products (with spectral resolution 438-868 nm sampled at 5.7 nm) of diverse water types. The generalizability and versatility of the DNN method was tested and evaluated systematically by means of various qualitative and quantitative analyses using concurrent space-borne (MSI and HICO) and in-situ measurements from different regional waters. Reconstructed hyperspectral resolution radiances obtained from the MSI images closely matched with independent HICO and MSI measurements within the desired accuracy. Successful reconstruction and validation of the hyperspectral radiances indicate that the proposed state-of-the-art method provides possible future directions for enhancing our current capabilities of space-borne sensors for various research purposes and societal applications at local, regional and global scales.  相似文献   
基于有机材料出气污染过程分析,并结合辐射化学有关理论,建立材料在紫外辐照后的分子污染模型;在ASTM E1559标准测试方法的基础上,以硅橡胶材料为污染源开展试验,测试其经过不同紫外辐照时间后的出气污染沉积量,并对辐照后材料表面的微观特性进行测试分析。根据沉积量测试结果对模型待定参数进行拟合,并结合微观测试结果,分析得到紫外辐照导致硅橡胶分子链中Si-O键以及Si-C键断裂,且部分小分子物质提前挥发,从而使得出气成分中小分子污染物含量下降,大分子污染物含量上升,并最终导致总污染量在前期有所下降,在后期显著增加。  相似文献   
为顺利通过教育部普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估,对如何开展综合性设计性实验认定进行了探讨,并对开展综合性设计性实验中注意的几个问题进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   
多组分燃料蒸发燃烧特性是当前国内外研究的热点,综合采用开窗试验和数值仿真方法,得到了不同酒精浓度(50%、65%和85%)燃烧的火焰结构,分析了酒精浓度对燃烧效率的影响。研究表明:仿真结果和试验结果符合得较好;酒精浓度越高,液滴在燃烧室蒸发越快,燃烧效率越高。  相似文献   
介绍了质子交换膜(PEM)水电解技术的特点及其在国内外航天领域的应用现状,在分析空间任务的发展趋势,以及能源、动力、环境控制与生命保障系统需求变化的基础上,认为在未来载人航天任务中,能源、动力、生保物质互用的解决方法是摆脱依赖地面支持、实现自主和可持续保障的最优途径,并指出了PEM水电解技术作为实现这一技术途径的关键环节所面临的挑战。  相似文献   
针对圆柱体大角度落水过程多相流动问题,采用VOF多相流模型和重叠网格技术分析了低弗劳德数条件下圆柱体落水过程空泡演化、水动力特性以及尺度效应的影响。结果表明:不同直径的圆柱体落水空泡均发生拉断闭合,且空泡闭合时间随弗劳德数增加而线性增大。除落水抨击和空泡闭合阶段外,升力系数在空泡闭合前的平均增长率比空泡闭合后快。阻力系数从落水撞击至空泡闭合阶段变化一致,但是在空泡闭合后出现分化现象。  相似文献   
在地球静止轨道上对大气进行微波遥感探测尚无先例。为验证静止轨道微波探测仪器关键技术,研究高轨微波辐射传输特性并积累遥感数据,研制了微波探测试验载荷,搭载于风云四号A星进行在轨试验。微波探测载荷采用真实孔径圆周扫描体系,配置双频段(183,425 GHz)五通道。载荷在轨试验中,各项指标正常,183GHz频段灵敏度优于0.5K,425GHz灵敏度优于1.9K,性能稳定并超过3个月考核寿命。对微波探测载荷183GHz与极轨载荷先进技术微波辐射计(advanced technology microwave sounder,ATMS)进行亮温交叉比对的结果显示,两者亮温相近,变化趋势一致,验证了探测数据的有效性。载荷还在静止轨道获取了极轨无法探知的3K/h量级亮温变化,并在风云四号A星姿态调整期间完成了静止轨道微波遥感成像。验证了在静止轨道上进行真实孔径体制微波遥感探测的有效性。  相似文献   
微波遥感具有全天时全天候的优点,并对云雾、雨雪和植被等有一定的穿透能力。地基微波辐射计以机动灵活的方式接收地表在微波波段的电磁辐射特性,被广泛用于土壤水分、冻融过程等微波遥感定量试验中。以车载多通道双极化微波辐射计(RPG-6CH-DP)为例,针对不同植被覆盖地表,在内蒙古多伦地区开展了为期3个月的野外观测试验,获得了L(1.4GHz)、C(6.925GHz)、X(10.65GHz)三个频率下的极化亮温观测数据。结果发现,L波段对植被的穿透能力最强,对土壤水分变化最敏感。微波辐射计观测地物的方位角、入射角均对观测亮温有直接影响。这为解译地物微波辐射传输过程及其相互作用机理、各种理论模型的发展和验证、地表参数反演算法的改进,以及相关地球观测卫星计划的载荷方案论证奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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