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Mercury is a poorly known planet, since the only space-based information comes from the three fly-bys performed in 1974 by the Mariner 10 spacecraft. Ground-based observations also provided some interesting results, but they are particularly difficult to obtain due to the planet’s proximity to the Sun. Nevertheless, the fact that the planet’s orbit is so close to the Sun makes Mercury a particularly interesting subject for extreme environmental conditions. Among a number of crucial scientific topics to be addressed, Mercury’s exosphere, its interaction with the solar wind and its origin from the surface of the planet, can provide important clues about planetary evolution. In fact, the Hermean exosphere is continuously eroded and refilled by these interactions, so that it would be more proper to consider the Hermean environment as a single, unified system – surface-exosphere-magnetosphere. These three parts are indeed strongly linked to each other. In recent years, the two missions scheduled to explore the iron planet, the NASA MESSENGER mission (launched in March 2004) and the ESA cornerstone mission (jointly with JAXA) BepiColombo (to be launched in 2012), have stimulated new interest in the many unresolved mysteries related to it. New ground-based observations, made possible by new technologies, have been obtained, and new simulation studies have been performed. In this paper some old as well as the very latest observations and studies related to the surface-exosphere-magnetosphere system are reviewed, outlining the investigations achievable by the planned space-based observations. This review intends to support the studies, in preparation of future data, and the definition of specific instrumentation.  相似文献   
The Deep Impact mission’s Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program brings the principles of physics relating to the properties of matter, motions and forces and transfer of energy to school-aged and public audiences. Materials and information on the project web site convey the excitement of the mission, the principles of the process of scientific inquiry and science in a personal and social perspective. Members of the E/PO team and project scientists and engineers, share their experiences in public presentations and via interviews on the web. Programs and opportunities to observe the comet before, during and after impact contribute scientific data to the mission and engage audiences in the mission, which is truly an experiment.  相似文献   
Coronal holes have been identified as source regions of the fast solar wind, and MHD wave activity has been detected in coronal holes by remote sensing, and in situ in fast solar wind streams. I review some of the most suggestive wave observations, and discuss the theoretical aspects of MHD wave heating and solar wind acceleration in coronal holes. I review the results of single fluid 2.5D MHD, as well as multi-fluid 2.5D MHD models of waves in coronal holes, the heating, and the acceleration of the solar wind be these waves.  相似文献   
为了解决基于GPS导航的无人机受他国控制和易受干扰的潜在危险问题,提出以GPS导航系统为主,以捷联惯性导航结合主动式红外激光扫描定位及计算机视觉识别着陆跑道为辅的无人机导航和着陆精确导引新技术,实现无人机全天候的自主精确着陆。提出了该技术的具体工作原理和工作过程,对激光扫描系统的工作原理和扫描模型及扫描参数的确定、着陆点的激光反射装置的确定、着陆点坐标与着陆跑道方向的确定问题和防止发生由其它反射物或红外光源误导的措施等问题进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   
对不同情况下建筑物屋顶及外墙表面铺设光伏电池进行研究。采用启发式算法进行电池性能的优劣评价,采用模糊规划,作出铺设电池的初步判断。以光伏电池每平方米利润最大为目标采用贪心算法选择需要铺设的电池,并配合矩形排样中最低轮廓线法对光伏电池的安放进行优化,从而得到利润最大的组合。利用多维线性规划对逆变器进行选择,通过成本—收入—利润模型对选配逆变器之后的最终利润进行进一步优化。  相似文献   
对几种典型的小型无人机回收方式进行了比较,针对小型电动无人机翼载荷较小的特点,深失速回收方式具有明显优势,并给出了具体的深失速回收方案.通过分析大迎角情况下无人机的动力学模型,推导了在深失速情况下无人机的状态方程,建立了无人机深失速回收仿真模型,并以某型近程电动无人机为对象,在Matlab/Simulink中对深失速模...  相似文献   
针对升力风扇无人机升力产生原理异于常规飞机的特殊性,对无人机进行了受力情况分析,建立了垂直起飞阶段全量飞行力学数学模型,并详细给出了纵向和横航向的控制方案。采用传统控制律设计方法对升力风扇无人机垂直起飞过程的高度、纵向及横航向控制回路进行了设计,并搭建控制仿真平台进行了仿真验证,通过仿真结果分析了该类型飞机的运动特性,验证了控制系统的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   
任鹏  高晓光 《飞行力学》2011,29(3):92-96
对AH/UAV协同作战任务进行了客观描述,建立了AH/UAV编队协同在指定威胁环境条件下对地面重要目标实施攻击的动态数学模型.通过仿真,分析了AH/UAV协同执行侦察打击任务的重要作战效能指标,并通过对比分析可知,AH/UAV协同作战能够显著提高攻击作战的任务成功率和对目标的击毁率,同时能够降低风险,提高自身安全.  相似文献   
对无人机回收伞包装方法包括气压包装、液压包装,抽真空包装和热压包装等进行了较深入的研究,分析了它们的原理及各自的优缺点,论证了采购成本及研制该设备的主要技术难点,得出了不同伞舱容积的无人机需使用的较为合理的包装方法及对应的包装机,对研制包伞设备有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   
为提高导航星座的自主导航能力,提出一种基于人工拉格朗日点太阳帆的导航卫星自主定轨方法。在导航卫星星间测距的基础上,利用太阳帆提供的空间实时位置信息,来消除导航星座的整体旋转和漂移对自主定轨的影响。选用第一类无奇点根数作为状态变量,利用EKF滤波器融合卫星动力学信息及两类测距信息进行自主定轨。利用GPS导航星座的IGS精密星历进行了仿真试验,仿真结果表明了该方法不仅能够保证导航卫星自主定轨的长期稳定性,且与结合星间测距和星间测向的自主定轨方法相比,定轨精度更高。  相似文献   
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