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为满足某型飞机座舱温度调节系统原位检测的需要,结合外场实际.研制了该型飞机的座舱温度调节系统检测仪。经用户使用证明.该检测仪能够满足飞机的检测需要。  相似文献   
Ceramics can keep their mechanical characteristics up to 2 000℃ or higher.In this paper,A model to predict ultimate strength of continuous fiber-reinforced brittle matrix composites is developed.A statistical theory for the strength of a uni-axially fiber-reinforced brittle matrix composite is presented.Also a semi-empirical frictional heating method for estimating in-situ interfacial shear in fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites was improved.Local uneven fiber packing variation as well as uneven micro-damage during fatigue can be expected to have effects on the composites:generation of frictional heating,thermal gradients,and residual stresses around local fiber breaks.This study examined those engineering interests by the finite element method.   相似文献   
Some fundamental studies on the preparation, structure and optical properties of NbN films were carried out. NbN thin films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at different N2 partial pressures and different substrate temperatures ranging from –50 ℃ to 600 ℃. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize their phase com- ponents, microstructures, grain sizes and surface morphology. Optical properties inclusive of refractive indexes, extinction coefficients and transmittance of the NbN films under different sputtering conditions were measured. With the increase in the N2 partial pressure, δ-NbN phase structure gets forming and the grain size and lattice constant of the cubic NbN increasing. The deposited NbN film has relatively high values of refractive index and extinction coefficient in the wavelength ranging from 240 nm to 830 nm. Substrate tem- perature exerts notable influences on the microstructure and optical transmittance of the NbN films. The grain sizes of the δ-NbN film remarkably increase with the rise of the substrate temperature, while the transmittance of the films with the same thickness decreases. Ultra-fine granular film with particle size of several nanometers forms when the substrate is cooled to –50 ℃, and a remarkable aug- mentation of transmittance could be noticed under so low a temperature.  相似文献   
首先分析了步进频率宽带信号混频处理原理和目标速度对距离像的影响。在此基础上,提出了基于距离像熵和距离像对比度的速度估计算法,详细分析了这两种算法的数学原理、步骤、效果、适用条件等。最后,基于这两种算法又提出了复合速度估计算法,大大提高了速度估计精度。  相似文献   
石文泽  陈巍巍  卢超  程进杰  陈尧 《航空学报》2020,41(12):423854-423854
针对高温铝合金在线检测条件下,温度对铝合金电磁超声检测回波特性的影响规律尚不明确、高温检测时缺陷定量/定位补偿困难这一难题,以螺旋线圈电磁超声换能器(EMAT)为例,建立了高温铝合金EMAT检测过程的场路耦合有限元模型;研究了温度对EMAT激励/接收换能效率、EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性、超声传播过程中的扩散/介质衰减特性、回波幅值和超声声速等因素的影响规律;研制了耐高温EMAT探头,对20~500℃高温铝合金试样进行了检测实验,并测定了高温铝合金的超声介质衰减系数和超声声速。在仿真和实验相结合的基础上,分析了高温检测时超声回波幅值变化特性及其影响因素。结果表明:对于铝合金这类非铁磁性金属材料,导致高温时超声回波幅值下降的主要原因是超声介质衰减系数随着温度的升高而增大,其次为高温时EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性的改变。在激励EMAT在试样表面形成的洛伦兹力不变的条件下,其所激励的超声波回波幅值具有随着温度的增加而增加的特点,可以有效减缓超声回波幅值下降的趋势。  相似文献   
热线风速仪主要用于湍流流场测量。热线测量的主要误差来源是由环境温度变化导致的热线校准参数的变化。Brunn提出的传统温度效应修正方法在环境温度变化较大的情况下会带来明显的误差。本文经过理论推导,提出了一种新的基于隐式温度修正的二维热线风速仪校准方法,并开展了热线校准实验研究。结果表明:当环境温度变化在4℃范围内时,本文提出的方法与Brunn方法的测量精度相当;当环境温度变化超过4℃时,本文提出的方法的测量精度远高于Brunn方法。  相似文献   
A database of electron temperature (Te) measurements comprising of most of the available satellite measurements in the topside ionosphere is used for studying the solar activity variations of the electron temperature Te at different latitudes, altitudes, local times and seasons. The Te data are grouped into three levels of solar activity (low, medium, high) at four altitude ranges, for day and night, and for equinox and solstices. We find that in general Te changes with solar activity are small and comparable in magnitude with seasonal changes but much smaller than the changes with altitude, latitude, and from day to night. In all cases, except at low altitude during daytime, Te increases with increasing solar activity. But this increase is not linear as assumed in most empirical Te models but requires at least a parabolic approximation. At 550 km during daytime negative as well as positive correlation is found with solar activity. Our global data base allows to quantify the latitude range and seasonal conditions for which these correlations occur. A negative correlation with solar activity is found in the invdip latitude range from 20 to 55 degrees during equinox and from 20 degrees onward during winter. In the low latitude (20 to −20 degrees invdip) F-region there is almost no change with solar activity during solstice and a positive correlation during equinox. A positive correlation is also observed during summer from 30 degrees onward.  相似文献   
随着大规模集成电路的发展,电子设备的封装体积越来越小,功率却越来越大,这就使电子设备的温度日益增高,而电子设备的可靠性又与温度密切相关,良好的散热是电子设备应用中重要的一环.本文以通用的矩形翅片式散热器来对比带集中热源和带平均热源的散热器的温度差异,提出以嵌入热管的方法来解决带集中热源散热器的散热难题,并运用IcEPEK软件对其可行性进行了验证.  相似文献   
根据飞机液压系统橡胶密封圈使用中易出现老化,引起串油、串气等故障问题,结合某机型试验提出新材料密封圈改进方案,以满足系统的高温及动密封性使用要求。试验结果表明,新材料密封圈适合高温、动密封部位的使用,可以替代丁腈试5171橡胶密封圈,应用于液压系统,提高系统性能。  相似文献   
赵时安 《航空计测技术》2006,26(5):44-46,58
为了确定温度传感器辐射修正校准的准确性,需要对温度传感器辐射修正校准结果进行对比及不确定度分析。本文介绍了在热校准风洞中进行温度传感器辐射修正校准的结果,并做了对比研究和不确定度分析。  相似文献   
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