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Eight new-generation BeiDou satellites (BeiDou-3) have been launched into Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), allowing for global coverage since March 2018, and they are equipped with new hydrogen atomic clocks and updated rubidium clocks. Firstly, we analyzed the signals for the carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) and pseudorange multipath (MP) by using international GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Monitoring and Assessment System (iGMAS) station data, and found that B1C has a lower C/N0, and B2a has the same level of C/N0 as the B1I and B3I signals. For pseudorange multipath, compared with the BeiDou-2 satellites, the obvious systematic variation of MP scatters related to the elevation angle is greatly improved for the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e satellites signals. For the signals of the BeiDou-3 satellites, the order of the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of multipath and noise is B3I?<?B1I?<?B2a?<?B1C. Then, the comparison of the precise orbit determination and clock offset determination for the BeiDou-2, BeiDou-3, and BeiDou-3 experimental (BeiDou-3e) satellites was done by using 10 stations from iGMAS. The 3D precision of the 24?h orbit overlap is 24.55, 25.61, and 23.35?cm for the BeiDou-3, BeiDou-3e, and BeiDou-2 satellites, respectively. BeiDou-3 satellite has a comparable precision to that of the BeiDou-2 satellite. For the precision of clock offset estimation, the Standard Deviation (STD) of the BeiDou-3 MEO satellite is 0.350?ns, which is an improvement of 0.042?ns over that of the BeiDou-2 MEO satellite. The stabilities of the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e onboard clocks are better than those of BeiDou-2 by factors of 2.84 and 1.61 at an averaging time of 1000 and 10,000?s, respectively.  相似文献   
空中交通管制的任务是确保航空器的安全飞行,为了保证飞行安全,需要进行空中交通管制系统运行安全评估及预警的研究.借鉴大数据理论建立空中交通管制大数据概念,从影响空中交通管制系统运行的主要风险因素出发,建立空中交通管制安全运行的状态向量空间,利用主成分分析法去除基础向量线性相关性,再利用聚类分析过程建立空中交通管制运行安全预警知识库,实现空中交通管制运行安全评估和及时预警.结果表明:所用的预警分类分析方法能够很好地实现预警分类和安全评估,为管制部门的相关决策提供理论依据.  相似文献   
Single-crystal superalloys are typical advanced materials used for manufacturing aeroengine turbine blades. Their unique characteristics of high hardness and strength make them exceedingly difficult to machine. However, a key structure of a turbine blade, the film-cooling hole,needs to be machined in a single-crystal superalloy; such machining is challenging, especially considering the increasing levels of machining efficiency and quality demanded by the aeroengine industry. Tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling(TSECDD), a hybrid technique of high-speed electrical discharge drilling and electrochemical machining, provides high machining efficiency and accuracy, as well as eliminating the recast layer. In this study, TSECDD is used to machine a film-cooling hole in a nickel-based single-crystal superalloy(DD6). The Taguchi methods of experiment are used to optimise the machining parameters. Experimental results show that TSECDD can effectively drill the film-cooling hole; the optimum parameters that give the best performance are as follows: pulse duration: 12 ls, pulse interval: 30 ls, peak current:6 A, and salt solution conductivity: 3 m S/cm. Finally, a hole is machined by TSECDD, and the results are compared with those obtained by electrical discharge machining. TSECDD is found to be promising for improving the surface quality and eliminating the recast layer.  相似文献   
在机身等部位加装吊舱会导致飞机气动外形发生变化,为保证飞行安全,需要评估吊舱对飞机操稳特性的影响.通过CFD方法计算了某型飞机在加装不同尺寸吊舱下的气动特性,在原型机基础上通过增量法建立飞机飞行动力学模型,以必要的操稳特性指标为依据,评估加装吊舱对原型机操稳特性的影响,并结合飞行品质标准及飞机使用限制,给出了吊舱尺寸界限.结果表明,加装吊舱对原型机短周期模态、螺旋模态、定常直线平飞和俯仰拉升时的操纵有一定的影响,依据影响绘制尺寸界定区域图可为飞机改装提供依据.  相似文献   
吕刚德  王海峰  邓伟 《航空学报》2020,41(6):523453-523453
伴随数字化设计方法日趋成熟,飞机装备维修性设计面临如何与三维数字化设计环境下功能性能设计同步的难题。对比分析了数字化环境维修性设计与传统维修性设计的主要差别,提出了基于飞机装备数字化设计环境维修性设计流程,研究了维修性设计参数的表达模型以及维修性参数信息在三维设计数字环境中的转化、集成与利用方式。基于图论和网络节点框图,提出了一种以节点网络图、单节点维修时间模型、维修过程时间模型为表征的飞机装备维修性设计与控制方法。经实例验证,提出的这套基于数字模型的维修性设计技术,对装备在数字化设计环境下同步开展维修性设计具有一定的工程指导价值。  相似文献   
针对有试验性能退化量参数记录、且(或)有部分数据缺失情况的小样本无失效轴承试验问题,通过由Taylor和Thompson提出的数据模拟法实现补全样本退化量,结合Bootstrap自助法扩大样本量,再根据基于性能退化轨迹的补充信息方法来进行其可靠性评估。选取7组受试轴承的振动退化量,对比在完整数据和带有缺失数据情况下的分析结果,发现可合理利用原舍弃不合规试验的部分有效信息,使之增加可靠性评估的样本数,从而得到较不用这些数据更为准确的结果,且所得结果较用完整数据结果绝对值相差在01以内。对比由极大似然估计法和加权E-Bayes法分析试验寿命数据的结果,发现该方法所得评估结果更优,与试验实际相比误差在10%以内,对于提高评估精度及降低试验成本有积极的实际意义。  相似文献   
针对三维叶片时域流固耦合振动响应计算普遍耗时的问题,采用一种假设整体结构的模态位移,求解固体时域响应和实现高效网格变形,发展了一种3维时域流固耦合分析的整体弹性结构方法,并应用于压气机叶片0°和180°相位角的气动稳定性分析中。结果表明,所发展方法的计算结果与传统双向时域算法和文献的结果较为吻合,而计算效率相比于传统算法显著提升;在所分析的两个相位角下,叶片振动的气动阻尼均随流量减小先增大后降低,相比于0°相位角,180°下叶片的气动稳定性大幅提高,表明该方法能有效应用于叶片的工程流固耦合研究。  相似文献   
张昊  庞爱民  彭松 《固体火箭技术》2006,29(3):190-194,199
对动态力学性能和静态力学性能的关系进行了理论分析,认为二者之间存在对应关系.通过对采用动态力学分析(DMA)法得到的动态储能模量主曲线和材料试验机得到的静态松弛主曲线进行对比,验证了这种关系.提出了根据动态和静态力学性能关系,利用动态储能模量主曲线得到静态松弛模量和静态强度,以评估推进剂老化状态的非破坏性方法.预测值和实测值的比较结果显示,该方法能够较好地评估推进剂的寿命状态.  相似文献   
涡轮泵作为液体火箭发动机的核心部件,恶劣的工作环境和极高的转速使其易发生组件断裂、烧蚀等问题。为了对液体火箭发动机的涡轮泵进行健康管理,提出针对某型液体火箭发动机涡轮泵的数据驱动故障检测、故障预测及健康状态评估方法。在某型液体火箭发动机试车数据集上,通过对涡轮泵轴、径、切向振动数据进行对应的时域、频域特征处理后,送入训练好的ResNet网络、自主设计的图像特征识别算法以及退化模式线性回归模型,分别实现了对该型液体火箭发动机涡轮泵的故障检测、预测及健康状态评估,具有较高的准确性。  相似文献   
针对SMP机群的双层并行体系结构,研制出一种双层并行技术--在计算节点间采用MPI消息传递模式并行,而在计算节点内部采用OpenMP编译器指令模式并行.通过算例测试证明,采用该技术的航空CFD程序,并结合贪婪负载平衡分配技术进行并行计算,其效率可达94%,计算结果与实验值吻合.  相似文献   
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