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本文根据Ⅰ型彗尾的背景材料,分析了MHD波的色散关系,探讨了螺旋波的稳定性及其演变的特征.根据初始条件的不同,有的彗尾中可以产生稳定的螺旋波,有的则不然,只能是浑云状态.文章给出了理论推演,列出了观测结果,理论和观测能较好地符合.可进一步结合Hale-Bopp彗星的观测,进行对比和检验.  相似文献   
远紫外辐射下Kapton/Al薄膜材料的力学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
薄膜材料在探测器中有着重要的应用,在深空辐照环境下,其力学性能将发生较大的变化。文章首先介绍了薄膜材料在航天器中的应用,接着对Kapton/Al薄膜材料空间远紫外辐照下的力学性能进行了研究。研究发现:随着拉伸速度增加,薄膜的抗拉强度和断裂伸长率随着拉伸速度的增加而降低;随着远紫外曝辐量的增加而呈线性减小;远紫外辐照下薄膜材料分子键出现断裂和交联,C―CO和C―N键断裂并发生脱氧和脱氮,C-H基团相对含量增大的主要原因是薄膜力学性能降低。  相似文献   
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) is an MHD-scale instability that grows in a velocity shear layer such as the low-latitude boundary layer of the magnetosphere. KHI is driven unstable when a velocity shear is strong enough to overcome the stabilization effect of magnetic field. When the shear is significantly strong, vortices in the nonlinear stage of KHI is so rolled-up as to situate magnetospheric plasma outward of the magnetosheath plasma and vice versa. The big question is if such highly rolled-up vortices contribute significantly to the plasma transport across the boundary and to the filling of the plasma sheet by cool magnetosheath component, which is observed under northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) condition. Here we review our recent results from two-fluid simulations of MHD-scale KHI with finite electron inertia taken into account. The results indicate that there is coupling between the MHD-scale dynamics and electron-scale dynamics in the rolled-up stage of the vortices. While the details differ depending on the initial magnetic geometry, the general conclusion is that there is significant modification of the MHD-scale vortex flow pattern via coupling to the micro-physics. The kick-back from the parasitic micro-physics enhances highly the potential for large-scale plasma mixing of the parent MHD-scale vortices, which is prohibited by definition in ideal-MHD. We also review our recent 3-D MHD simulation results indicating that KHI vortex can indeed roll-up in the magnetotail-flank situation despite the strong stabilization by the lobe magnetic field. These results encouraged us to search for evidence of rolled-up vortices in the Cluster formation flying observations. As reviewed in this paper, a nice event was found during northward IMF interval. This interval is when the plasma transport via large scale reconnection becomes less efficient. The finding supports the argument that KHI is playing some role in transporting solar wind into the magnetosphere when the normal mode of transport cannot dominate.  相似文献   
The process of evolution, especially that of nonlinear evolution, of C-type instability of laminar-turbulent flow transition in nonparallel boundary layers are studied by means of a newly developed method called parabolic stability equations (PSE). Initial conditions, which are very important for the nonlinear problem, are investigated by computing initial solution of the harmonic waves, modifying the mean-flow-distortion, and giving initial value of TS wave and its subharmonic waves at initial station by solving linear PSE. A numerical method with high-order accuracy are developed in the text, the key normalization conditions in the PSE are satisfied, and nonlinear PSE are solved efficiently and implemented stably by the spatial marching. It has been shown that the computed process of nonlinear evolution of C-type instability in Blasius boundary layer is in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
压气机旋转不稳定性的周向模态特性及其分解方法   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
基于实验和数值模拟的方法,研究压气机叶顶区域不稳定压力波的周向模态特性。使用基于空间傅里叶变换的周向模态分解方法对实验和数值计算结果进行了分析,给出了实验和数值计算结果的频谱模态分解结果,得到了压气机连续周向模态特征频谱峰值。对压气机叶顶区域各模态幅值和相位的时变特性做了详细分析,得到了叶顶旋转不稳定性周向模态传播速度和传播方向。结果表明:旋转不稳定性的主模态具有稳定的周向传播结构,而其他模态波的幅值和相位存在较大波动。利用多组有限测点组合方式消除了模态混叠现象影响,将可以分析的模态上限提高数倍,取决于测点数的选择;基于该方法可以用有限测点捕捉高阶模态,大大减少了实验所需的传感器数目。   相似文献   
通过单向拉伸下的视频显微镜原位观察,定量研究了Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al(即为TB5)钛合金显微组织在拉伸过程中的演变规律.结果表明:单向拉伸时,该钛合金在弹性阶段组织变化不明显,而在塑性阶段随变形量的增加,组织中滑移带的变化可分为单滑移、多滑移和交滑移3个阶段.在单向拉伸过程中,由于滑移带从单滑移进入到多滑移,发生了几何硬化,导致晶粒变化减缓,滑移带的转动幅度变小.  相似文献   
为了探究已建跑道能否满足大型飞机A380-800起降的要求,建立了弹性层状的刚性道面模型和A380-800的整个主起落架模型,通过数值计算,分析了A380-800对道面土基的响应深度、场道面层层底最大拉应力和面层最大竖向位移的影响,并与B747-400的计算结果进行了对比。结果表明:尽管A380-800的最大起飞重量比B747-400大41.09%,但A380-800主起落架机轮数目多、间距和轮距均较大,有利于增强应力扩散、减弱叠加效应,所以其土基响应深度与B747-400仅相差4.29%;其层底最大拉应力的平面位置因受主起落架机轮布置的影响,与B747-400的层底最大拉应力出现在不同位置,且两种机型的层底最大拉应力值仅相差1.09%;其面层最大竖向位移出现在三轴双轮中心轴所在断面,而B747-400面层最大竖向位移出现在内侧双轴双轮的后轴所在断面,且两种机型的面层最大竖向位移仅相差0.49%。因此,从力学特性角度,以B747-400为设计机型或适应B747-400正常起降的道面结构层能够适应A380-800的正常起降。   相似文献   
以往对于单模态Rayleigh-Taylor(RT)不稳定性非线性特性的研究主要集中于推导和测量恒定的气泡推进速度上,而缺乏对液态尖钉区域非线性动力学特性的详细分析。采用耦合的Level-Set和Volume-of-Fluid(CLSVOF)界面捕捉方法对单模态RT不稳定性的发展过程进行了精确的数值模拟,并利用模拟得到的压力场和速度场信息对RT不稳定性非线性发展阶段的稳态动力学特性进行了分析。模拟结果表明,在液态尖钉根部由于惯性力作用而引起的水平冲击流会在此处形成一个局部最大压力点,由于此处惯性力与压强梯度的平衡,位于最大压力点附近的流动最终将达到稳态。通过理论分析,确定了此稳态流动中各稳态特征参数与初始扰动波长、惯性加速度之间的关系。这些特征参数的确定有助于将经典低速射流的相关理论扩展应用到RT不稳定性诱导雾化的研究领域。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of water temperature on cavitation characteristics in a turbopump inducer, a series of experiments at different temperatures have been conducted in a newly developed visualization test facility. It is found that higher temperature shows little influence on the non-cavitation performance and breakdown characteristic in the investigated range. The relationship between cavitation development and pressure fluctuation has been discussed in detail. Higher temperature displays a remarkable stabilization effect on the cavitation excited pressure. In particular, the inception cavitation numbers of both the super-synchronous rotating cavitation and synchronous rotating cavitation are decreased at higher temperatures, and the corresponding frequencies are not affected, while the amplitudes are distinctly reduced, and the occurrence range of synchronous rotating cavitation is significantly narrowed. A generalized Rayleigh-Plesset equation has been employed to account for the thermal effect on the bubble development, which may provide a deep insight in understanding the experimental results. Thermal effect is found to act as a remarkable dissipation mechanism to suppress the bubble growth, smooth the collapse. In particular, the excited pressure during collapse is smaller at higher temperatures, which may lead to the stabilization effect of high temperature in this study.  相似文献   
扭转/拉伸复合载荷下的弹塑性疲劳裂纹扩展行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了从中碳钢圆棒试样的环状预裂纹开始的疲劳裂纹扩展行为,分析了扭转/拉伸复合加载时不同载荷比对弹塑性疲劳裂纹扩展的影响。在高应力水平下,裂纹断口为宏观平坦。无论是简单加载还是复合加载,裂纹扩展速率都可用J积分的指数方程表达。对于同样的J积分范围值,Ⅰ型载荷下的裂纹扩展速率最高,而Ⅲ型载荷下的速率最低。在复合加载条件下的疲劳断口上观察到疲劳条痕同Ⅰ型加载条件下的相同,其间距与裂纹扩展速率相等。  相似文献   
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