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Since its discovery in 1867, periodic comet 9P/Tempel 1 has been observed at 10 returns to perihelion, including all its returns
since 1967. The observations for the seven apparitions beginning in 1967 have been fit with an orbit that includes only radial
and transverse nongravitational accelerations that model the rocket-like thrusting introduced by the outgassing of the cometary
nucleus. The successful nongravitational acceleration model did not assume any change in the comet’s ability to outgas from
one apparition to the next and the outgassing was assumed to reach a maximum at perihelion. The success of this model over
the 1967–2003 interval suggests that the comet’s spin axis is currently stable. Rough calculations suggest that the collision
of the impactor released by the Deep Impact spacecraft will not provide a noticeable perturbation on the comet’s orbit nor
will any new vent that is opened as a result of the impact provide a noticeable change in the comet’s nongravitational acceleration
history. The observing geometries prior to, and during, the impact will allow extensive Earth based observations to complement
the in situ observations from the impactor and flyby spacecraft. 相似文献
The forecast of the terrestrial ring current as a major contributor to the stormtime Dst index and a predictor of geomagnetic storms is of central interest to ‘space weather’ programs. We thus discuss the dynamical
coupling of the solar wind to the Earth's magnetosphere during several geomagnetic storms using our ring current-atmosphere
interactions model and coordinated space-borne data sets. Our model calculates the temporal and spatial evolution of H+, O+, and He+ ion distribution functions considering time-dependent inflow from the magnetotail, adiabatic drifts, and outflow from the
dayside magnetopause. Losses due to charge exchange, Coulomb collisions, and scattering by EMIC waves are included as well.
As initial and boundary conditions we use complementary data sets from spacecraft located at key regions in the inner magnetosphere,
Polar and the geosynchronous LANL satellites. We present recent model simulations of the stormtime ring current energization
due to the enhanced large-scale convection electric field, which show the transition from an asymmetric to a symmetric ring
current during the storm and challenge the standard theories of (a) substorm-driven, and (b) symmetric ring current. Near
minimum Dst there is a factor of ∼ 10 variation in the intensity of the dominant ring current ion specie with magnetic local time, its
energy density reaching maximum in the premidnight to postmidnight region. We find that the O+ content of the ring current increases after interplanetary shocks and reaches largest values near Dst minimum; ∼ 60% of the total ring current energy was carried by O+ during the main phase of the 15 July 2000 storm. The effects of magnetospheric convection and losses due to collisions and
wave-particle interactions on the global ring current energy balance are calculated during different storm phases and intercompared.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
地球卫星重力测量计划CHAMP(CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload)、GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)、GOCE(Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer)和月球卫星重力测量计划(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory,GRAIL)的成功实施,以及下一代地球重力卫星(GRACE Follow-On)的即将发射昭示着我们将迎来一个前所未有的高精度和高空间分辨的深空卫星重力探测时代。围绕深空卫星重力测量的研究背景、必要性、可行性、卫星重力反演软件平台构建、轨道摄动和未来研究方向开展了研究论证。研究表明:深空卫星重力测量作为新世纪重力探测技术,在精化量体重力场、提高惯性导航精度、天体动力学、天体物理学和军事技术的研究,以及促进国民经济发展和提高社会效益等方面具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
深空探测器自主技术发展现状与趋势简 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
深空探测器距离地球远、所处环境复杂、苛刻,利用地面测控站进行深空探测器的遥测和遥控已经很难满足探测器控制的实时性和安全性要求。深空探测器自主技术即通过在探测器上构建一个智能自主管理软件系统,自主地进行工程任务与科学任务的规划调度、命令执行、星上状态的监测与故障时的系统重构,完成无人参与情况下的探测器长时间自主安全运行,自主技术已经逐渐成为深空探测领域未来发展的一项关键技术。本文首先分析了传统测控模式对深空探测的约束,回顾了深空探测器自主技术发展的现状,分析了实现深空探测器自主运行的关键技术,包括在轨自主管理系统设计技术、自主任务规划技术、自主导航与控制技术、自主故障处理技术和自主科学任务操作技术。然后结合深空探测工程实施和技术发展需求,提出未来深空探测器自主技术发展的趋势和重点。 相似文献
在前期开展再入飞行器RCS(雷达散射截面)特性试验和理论研究的基础上,对典型临近空间高超声速飞行器RCS特性开展了研究,分析了绕流和尾迹对飞行器本体RCS特性的影响。研究表明等离子体流场在头身部绕流、近尾尾迹和部分远尾尾迹的最大电子密度将远高于电离层最高电子密度,更高于典型天波超视距雷达工作频段对应的临界电子密度。因而等离子体尾迹将会对3~30 MHz频段电磁波产生较强的散射,使得等离子体尾迹的RCS远远大于飞行器本体的RCS。利用临近空间高超声速飞行器尾迹RCS的这一特点,有可能实现对临近空间高超声速飞行器的超视距探测。 相似文献
为提高以空间站为代表的大型载人空间基础设施运行效率和运营效益,本文在研究国际空间站(ISS)在轨运营模式及商业化做法的基础上,针对我国现有空间基础设施的在轨运营特点、国家战略和社会商业化需求,提出了引入社会资本建立商业化运营模式和建立商业成果转化基金等建议,成立专门的商业化运营管理机构,进行统筹管理和商业化运营,探索形成一套职责清晰、高质高效、效益突出的商业化运营管理体系,既保证空间基础设施在轨健康运行,高效开展各类空间应用,又降低建设和运营成本。在孕育商业模式和创新项目促进经济社会发展的同时,也具有重要的现实意义和深远的社会效益。 相似文献