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月球探测再入返回试验后续飞行方案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于中国月球探测再入返回飞行试验的剩余推进剂,研究并设计了后续飞行方案。首先,基于月球探测再入返回飞行试验任务结束后的轨道和卫星状况,分析了可行的探测目标,确定了以日地月空间和相应平动点作为探测目标的后续飞行方案。其次,针对后续飞行方案中的轨道设计与控制需求,研究了平动点轨道直接转移入轨方法和不同系统的平动点轨道转移方法。相对于目前常见的基于不变流形的平动点转移轨道设计方法,文章方法无需进行大量的流形计算,因而计算步骤简单,计算量大大降低,尤其便于实际飞行任务应用。最后,设计了后续飞行方案的飞行轨道和相应的控制方案,同时分析了控制操作的地面测控条件。研究结果表明,基于月球探测再入返回飞行试验任务的剩余推进剂,完全可以在日地月空间开展多项具有创新性和重要应用价值的飞行试验验证,为我国后续"夸父"和月球探测等深空探测任务积累宝贵的测控技术和经验,同时为后续深空探测的"多目标多任务"设计思路提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
An eigenaxis maneuver strategy with global robustness is studied for large angle attitude maneuver of rigid spacecraft. A sliding mode attitude control algorithm with an exponential time-varying sliding surface is designed, which guarantees the sliding mode occurrence at the beginning and eliminates the reaching phase of time-invariant sliding mode control. The proposed control law is global robust against matched external disturbances and system uncertainties, and ensures the eigenaxis rotation in the presence of disturbances and parametric uncertainties. The stability of the control law and the existence of global siding mode are proved by Lyapunov method. Furthermore, the system states can be fully predicted by the analytical solution of state equations, which indicates that the attitude error does not exhibit any overshoots and the system has a good dynamic response. A control torque command regulator is introduced to ensure the eigenaxis rotation under the actuator saturation. Finally, a numerical simulation is employed to illustrate the advantages of the proposed control law.  相似文献   
证明了定义于严格伪压缩映像不动点集上的变分不等式解的混合最速下降算法的强收敛性,推广了Yamada的相关结果。  相似文献   
本文对学习效果与学生素质、学习压力之间的关系进行了分析,用突变理论建立了一个数学模型。  相似文献   
二重积分中值定理中间点的进一步讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
众所周知,二重积分中值定理一般表述为:“设D为平面上有界闭区域,f(x,y)在D上连续,g(x,y)在D上可积且不变号,则至少存在一点(ζη)∈D,使得∫∫Df(x,y)g(x,y)dxdy=f(ζη)∫∫Dg(x,y)dxdy。”进一步证明了中间点(ζη)可选为D的内点,其结论与方法完全可推广到一般多重积分中值定理。  相似文献   
主要研究直升机外挂飞行中,由于操纵方式或直升机的稳定特性及外挂形式等原因,使直升机产生飘摆,飘摆会影响任务的完成及飞行安全、从飘摆的机理出发,重点分析飘摆产生的基本条件及横向飘摆产生的原因,以及县挂点位置、吊索长度、外挂物形状等对直升机和外挂物耦合运动的影响。并给出对飘摆的处置方法和预防措施。为保证飞行安全提供理论基础和实际飞行经验。  相似文献   
In order to expand the coverage area of satellite navigation systems, a combined navigation constellation which is formed by a global navigation constellation and a Lagrangian navigation constellation was studied. Only the crosslink range measurement was used to achieve long-term precise autonomous orbit determination for the combined navigation constellation, and the measurement model was derived. Simulations of 180 days based on the international global navigation satellite system(GNSS) service(IGS) ephemeris showed that the mentioned autonomous orbit determination method worked well in the Earth–Moon system. Statistical results were used to analyze the accuracy of autonomous orbit determination under the influences of different Lagrangian satellite constellations.  相似文献   
针对地月系L1点(LL1)的轨道转移问题,在平面圆型限制性三体问题模型下,提出了利用月球借力的间接转移设计方法.转移设计分为地月转移轨道段和月球至LL1流形段.首先,通过改变LL1点初始机动速度,逆向积分LL1点的拟流形,以寻找初始速度、月心会合坐标系下的轨道高度和相位角这三者之间的关系,确定月球—LL1流形段微分改正的初始条件.然后,借助地月系不同转移时间的霍曼转移轨道所对应的近月点高度和相位角的关系,获得使2段转移在近月点相拼接的地月转移轨道段.这种设计方法给出了一系列LL1点间接转移轨道,将此设计结果与其他文献中的转移设计方法进行比较,此间接转移轨道比低能量转移轨道节省时间,比直接转移轨道节约能量.  相似文献   
The reflection of a moving shock wave over a wedge immersed in a still gas and the reflection of a wedge induced steady shock wave over symmetrical and asymmetrical reflecting surfaces have received intensive considerations since more than 70 years ago. Here we consider a different shock reflection problem—reflection of a moving shock wave over an initially steady oblique shock wave induced by a wedge immersed in supersonic flow. For the flow condition we considered, five moving triple points, with each connecting an incident shock wave, a reflected shock wave and a Mach stem, are identified. By using the reference frame co-moving with each triple point, the type of each shock wave of this triple point is clarified. The present study is significant in that it treats a new shock reflection problem leading to a new shock reflection configuration and showing potential applications in supersonic flow with unsteady shock interaction.  相似文献   
针对于光伏发电系统的输出特性,容易受到外界变数的影响而出现非对称的强非线性特征,输出的功率会偏离最大输出功率点的现象。分析了最大功率点跟踪的几种常用控制策略的优缺点,对PU曲线进行了分析,提出了非对称模糊与变步长电导增量法相结合的控制策略。这里的变步长电导增量法可以在远离最大功率点两侧时,快速靠近最大功率点,当进一步靠近最大功率点区间附近时,采取非对称模糊控制进行寻优,能够较好地削弱系统在最大功率点周围的振荡现象,提升整个系统的稳定性能。通过MATLAB/Simulink进行建模仿真对比,得出所提的方法有较好的动态性能。  相似文献   
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