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低地球轨道航天器涂层防护技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
低地球轨道(LEO)环境极为复杂,紫外辐照、原子氧辐照、高能粒子辐照等因素并存,对航天器用有机材料提出苛刻要求。为满足长寿命安全飞行,必须对航天器特别是其上采用的有机材料进行防护。文章简述了LEO环境中各因素对航天器的影响,总结了航天器防护技术特别是涂层防护方案的研究进展,并指出了未来发展方向。  相似文献   
王小涛  张家友  王邢波  韩亮亮 《航空学报》2021,42(1):523893-523893
绳系式移动机器人可用于极端地形的探测,如陡峭斜坡、松软土壤、高耸悬崖、沟壑等。在运动过程中移动机器人的绳索不可避免地与障碍物接触甚至缠绕。由于绳索与障碍物之间的接触点不相互独立以及机器人模型的非线性特性,经典的FastSLAM框架不适用于绳索机器人的同时定位和地图创建(SLAM)问题。提出基于改进FastSLAM框架的绳系机器人SLAM算法。在该框架中,分别利用无迹滤波和粒子滤波解决接触点位置估计和机器人位姿估计问题,并利用非线性观测模型的无迹变换来简化粒子权重更新。仿真结果表明,该算法可有效地估计接触点位置,同时提高机器人位姿估计性能。  相似文献   
The present paper investigates the impact of the velocity and density ratio on the turbulent mixing process in gas turbine blade film cooling.A cooling fluid is injected from an inclined pipe at α=30° into a turbulent boundary layer profile at a freestream Reynolds number of Re∞=400000.This jet-in-a-crossflow(JICF) problem is investigated using large-eddy simulations(LES).The governing equations comprise the Navier-Stokes equations plus additional transport equations for several species to simulate a non-reacting gas mixture.A variation of the density ratio is simulated by the heat-mass transfer analogy,i.e.,gases of different density are effused into an an air crossflow at a constant temperature.An efficient large-eddy simulation method for low subsonic flows based on an implicit dual time-stepping scheme combined with low Mach number preconditioning is applied.The numerical results and experimental velocity data measured using two-component particle-image velocimetry (PIV) are in excellent agreement.The results show the dynamics of the flow field in the vicinity of the jet hole,i.e.,the recirculation region and the inclination of the shear layers,to be mainly determined by the velocity ratio.However,evaluating the cooling efficiency downstream of the jet hole the mass flux ratio proves to be the dominant similarity parameter,i.e.,the density ratio between the fluids and the velocity ratio have to be considered.   相似文献   
针对基于单参数评估发动机性能能力不足的问题,研究了利用多参数综合评估发动机性能的方法;通过对某型发动机台架试车数据分析,确定了使用综合加权法评估发动机性能比算术加权平均法更具合理性;分别利用改进的遗传算法和粒子群优化算法计算多参数的权值,对比结果表明:使用改进的粒子群算法在计算精度和速度上均优于遗传算法。同时还计算了各翻修次数下发动机的性能指标。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel ship wake detection algorithm based on the White Top-hat Transform (WTHT) and the Radon transform, which aims to improve the contrast between the ship wake and the background so as to improve the detection performance on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The proposed algorithm includes two major processes, and one is to improve the contrast and another one is to locate the ship wake. In high sea state conditions, the contrast of ship wake and background can be very low, which makes it difficult to detect. In the first step, the proposed contrast improvement algorithm is applied to improving the contrast which helps for improving the detection performance. An attribute filter based on edge detection result is adopted here. In the second step the contrast improved image is transformed into the Radon domain followed by peak extraction process to find the wake, the WTHT is used once more in this step. Finally, in the last step, the wake is overlapped on the original image. Experimental results on Tiangong-2 Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter (InIRA) images are presented and compared with that obtained by using the classical algorithm, and in this way, the better performance of our algorithm is demonstrated.  相似文献   
为建立更加准确的航空发动机高压转子的有限元模型,提出一种修正有限元模型描述航空发动机复杂接触的方法.将修正问题转化为求解定义在时域的误差函数的极小值,运用云自适应方法动态调整粒子群算法的惯性权重,使得算法在接近较优解时,惯性因子分布在云低端,有利于收敛得到更优解;当问题解较差时,其惯性因子分布在云顶端,有利于跳出局部极小点,扩大搜索范围.以仿真算例和实际航空发动机高压转子模型为例,通过与相关算法的修正结果比较,证明该算法是可行且有效的.   相似文献   
THREEASPECTSOFISARSIGNALPROCESSINGSheZhishun;ZhuZhaoda(DepartmentofElectronicEngineering,NUAA29YudaoStreet,Nanjing210016P.R.C...  相似文献   
红外极小目标检测算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
低信噪比检测技术是实现红外自动目标识别的基本前提,其性能指标将直接决定系统探测距离的远近,是反映红外低可观测目标识别能力至关重要的一项核心技术。自适应背景估计方法是实现这一目标的有效途径。本文在重点论述几种背景估计常用技术的基础上,提出了红外极小目标的形态滤波优化改进算法,通过理论分析和实验检测表明:该算法简化了形态变...  相似文献   
提出自适应增量粒子滤波(AIPF)的概念和定义,建立AIPF模型,给出了分析方法和主要的计算步骤.对于许多实际工程(如深空探测)中存在的由未知系统误差的影响而无法精确建立量测似然函数及滤波过程中的粒子匮乏等问题,通过增量粒子滤波模型对滤波过程中的粒子数进行自适应调整,从而消除这种未知系统和滤波粒子匮乏的影响,自动调整粒子,提高非线性滤波的精度.仿真计算中,滤波误差均值和方差分别降低为原来的3.8%和19.6%.该方法有效地改善了滤波效果,计算简单,便于工程应用.   相似文献   
磨粒特征参数的筛选及权分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于概率分布特性及集合论 ,提出区分度概念并建立一种用于对金属磨粒的特征参数进行分析筛选的方法。该方法根据特征参数的数据结构特征 ,筛选出具有较强分类特性的特征参数 ,而将分类特性差的或是派生的特征参数能准确地分离出来。本文同时采用集合域分析方法 ,对特征参数进行了权分析 ,从而大大提高了特征参数的分类特性。文中对金属磨粒分类中常用的几种几何特征参数 (圆度、长 /短轴比、线性度、凹度及综合参数 )进行了计算分析 ,结果显示圆度的区分度最大 ,其他依次为长 /短轴比、综合参数、凹度和线性度。而这一结果与作者根据实际经验来对磨粒进行分类所采用的分类决策的秩序是相一致的 ,从而说明该方法的有效性及实用性  相似文献   
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