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以某型民用涡扇航空发动机概念设计为例,集成了总体方案(包括热力循环分析、质量评估、噪声评估、氮氧化物排放评估)、风扇(包括气动设计、强度分析)、低压涡轮(包括气动设计、强度分析)3个子系统,以设计点耗油率、整机质量、飞越状态总声功率级、进近状态总声功率级和燃烧室氮氧化物排放量为优化目标,进行了基于多目标的整机多学科设计优化(MDO)的研究。对比研究了单学科可行(IDF)、协作优化(CO)和不对称子空间优化 (ASO)3种典型的优化策略及其在整机MDO中的应用,探讨了整机 MDO的建模方法、子系统间数据传递及解耦方式。结果表明:3种策略优化效率相当,优化时间最大相差742s;CO策略与ASO策略在整机MDO应用中优化效果较好,综合评价指标分别降低了0.82%和0.86%。   相似文献   
Solar-powered aircraft have attracted great attention owing to their potential for longendurance flight and wide application prospects.Due to the particularity of energy system, flight strategy optimization is a significant way to enhance the flight performance for solar-powered aircraft.In this study, a flight strategy optimization model for high-altitude long-endurance solar-powered aircraft was proposed.This model consists of three-dimensional kinematic model,aerodynamic model, energy collection model, energy store model and energy loss model.To solve the nonlinear optimal control problem with process constraints and terminal constraints, Gauss pseudo-spectral method was employed to discretize the state equations and constraint equations.Then a typical mission flying from given initial point to given final point within a time interval was considered.Results indicate that proper changes of the attitude angle contribute to increasing the energy gained by photovoltaic cells.Utilization of gravitational potential energy can partly take the role of battery pack.Integrating these two measures, the optimized flight strategy can improve the final state of charge compared with current constant-altitude constant-velocity strategy.The optimized strategy brings more profits on condition of lower sunlight intensity and shorter daytime.  相似文献   
针对热控设计中某些特殊自主控温策略与任务背景、空间环境以及被控对象参数之间耦合度强,不易通过传统地面综合测试方法提前验证其正确性与合理性的难题,结合“嫦娥五号”月球探测任务推进贮箱温度需求及其特殊自主控温策略设计过程,构建出一种基于综合测试与热控设计专家知识的推理评测方法,并利用优化后的测试用例进行了验证。结果表明:第1版控温策略能够实现减小各贮箱之间温差的预期目标,但对具体任务背景适应性不足;在给出控制策略优化完善建议后,控温策略可同时满足温差要求和引入能量最小原则,实现了“初始设计—测试验证—完善改进”的优化闭环研制模式。  相似文献   
根据课题组对长沙航空职业技术学院学生进行的”高职学生自主学习情况”调查,本文从高职学生自主学习现状出发,通过对相关数据的统计调查,了解学生自主学习状况。通过数据分析和总结,旨在培养学生的学习兴趣并激发学生的学习动机,培养学生的自主学习能力,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习,使学生真正成为学习的主体,从而提高学习效率。  相似文献   
PC电源是整个计算机系统的动力源泉,在计算机中起到"心脏"的作用。介绍了劣质电源的危害及优质电源的优点,重点阐述了实用电源的选购技巧。  相似文献   
卫星电源系统的在轨高可靠、安全运行已经成为当前卫星研制中关注的重点。文章针对国外卫星电源系统在轨故障案例进行收集和整理,并对故障机理及对策进行了总结,以有助于指导电源系统设计,提高我国卫星电源系统在轨运行的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   
陈雨  赵灵峰  刘会杰  李立  刘洁 《宇航学报》2019,40(11):1296-1303
针对低轨(LEO)Walker星座构型维持问题,分析在地球非球形引力和大气阻力摄动下卫星的运动规律及星座构型演化特性。结果表明,低轨Walker星座构型发散主要体现在由初始轨道参数不一致引起的轨道高度衰减和相位漂移,国内首例低轨Walker星座实测轨道数据验证了理论分析的正确性。结合星座任务特性与构型发散特点,提出了基于基准卫星的相对相位维持策略,选取一颗卫星作为基准卫星,使星座中其它所有卫星相对于基准卫星的相位漂移量累加值最小,通过对目标卫星实施一次相对基准卫星的轨道高度抬升/降低,维持星间的相对位置关系。实际工程应用表明了此策略的有效性,不仅降低星座构型维持的复杂度及频次,节约燃料,且轨控时间短,为我国今后卫星星座的构型维持提供参考。  相似文献   
An aero-engine maintenance policy plays a crucial role in reasonably reducing maintenance cost. An aero-engine is a type of complex equipment with long service-life. In engineering,a hybrid maintenance strategy is adopted to improve the aero-engine operational reliability. Thus,the long service-life and the hybrid maintenance strategy should be considered synchronously in aero-engine maintenance policy optimization. This paper proposes an aero-engine life-cycle maintenance policy optimization algorithm that synchronously considers the long service-life and the hybrid maintenance strategy. The reinforcement learning approach was adopted to illustrate the optimization framework, in which maintenance policy optimization was formulated as a Markov decision process. In the reinforcement learning framework, the Gauss–Seidel value iteration algorithm was adopted to optimize the maintenance policy. Compared with traditional aero-engine maintenance policy optimization methods, the long service-life and the hybrid maintenance strategy could be addressed synchronously by the proposed algorithm. Two numerical experiments and algorithm analyses were performed to illustrate the optimization algorithm in detail.  相似文献   
歼轰机突防突击是当前航空兵有效的进攻手段之一。为了增加突防突击任务的安全性,提高突防突击任务的成功率,对航线上我方飞机的被击落概率进行建模,利用改进的遗传算法,以被击落概率为适应度函数,以个体与解空间的距离关系为罚函数,寻找最优解,最终得到被击落概率最小的航线;采用约束的最优保存策略进行选择,防止过早收敛,提出可变算术杂交算子,使得变异个体能够有较大概率落在解空间里。结果表明:通过150代的遗传操作,得到拐点为2时的被击落概率最小的航线为O(120.0,550.0)、A(226.2,495.7)、B(345.8,364.3)、T(330.0,180.0),被击落概率为0.019 3。  相似文献   
叙述了美国新抵消战略与美国亚太再平衡的呼应关系,追溯了三次抵消战略的来龙去脉与启示,围绕着美重返亚太、第三次的新抵消战略和导弹攻防问题,梳理了2016年美国国防部给其国会的中国军力报告所分析出的中国导弹攻击能力,从美国权威智库的2025美国重返亚太预测报告中概括了现在的美国导弹防御能力、差距与对策建议,通过导弹攻防力量对比,剖析了美导弹攻防新抵消战略的新质特点。  相似文献   
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