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针对传统交点孔加工方法加工精度低且存在回弹变形的问题,设计了一种满足飞机大部件数字化装配要求的机身交点孔精加工方法,根据交点孔的加工特性完成了机身定位与固持、数控加工中心定位以及加工工艺的总体设计,确定了交点孔加工程序原点的计算方法和编程原则,最后通过交点孔试切加工试验验证了加工方法的可行性。  相似文献   
A modification of the Doppler Interferometry Technique is suggested to enable estimating angles of arrival of comparatively broadband HF signals scattered by random irregularities of the ionospheric plasma with the use of small-size weakly directional antennas. The technique is based on the measurements of cross-spectra phases of the probe radiation recorded at least in three spatially separated points. The developed algorithm has been used to investigate the angular and frequency-time characteristics of HF signals propagating at frequencies above the maximum usable one (MUF) for the direct radio path Moscow-Kharkiv. The received signal spectra show presence of three families of spatial components attributed, respectively, to scattering by plasma irregularities near the middle point of the radio path, ground backscatter signals and scattering of the sounding signals by the intense plasma turbulence associated with auroral activations. It has been shown that the regions responsible for the formation of the third family components are located well inside the auroral oval. The drift velocity and direction of the auroral ionosphere plasma have been determined. The obtained estimates are consistent with the classical conception of the ionospheric plasma convection at high latitudes and do not contradict the results of investigations of the auroral ionosphere dynamics using the SuperDARN network.  相似文献   
We study the Propagation and damping properties of Alfvén gravity waves in the presence of the vertical magnetic field in the viscous solar plasma under influence of the background flow by deriving a fourth order dispersion relation in terms of the Doppler shifted frequency. We derive the dispersion relation under WKB and Boussinesq approximation. We study the damping of Alfvén gravity waves for the wave frequencies less than and greater than the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. We find that the Brunt-Väisälä frequency divides the frequency ranges where the weakly or strongly damped oscillations occur. The background flow exhibits a strong effect on weakly damped oscillations and a weak effect on the strongly damped oscillations. We also notice that the damping of both the strong and weakly damped oscillations depend on the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. The effect of the background flow is also being governed by the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. We also study the properties of gravity wave mode after filtering the Alfvén wave mode by minimizing the magnetic field and noticed that the background flow shows a very strong effect on the gravity wave mode.  相似文献   
在借鉴国外经验的基础上,对国内军用飞机型号研制试飞费用的构成进行了研究,提出基于兰德DAPCA IV模型的军用飞机型号研制试飞费用估算模型,为试飞费用的估算提供了依据。  相似文献   
实验教学是高等院校教学过程的一个重要环节,应建立新型的实验室管理模式,从开放实验室和改革教学方法两个方面出发,阐述了实验课程改革的必要性。  相似文献   
介绍了激光器的主要性能指标,根据实际需要进行了激光性能测试设备的研究,提出了一种周全的激光性能测试设备研制方案,对该设备的结构设计、光路设计、以及测试方法作了详尽论述。设备中利用两对相互垂直的P分光镜和S分光镜以补偿偏振光在45°面上透反射率不同而造成的测量误差,进一步保证了激光能量测试的准确性。误差分析结果表明该设备满足实际应用中对激光器性能的测试要求。  相似文献   
针对近地低轨三轴稳定卫星在轨管理后期,除磁强计外其他姿态敏感器都无效情况下的姿态异常问题,分析了三轴稳定卫星失去姿态基准后,星体自旋状态下三轴磁强计测量数据的特点,提出了使用磁强计测量数据的矢量信息,以找到能够获取卫星状态的方法,从而建立了磁强计测量矢量与卫星自旋轴的几何关系,给出了处于自旋状态下的卫星自旋轴确定方法。通过此种辨识方法,获得了某气象卫星姿态异常翻转状态下的自旋矢量方向和自旋角速度,从而证明了该辨识方法快速、有效,可以作为姿态异常卫星自旋状态的辨识手段,为恢复卫星姿态提供了重要信息,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
在测控试验现场,针对测控设备状态和测控数据的质量信息,采用智能自动监测技术对设备和测控数据进行实时监视以及动态分析,提出了科学的异常判决方法和处理方案,开发了试验质量信息综合分析实时监测系统,实现了测控流程智能化管控、测控信息自动分析处理和质量信息自动化管理。在多颗卫星的跟踪验证中,质量信息监测系统对卫星长期管理的宏参数宏配置下发、标校和目标捕获与跟踪等任务过程能够进行准确监视,可以及时监测到测控数据和测控时间的异常并报警,并能够自动生成任务实施登记表等测控质量报表。实验表明,质量信息监测系统软硬件设计完善、状态监测点设置合理、判读测控事件方法有效。  相似文献   
终端区交通态势的准确度量是制定并实施流量管理措施的重要依据之一。通过提取终端区宏观与微观的交通特性,从进离场及总量3个维度构建态势的指标描述,并进一步采用中介理论中的真值程度度量与熵权法建立了一种客观的终端区飞行区交通态势模糊综合评价方法,实现客观、准确的交通态势判别与样本间量化比较。选取国内典型繁忙终端区的实测数据,验证了评价方法与特性指标的有效性。  相似文献   
提出了飞机大部件自动对接同步调姿方法,实现了大部件调姿基准点的连续自动跟踪测量和位姿连续调整.在此基础上开发了集测量场构建、大部件位姿解算和调整等功能于一体的大部件自动对接集成控制软件,并在ARJ21飞机翼身自动对接现场进行了应用试验,结果证明该方法能有效完成飞机翼身自动对接过程,提高测量和对接效率.  相似文献   
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