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介绍一种新的 FM/ FM数字多路解调系统的设计和实现方案。该方案采用了过零检测解调方法和降频解调技术 ,从而在保持解调精度的条件下 ,大大降低了系统中带通滤波器和低通滤波器的阶数 ,而且具有中心频率的自适应功能。  相似文献   
The problem of aeroelasticity and maneuvering of command surface and gust wing interaction involves a starting flow period which can be seen as the flow of an airfoil attaining suddenly an angle of attack. In the linear or nonlinear case, compressive Mach or shock waves are generated on the windward side and expansive Mach or rarefaction waves are generated on the leeward side. On each side, these waves are composed of an oblique steady state wave, a vertically-moving one-dimensional unsteady wave, and a secondary wave resulting from the interaction between the steady and unsteady ones. An analytical solution in the secondary wave has been obtained by Heaslet and Lomax in the linear case, and this linear solution has been borrowed to give an approximate solution by Bai and Wu for the nonlinear case. The structure of the secondary shock wave and the appearance of various force stages are two issues not yet considered in previous studies and has been studied in the present paper. A self-similar solution is obtained for the secondary shock wave, and the reason to have an initial force plateau as observed numerically is identified. Moreover, six theoretical characteristic time scales for pressure load variation are determined which explain the slope changes of the time-dependent force curve.  相似文献   
本文通过引进决策方案的可行度和决策者参考目标水平的满足度等概念,提出了一种不确定条件下的多目标随机决策方法——交互式参考目标满足度与可行度决策分析中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
吴洪涛  赵修斌  庞春雷  张良  冯波 《航空学报》2018,39(6):321850-321850
多天线增强了全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)单频单历元姿态测量解算模型的强度,但随着天线数量增加,模糊度维数成倍增加,从模糊度域确定搜索空间的计算量将显著增长。基于此,提出了基于值域的多约束多天线GNSS单频单历元姿态测量新算法:该算法将姿态约束融入值域搜索模型,利用姿态约束条件推导搜索步长,通过姿态域三维搜索确定模糊度搜索空间,以基于最优条件姿态解非迭代近似估计的方法固定模糊度。实验结果表明,新算法中模糊度搜索效率较原方法提高约65.8%,固定模糊度效率较标准迭代算法提高约95.3%,且与标准迭代算法性能相当;所提算法能够实现GNSS单频单历元的模糊度固定和载体全姿态测量,具有较高的正确率。  相似文献   
本文给出了无界域上不定二次规划一个算法。该算法将不定规划转化为一系列凸二次规划,并证明了算法的收敛性。  相似文献   
In the present work, the coefficients of thermal expansion(CTEs) of unidirectional(UD)fiber-reinforced composites are studied. First, an attempt is made to propose a model to predict both longitudinal and transverse CTEs of UD composites by means of thermo-elastic mechanics analysis. The proposed model is supposed to be a concentric cylinder with a transversely isotropic fiber embedded in an isotropic matrix, and it is subjected to a uniform temperature change. Then a concise and explicit formula is offered for each CTE. Finally, some finite element(FE) models are created by a finite element program MSC. Patran according to different material systems and fiber volume fractions. In addition, the available experimental data and results of other analytical solutions of CTEs are presented. Comparisons are made among the results of the cylinder model,the finite element method(FEM), experiments, and other solutions, which show that the predicted CTEs by the new model are in good agreement with the experimental data. In particular, transverse CTEs generally offer better agreements than those predicted by most of other solutions.  相似文献   
针对以往三轴磁传感器和加速度计组合测量高转速弹体姿态的不足,提出了一种新的姿态测量方案。该方案由两个磁传感器和两个加速度计以特定的方式安装及相应的解算方法组成。说明了传感器的布阵方式,并给出了弹体姿态解算的数学模型和解算方法。该解算方法包括Magsonde Window和最值之比的证明以及姿态角解算的理论分析,最后对此方案进行了建模与仿真。仿真结果表明,解算的姿态角与真实姿态角相符。  相似文献   
隧道衬砌与围岩的应力分析是隧道设计中一个重要内容。本文基于厦门市东通道海底隧道对圆形隧道衬砌与围岩应力的封闭解析解法进行研究,首先利用MATLAB编制衬砌与围岩应力程序并选用一个已有精确解的实例进行校验,然后对圆形隧道四种工况进行计算并给出相关的衬砌和围岩的分布曲线,最后对计算结果进行了相关分析。  相似文献   
本文设计了求解Lyapunov矩阵方程的一种新方法。所考虑的矩阵方程是 AX—XB=C(1)其中A,B,C分别是m×m,n×n和m×n的已知矩阵。 该方法首先是将系数矩阵A,B初等相似约化为三对角矩阵,即存在可逆矩阵U,V,使U~(-1)AU=A,V~(-1)BV=B,其中A,B为三对角矩阵。然后设计了矩阵方程AY—YB=C的公式解法,分三步: 1)求f(λ)=det(λI—A)的λ各次幂的系数a_0,…,a_m; 2)计算sum from i=1 to m (A_(m-i)-CB~(m-i)),f(B); 3)求解Y。解方程AY—YB=C的方法称为THR算法。 最后经逆变换获得原矩阵方程(1)的解X。 求解矩阵方程(1)的方法称为R—THR算法。该方法的计算量约为m~3+4/3n~3+7m~2n+5nm~2+m~2。 本文给出了R—THR的串行计算的数值例子,并给出了THR算法的并行计算格式。最后通过几种数值方法的比较,表明该方法是可行的,也是有效的。  相似文献   
从理论上推导全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)中基于双星故障的接收机自主完好性监测(RAIM)中的两个基本定理,为基于双星故障的RAIM技术提供了理论支撑。第一个定理给出了RAIM中奇偶矢量与导航误差的关系,指出了两者的统计独立性,它表明只能通过多次测量的累积以统计方法得到导航定位精度;第二个定理指出可通过偏差修正方式得到正确的导航解。这两个结论与单星故障假设条件下得到的结论是相同的,这就表明,基于单星故障假设的RAIM方法,其基本原理是可以通用于双星以至于多星故障情形的,只需在具体操作上进行适应性改进。另外,推导方法本身也提供了一种进行GNSS分析的有力工具。  相似文献   
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