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人民币汇率制度选择问题一直是我国进行人民币制度建设的核心问题,其关乎着我国货币的主权和金融经济的独立和稳定,更关乎着我国内外经济的均衡和经济的增长。关于人民币汇率制度选择这一命题,国内外学者作了大量的研究,对这些学者的研究成果进行梳理,有助于我们更好地研究人民币汇率制度选择问题,从而整体把握人民币汇率制度。  相似文献   
在苗木生长旺盛时期对19个毛白杨Populus tomentosa无性系当年生苗木耗水特性进行研究,分析比较了无性系间耗水量、耗水速率差异及昼夜分配关系.结果表明:毛白杨不同无性系间耗水量差异极显著,耗水速率差异显著.无性系26、46、BL5、BL8和S86的日耗水量较大,最高的无性系26达(268.1±20.3) g·d~(-1),无性系30、81、87、1316和TG34的耗水量较小,最低的无性系1316仅(92.0±12.5) g·d~(-1).总叶面积是引起毛白杨无性系间耗水量差异的重要原因,两者相关系数达0.78,因此在对毛白杨进行速生丰产林营造时应针对无性系确立合理的栽植密度和灌溉量.毛白杨白天耗水速率为112.1~218.8 g·m~(-2)·h~(-1),其中,无性系26、46、B331和BL2的耗水速率较高,高于181.1 g·m~(-2)·h~(-1),无性系20、30和87的耗水速率较低,低于119.5 g·m~(-2)·h~(-1).毛白杨无性系间昼夜耗水量分配稳定,苗木白天耗水量占全天的88.4%~92.6%(平均约90%),白天平均耗水速率与日平均耗水速率比值为1.8.  相似文献   
重点分析由作动器非线性因素(速率限制)引起的Ⅱ型PIO问题。将非线性因素线性化,采用赫尔维茨稳定性方法分析线性时不变系统的稳定性,采用二次型稳定性方法分析参数时变系统的稳定性。运用ROBAN算法确定稳定域,进而得到条件分析模型,分析了三种条件下的PIO趋势,给出合适的作动器设计方法。仿真研究表明,采用该方法设计的作动器使得某型飞机飞控系统具有良好的鲁棒性,可以有效避免Ⅱ型PIO的产生。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the stability of capillary forced flow.In space,open capillary channels are widely used as the liquid and gas separation devices to manage liquid positioning and transportation.Surface collapse happens when the flow rate exceeds the critical value,leading to a failure of propellant management.Knowledge of flow rate limitation is of great significance in design and optimization of propellant management devices(PMDs).However,the capillary flow rate limitation in an asymmetry channel has not been studied yet in the literature.In this paper,by introducing an equivalent angle to convert the asymmetry corner to a symmetry one,the one-dimensional theoretical model is developed.The flow rate limitation can then be investigated as a function of the channel geometry as well as liquid property based on the model.Comparisons between the asymmetry and symmetry channels bring forth the characteristics of the two kinds of channels,and demonstrate good accordance between the new advanced model and the existing one in the literature.This theoretical model can provide valuable reference for PMD designers.  相似文献   
航空发动机过渡态全局寻优控制方法研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
赵琳  樊丁  陕薇薇 《航空动力学报》2007,22(7):1200-1203
为了对发动机的动态过程进行控制, 提出了一种基于SQP的全局寻优控制方法.每一步寻优过程分为长程优化和短程优化两个阶段.根据长程优化结果, 重构了关联目标函数, 在此基础上, 进行了短程优化修正, 并利用修正结果进行控制.将这种方法应用于某型航空发动机的过渡态控制中, 得到了理想的控制结果.仿真结果表明该方法能较好地解决一般局部优化方法在有纯延迟、模型失配等情况下的优化控制效果下降的问题.   相似文献   
IntroductionBreakup and atomization of roundliquidjetshad been widely used in internal combustion en-gines,gas turbines,and liquid rocket engines.Recently,with the development of scramjet en-gines and the deepening of fuel atomization re-search,it attract…  相似文献   
头部鼓包对不同截面机身侧力影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 飞机或导弹在大迎角下飞行时会形成非对称涡,从而产生很大的侧滑力和偏航力矩。为了寻求消除侧滑力和偏航力矩或利用流动的非对称来提供飞机飞行所需的航向控制能力,研究了机头上放置小鼓包对3种不同截面的机身前体模型的影响。研究过程中采用了风洞测力和水洞流动显示的实验方法。结果表明,在20°~70°的迎角范围内,鼓包对圆锥的影响最大,对椭圆截面模型有一定的影响,对带棱截面模型的影响最小。鼓包越靠近前体头部,对侧力的影响越大。对圆锥柱体模型鼓包只能改变侧力最大值出现的迎角,而对减小最大侧力值作用不明显。对椭圆截面模型,可使最大侧力系数从1.98降到0.53,很大程度上降低了侧力。带棱截面模型对鼓包的大小和位置均不敏感。  相似文献   
 研究了采用长基线干涉仪(LBI)体制的运动单平台无源定位系统受平台姿态抖动影响的问题,指出由于平台姿态的快速无规则变化,相位差变化率(RPDC)方法将难以适用,应当采用目标方位角变化率参数进行定位。基于此,针对三维几何空间,提出了一种RP-LS方法估计目标方位角变化率,继而实现对目标的定位。仿真结果表明,该方法能有效解决LBI体制运动单平台定位系统对姿态抖动的适应问题,实现对目标的快速高精度定位。  相似文献   
Some fundamental studies on the preparation, structure and optical properties of NbN films were carried out. NbN thin films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at different N2 partial pressures and different substrate temperatures ranging from –50 ℃ to 600 ℃. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize their phase com- ponents, microstructures, grain sizes and surface morphology. Optical properties inclusive of refractive indexes, extinction coefficients and transmittance of the NbN films under different sputtering conditions were measured. With the increase in the N2 partial pressure, δ-NbN phase structure gets forming and the grain size and lattice constant of the cubic NbN increasing. The deposited NbN film has relatively high values of refractive index and extinction coefficient in the wavelength ranging from 240 nm to 830 nm. Substrate tem- perature exerts notable influences on the microstructure and optical transmittance of the NbN films. The grain sizes of the δ-NbN film remarkably increase with the rise of the substrate temperature, while the transmittance of the films with the same thickness decreases. Ultra-fine granular film with particle size of several nanometers forms when the substrate is cooled to –50 ℃, and a remarkable aug- mentation of transmittance could be noticed under so low a temperature.  相似文献   
航空发动机双转子系统的拍振分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
韩军  高德平  胡绚  陈高杰 《航空学报》2007,28(6):1369-1373
 在双转子航空发动机中,由于转子系统不可避免地存在不平衡量,当两个转子的转速比较接近时,发动机会出现拍振现象,拍振将引起振动强度过大问题。对双转子系统的拍振进行了研究,分析了拍振的周期性、信号强度及其反向转子特性,阐明了拍振产生的机理和特征,并采用数值仿真和试验对拍振进行了定量分析和验证。研究表明,拍振与双转子转速差和不平衡量的相位因素有关,当转速差小于工作转速的20%时,双转子系统拍振信号的强度较大。  相似文献   
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