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介绍了用于制造单分散球形微米级粒子的脉冲微孔喷射技术.根据微滴制备原理,可将其分为适用于低熔点材料的压片式喷射装置及适用于高熔点材料的传动杆式喷射装置,分别阐述了两种方式的脉冲微孔喷射技术的喷射原理、相关特点以及该技术的发展和研究现状.目前,采用脉冲微孔喷射技术已成功制备出金属、半导体及生体材料单分散微粒子,具有粒径均一、圆球度高等优势.通过与其他微米级粒子制备技术,如均匀液滴喷射法、气动式按需喷射法及雾化法相比较,在诸多方面显示出脉冲微孔喷射法的独特优点.与此同时,分别讨论了脉冲微孔喷射技术在增材制造方面的潜在应用,可直接使用微米级粒子作为增材制造用粉体以及液滴沉积成型.鉴于脉冲微孔喷射技术的独特性,可以预见随着研究的不断深入,脉冲微孔喷射技术将在增材制造方面具有更加广阔的发展空间和应用前景.  相似文献   
星敏感器结构设计与安装过程会产生多种误差,主要误差源有星敏感器像平面主点误差、主距误差、倾斜误差与旋转误差,这些误差影响了星敏感器在轨标定的精度。本文根据星敏感器的误差模型,提出了一种高精度的星敏感器在轨标定方法。在已知含有误差的像平面的基础上,构造一个虚拟的像平面。当粒子群优化算法使含有误差的像点投影到虚拟像平面上的坐标与无误差时像点的坐标一致时,再利用Quest解算出三轴姿态角求得两个像平面之间的姿态矩阵,得出两像平面之间的关系。结果表明:星敏感器姿态确定精度较高且比较稳定。这种方法与传统标定方法的优势在于不依靠陀螺信息,原理简单,提高了数据的准确性。  相似文献   
模拟月尘制备及其物理和力学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在地球上进行的大量与月尘力学性质和机械性质相关的试验研究中,通常采用模拟月尘代替真实月尘。本研究制备了一种适用于月球探测工程试验的模拟月尘,制备工序依次为原材料选取、颗粒粗加工、颗粒精加工、颗粒级配、颗粒混合及预处理。该模拟月尘的颗粒粒径分布、颗粒相对密度、干密度、孔隙比、内聚力和内摩擦角等物理和力学性能参数经分析与国外典型模拟月尘相关参数相近,证明其可应用于月球探测工程试验。  相似文献   
This paper presents a FORTRAN computer program. The program as code will be used for lunar parameter inversions based on gravity/topography admittance. This will be done by assuming that the lunar lithosphere is modeled as a thin elastic spherical shell. The parameters discussed here include; load ratio, crustal thickness, subsurface load depth, crustal density and elastic lithosphere thickness. The admittance of the best-fitting model can be found through automatically adjusting misfits between one theoretical admittance and an observed one. The results in this paper indicate that this research’s theoretical model is reasonable for exploring the best-fitting parameters. In addition, this code is not only able to automatically and simultaneously calculate the global optimum solution of the parameters studied, but also performs well in computational speed. The code can be easily modified to include more parameter inversions; such as the inversion for subsurface density anomaly and the case of considering infilling material in some lunar mare basins.  相似文献   
自由飞行是解决空域拥挤问题的一种有效飞行模式。随着通信、导航、监视( CNS )技术的不断进步和自由飞行理论的不断完善,自由飞行将会使飞机由被动指挥向自选最优路径转变,能够明显提高空域的容量和飞行的效率。在评估自由飞行环境下飞机运行的安全性时,需要行之有效的碰撞风险评估方法。首先考虑通信、导航、监视(CNS)性能对飞机定位误差的影响,在执行飞行冲突解脱命令过程中引入相互作用粒子系统(IPS),提出一种自由飞行下飞机碰撞风险评估算法,最后结合目标安全水平寻找最优最小安全间距。算例表明,算法能够快速有效计算自由飞行下飞机间碰撞风险,具有可行性。  相似文献   
Based upon the most efficient electron acceleration near the midplane of 3D non-neutral driven reconnecting current sheet (RCS) and the electrostatic wave excitation by the drift Maxwellian distribution of electrons in Vlasov simulation, we assume that the electrostatic waves mainly propagate opposite to the reconnecting electric field and investigated how these waves affect the electron acceleration. The main results are: (1) when the electron’s velocity equals to the phase speed of the waves, they will be trapped and have the different accelerating characteristics from the untrapped electrons through solving the momentum equations of electrons analytically; (2) the test particle simulations further prove that the number of the energetic electrons decreases with the increasing intensity of unstable waves, and the distribution of the energetic electrons takes on the double power-law.  相似文献   
建立了两相湍流的代数应力模型 ,并由此出发 ,导出非线性k ε kp 两相湍流模型 ,目的是合理地模拟各向异性较强的旋流两相流动 ,保持二阶矩模型的优点 ,同时比二阶矩模型简单 .文中得到了气相、颗粒相的雷诺应力和两相脉动速度关联的非线性应力应变关系式。这些代数式和两相各自的湍动能k ,kp,以及两相脉动关联湍动能kpg的方程联立 ,就构成非线性k ε kp 模型 .将该模型用于模拟旋流两相流动 ,给出两相时均速度场及雷诺应力各分量 ,并且将模拟结果和实验数据以及二阶矩模型的模拟结果对照 .研究结果表明 ,该模型预报旋流两相流动的能力和二阶矩模型的能力相差不多 ,但计算量比二阶矩模型的小  相似文献   
熔铝氧化渗透合成SiC_p/Al_2O_3-Al复合材料的微观结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以低成本的熔铝氧化渗透合成新方法制备了SiCp/Al2 O3 Al复合材料。借助X光电子谱 (XPS)、光学金相显微镜、透射电镜 (TEM)、X射线衍射 (XRD)等手段研究了该种复合材料的微观结构 ,并分析了影响微观结构的主要因素及其影响规律。结果表明 ,Al2 O3 和Al作为复合材料基体呈双连续分布 ,它们各自的含量可在较大范围内受SiC颗粒的粒度所控制。在熔铝氧化渗透合成的SiCp/Al2 O3 Al复合材料中 ,各组成相之间无界面反应 ,也无晶间相 ,Al2 O3 在SiC颗粒表面二次形核并直接生长的现象普遍存在 ,并由此形成了具有良好物理冶金结合的Al2 O3 SiC一体化陶瓷骨架  相似文献   
In this paper, the marginal Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (MRBPF), which fuses the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF) algorithm and the marginal particle filter (MPF) algorithm, is presented. The state space is divided into linear and non-linear parts, which can be estimated separately by the MPF and the optional Kalman filter. Through simulation in the terrain aided navigation (TAN) domain, it is demonstrated that, compared with the RBPF, the root mean square errors (RMSE) and the error variance of the nonlinear state estimations by the proposed MRBPF are respectively reduced by 29% and 96%, while the unique particle count is increased by 80%. It is also found that the MRBPF has better convergence properties, and analysis has shown that the existing RBPF is nothing more than a special case of the MRBPF.  相似文献   
3He-rich solar energetic particle (SEP) events show huge enrichments of 3He and association with kilovolt electrons and Type-III radio bursts. Observations from a new generation of high resolution instruments launched on the Wind, ACE, Yohkoh, SOHO, TRACE, and RHESSI spacecraft have revealed many new properties of these events: the particle energy spectra are found to be either power-law or curved in shape, with the 3He spectrum often being distinctly different from other species. Ultra-heavy nuclei up to >200 amu are found to be routinely present at average enrichments of >200 times solar-system abundances. The high ionization states previously observed near ∼1 MeV/nucleon have been found to decrease towards normal solar coronal values in these events. The source regions have been identified for many events, and are associated with X-ray jets and EUV flares that are associated with magnetic reconnection sites near active regions. This paper reviews the current experimental picture and theoretical models, with emphasis on the new insights found in the last few years.  相似文献   
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