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摘要: 金星探测需要超长距离低码率传输,因而金星探测器需要保持其数传天线指向地球.相对于地球轨道飞行器来说,金星探测器距离太阳更近,需要固定散热面来维持探测器内的温度.提供一种基于在金星探测器偏置安装天线的姿态指向设计,能够保证从金星向地球传输数据并且维持散热面远离太阳.而此设计旨在减少数传天线的数量至一根同时将两个固定平面作为散热面.还提供两种详细方案来控制姿态机动来保证在数传天线始终指向地球的同时在特定节点切换散热面.  相似文献   
针对微重力条件下单组份液体池沸腾现象,探讨了有关热毛细效应作用及其成因的不同观点,指出正确描述气液相变界面两侧的温度关系是解决争议的关键.详细评述了现有的气液相变界面温度模型,发现气液相变的非平衡特征会导致气液界面上产生温度梯度,引起表面张力的显著差异,从而驱动热毛细对流的形成.但现有气液相变界面温度模型机理差异迥然,预测结果也差别很大,因此,需要更深入研究.  相似文献   
随着微放电效应研究的不断深入,低能电子影响在微放电过程中越来越不可忽视。当前常用的微放电模型在处理低能电子问题上具有一定的局限性,为了精确模拟这一过程,在深入研究二次电子和背散射电子发射理论的基础上,分别针对材料表面条件不同引起的二次电子发射系数不确定性、低能电子的背散射系数以及电子入射角等问题进行了分析和讨论,并在此基础上建立了一个二次电子发射模型,最后通过数值计算讨论了模型的正确性和适用范围。这一模型同时考虑材料表面条件参数、低能电子的背散射系数以及入射角等因素影响,能够兼容较低能量电子的二次发射,提升微放电数值模拟的精确度和适用性,为微放电数值模拟的发展起到推进作用。  相似文献   
针对典型的电磁脉冲对航天器电缆耦合问题,建立了航天器场线耦合分析模型。在场分布计算方面,采用基于平均电参数和分析目标与 Yee网格不重合的边缘部分修正的改进时域有限差分法。在场线耦合方面,建立基于集总等效源模型的多导体传输线瞬态响应模型,将外场在传输线上激励的分布电压源和电流源与传输线指数矩阵解耦,建立了集总等效电压源和电流源模型。采用分析模型分析运载内一根电缆受电磁脉冲影响的响应,结果表明,即使存在屏蔽作用,电磁脉冲在电缆上耦合的干扰足以损毁设备。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于虚拟页地址映射的NAND Flash管理算法.该算法通过定义坏块表、对应表等结构,以及设计的坏块替换策略和虚拟页地址到实际物理页地址的转换算法,实现上层软件采用虚拟地址对NAND Flash的无坏块连续页地址访问.该算法是一种高效的地址映射算法,能高效地对数据进行索引,占用SRAM空间较少,使系统达到高性能,并使得闪存使用的更加稳定持久.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work is to report the experimental evidences for the influence of perturbations in the electron density in the dayside mid-latitude ionosphere, that are caused by high-frequency heating of the F2 layer, on the GNSS signals. The experiments were carried out at the Sura heater (Radio Physical Research Institute, N. Novgorod). During the sessions of ionospheric heating with different time modulations of the radiated power the rays linking the navigational satellites with the ground receiver intersected the heated region. Variations in the total electron content (TEC) were studied; these variations are proportional to the reduced phases of navigational signals. It is shown that with the square-wave modulation of the radiated power (with periods of 1, 6, 10 and 15 min), perturbations with periods of the main modulation of heating and its harmonics appear in the spectrum of TEC variations. Examples are presented of identification of the heating-induced variations in TEC, including determination of the amplitudes and time characteristics of these variations.  相似文献   
The period of field line resonance (FLR) type geomagnetic pulsations depends on the length of the field line and on the plasma density in the inner magnetosphere (plasmasphere), where field lines are closed. Here as FLR period, the period belonging to the maximum occurrence frequency of the occurrence frequency spectrum (equivalent resonance curve) of pulsations has been considered. The resonance system may be replaced by an equivalent resonant circuit. The plasma density would correspond to the ohmic load. The plasma in the plasmasphere originates from the ionosphere, thus FLR period, occurrence frequency are also affected by the maximum electron density in the ionosphere. The FLR period has shown an enhancement with increasing F region electron density, while the occurrence frequency indicated diminishing trend (possible damping effect). Thus, the increased plasma density may be the cause of the decreased occurrence of FLR type pulsations in the winter months of solar activity maximum years (winter anomaly).  相似文献   
CubeSail is a nano-solar sail mission based on the 3U CubeSat standard, which is currently being designed and built at the Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey. CubeSail will have a total mass of around 3 kg and will deploy a 5 × 5 m sail in low Earth orbit. The primary aim of the mission is to demonstrate the concept of solar sailing and end-of-life de-orbiting using the sail membrane as a drag-sail. The spacecraft will have a compact 3-axis stabilised attitude control system, which uses three magnetic torquers aligned with the spacecraft principle axis as well as a novel two-dimensional translation stage separating the spacecraft bus from the sail. CubeSail’s deployment mechanism consists of four novel booms and four-quadrant sail membranes. The proposed booms are made from tape-spring blades and will deploy the sail membrane from a 2U CubeSat standard structure. This paper presents a systems level overview of the CubeSat mission, focusing on the mission orbit and de-orbiting, in addition to the deployment, attitude control and the satellite bus.  相似文献   
“嫦娥4号”中继星任务轨道确定问题初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
"嫦娥4号"任务将采用着陆器、巡视器和绕飞地月拉格朗日L2点中继星进行月球背面的探测,中继星已先期发射,进入环绕地月L2点的晕(Halo)轨道。在中继星使命轨道动力学模型的基础上,通过相关仿真工作,开展了中继星在Halo轨道上的摄动源量级及影响定轨预报的主要因素分析,结果表明:太阳光压摄动是其主要影响因素。为降低其相关影响,提高定轨精度,在太阳光压球模型的基础上,结合中继星在轨运行特点及其星体结构特点,提出了一种求解光压等效面积的方法。经仿真分析,使用修正后的太阳光压球模型进行定轨求解,速度精度可提升约一个量级。  相似文献   
本文给出一种计算飞机机翼上定常和非定常跨音速气动力的数值解法,使用了一种特殊设计的坐标变换,是用时间精确交替方向隐式(ADI)有限差分算法来求解非定常跨音速修正三元小扰动位势方程。给出了F5战斗机机翼的数值结果并与XTRAN3S,ATRAN3S及试验结果进行了比较,表明本方法是有效的和经济的。  相似文献   
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