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激光位移传感器高速数据采集与处理系统设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了基于FPGA和单片机的激光位移传感器高速数据采集与处理系统的工作原理与软硬件设计,该系统采用FPGA作为核心控制器,主要完成A/D转换时钟控制、CCD像点位置提取、数据缓冲异步FIFO三部分功能。单片机负责键控、显示以及系统协调。这种基于FPGA和单片机的同步采集、实时读取采集数据的方案,可以提高系统采集和传输的速度。该硬件电路结构简单、成本低廉、可靠性高、功耗较低,满足了实际应用中的要求。 相似文献
M. Kalinkov K. Stavrev I. Kuneva 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1984,3(10-12)
An attempt is made to compare optical properties of Abell clusters with X-ray sources. 相似文献
Z.I. Tsvetanov S.A. Zhekov 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1984,3(10-12)
The kinematics of gas clouds in broad-line region of active galactic nuclei and quasars is considered. The motion of the clouds is governed by three forces — gravitational influence from the central supermassive body, radiational pressure from the continuum radiation, and resistance of the intercloud medium. Clouds moves radial but only outward motion gives a velocity field, which is in accordance with the observational data. The profiles of the permited lines are obtained in some simplify assumptions for the emissive capacity of the gas in clouds, and are in good agreement with the observational data. In the framework of the model under consideration there is a possibility to estimate some physical parameters of the nuclei such as mass of the central body and density of the intercloud medium. 相似文献
Guido Chincarini 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1984,3(10-12)
In this lecture I review part of the published and unpublished observational evidence showing that cluster spiral galaxies are hydrogen deficient. Always using observational data, it is argued that the deficiency is due to the interaction between the galaxies and the intergalactic medium. Furthermore it is shown that the stellar population of deficient galaxies has also been affected and a brief discussion is given of the mechanisms at work. 相似文献
马广云 《北京航空航天大学学报》1993,(1):80-84
本文介绍一种粒子图象电影测速技术,该技术采用机械调制装置及光学透镜,将连续输出的氩离子激光调制成周期性脉冲片光源序列,并与快速照相枪匹配,可以连续拍摄流场一个截面上随时间发展过程中不同瞬态的一系列两次或多次曝光的粒子图象底片,因而不仅可以取得流动一个截面上的瞬时二维速度场,并且可以获得该流动截面速度场发展的时间历程,为定量研究非定常流动随时间的发展特性提供了一种有效途径。 相似文献
俯仰姿态保持模式下飞机结冰边界保护方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在研究飞机结冰机翼和平尾失速机理的基础上,以飞机迎角作为关键参数,飞机俯仰指令作为指令参数,提出一种基于飞机自驾仪的结冰后边界保护方法.通过引入铰链力矩检测模块,提前告警飞机失速,为边界保护提供了裕度.建立飞机纵向动力学方程,针对俯仰姿态保持(PAH)模式下机翼失速进行了仿真计算.结果表明:结冰条件下,通过铰链力矩的检测,飞机能在失速迎角为2°之前,进入边界保护模式,增加飞行安全的裕度.通过控制指令的限制,自动驾驶模式下飞机迎角能保持在失速迎角之内. 相似文献
针对Spalart-Allmaras(S-A)模型在角区分离计算中的问题,将无量纲的压力梯度引入其涡黏性输运方程的生成项,得到了改进的S-A模型.通过对两套含角区分离的低速压气机叶栅进行验证计算发现:与实验结果相比,原始S-A模型所得的分离区偏大,分离区内壁面压力偏低;而改进模型得到了与实验一致的分离区尺寸以及吸力面、压力面压力系数分布等结果.针对S-A模型涡黏性生成项和耗散项的分析表明:引入的无量纲压力梯度有效的识别了角区分离,在分离区内改变了涡黏性的生成、耗散关系,增大了涡黏性,从而缩小了计算所得分离区,同时在主流区保留了原始S-A模型的计算结果,进而带来了良好的改进效果. 相似文献
为了建立航空燃料的喷雾模型,用于高保真液雾燃烧数值模拟,提出了基于人工神经网络混合模型的煤基喷气燃料代用组分构建方法.基于这一构建方法,重点针对煤基喷气燃料的雾化特性,利用多组分混合燃料的理化性质数据库对神经网络进行训练,获得了混合燃料理化性质隐式预测模型,结合随机投点优化方法,构建出能够很好地模拟煤基喷气燃料目标理化性质的代用组分.结果表明:该代用组分包含了5种碳氢化合物成分,摩尔分数为11.46%正癸烷、23.29%正十二烷、49.87%正十四烷、6.66%异辛烷和8.72%甲基环己烷.通过雾化特性实验,验证了代用组分对真实燃料雾化性能的模拟效果.该代用组分构建方法可以较好地解决混合燃料模拟过程中的非线性问题,通过改变目标理化性质可构建出相应代用组分. 相似文献
Auxetic materials have previously been shown to enhance various performances due to its unusual property of becoming fatter when uniaxially stretched and thinner when uniaxially com-pressed (i.e., the materials exhibit a negative Poisson’s ratio). The current study focuses on assessing the potential of an auxetic material to enhance the buckling capacity of a rectangular plate under uniaxial compression. The in-plane translational restraint along the unloaded edges that was often neglected in open literature is taken into consideration in our buckling model proposed in this study. The closed-form expressions for the critical buckling coefficient of the rectangle are provided and the predicted results agree well with those determined by the finite element method. Further-more, the results indicate that the buckling performance of a rectangular plate under uniaxial com-pression can be significantly improved by replacing the traditional material that has a positive Poisson’s ratio with an auxetic material when there is in-plane translation restraint along the unloaded edges. 相似文献