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CAST968平台小卫星在轨故障分析和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计CAST968平台从2000年至2014年在轨发生的142次故障,分析发现故障性质、故障原因、故障产品类别、故障时间和故障分系统等都存在明显的规律性.对决定卫星成败的姿态轨道控制分系统进行故障原因、故障单机和故障产品类别三个方面的统计分析,总结出设计、环境和器材是导致姿轨控分系统故障的三大重要因素.简要分析其他分系统,最后给出故障预防和设计建议,包括加强抗辐照设计、关键单机和电路的冗余设计等.  相似文献   
地球同步轨道合成孔径雷达(GEO SAR)具有重访周期短,观测范围广等优点,在军事及民用领域具有重要的应用价值。针对GEO SAR长合成孔径时间弯曲轨迹复杂成像特性,首次提出一种地面演示验证方法,对长合成孔径时间弯曲轨迹下成像可行性进行验证。给出长合成孔径时间弯曲轨迹定量分析过程,提出具体试验方案,最后角反射器成像品质评估结果表明可实现长合成孔径时间弯曲轨迹下目标点成像。  相似文献   
研究了椭圆轨道卫星编队飞行的队形保持问题,设计了李雅普诺夫(Lyapunov)控制律,并用遗传算法对控制律进行了优化。为克服遗传算法局部寻优能力差的缺点,对遗传算法进行了改进,设计了自适应模拟退火遗传算法。仿真结果表明,采用Lyapunov方法进行队形保持能提高位置保持的精度,且在经过遗传算法优化后,所消耗的燃料基本与线性二次型(LQR)方法一致;同时,减少了计算时间,有利于星上计算机的实现。  相似文献   
嫦娥一号卫星紫外月球敏感器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探月工程是我国航天领域的又一项重大工程项目,嫦娥一号卫星是探月工程的第一步。嫦娥一号卫星首次采用了一种全新的光学姿态敏感器——紫外月球敏感器,实现在卫星环月飞行期间的姿态测量任务。紫外月球敏感器是一种以月球为姿态参考源的大视场成像式光学姿态敏感器,本文介绍其工作原理、功能与组成以及在轨飞行试验的相关情况。  相似文献   
摘要: 针对多颗MEO导航卫星太阳翼展开后产生比较明显的干扰力矩,对卫星稳定控制产生了一定影响的现象,本文根据动力学模型、姿态、角速度和飞轮转速变化,给出了干扰力矩计算方法,并结合多颗卫星在轨遥测数据进行计算,得出放气期间产生的干扰力矩.通过使用此干扰力矩进行仿真得出,卫星模拟器结果和在轨表现基本一致.此研究有助于优化卫星飞控流程,并指导卫星放气孔设计.  相似文献   
摘要: 为了消除小卫星在轨运行过程中因燃料消耗等原因造成质量特性变化的影响,提出一种基于改进萤火虫算法的卫星在轨质心调整方法.该方法运用萤火虫算法对PID控制器的参数整定进行优化,针对收敛速度慢和容易陷入局部极小值的问题,引入自适应步长因子对算法进行改进.算法通过编程注入星载计算机,进而控制电机调整机构完成卫星在轨质心调整.依托于地面气浮平台进行半物理仿真实验,实验结果表明改进算法在第48次迭代完成PID参数整定,相较于其他算法具有更快的收敛速度和动态响应特性.基于改进算法的调整系统可在59 s将单轴质心偏移量减小到精度要求,验证了系统在小卫星质量特性调整上的实时性和稳定性.  相似文献   
A relative dynamics equation-set based on orbital element differences with J2 effects is derived, based on which a two-level approach is proposed to optimize the Mars orbital rendezvous phasing with a large difference in the initial ascending node. The up-level problem uses the revolution deviation between the target spacecraft and the chaser as the design variable, and employs a linear search to find the optimum. The low-level problem uses the maneuver revolutions, locations, and impulses as the design variables, and is solved using a hybrid genetic algorithm combined with sequential quadratic programming. To improve the solution accuracy, an iteration method is developed to satisfy the terminal constraints of the absolute numerical integration trajectory. Test cases involving Mars sample return missions with large initial node differences are presented, which show that the relative dynamics, two-level optimization model, and hybrid optimization algorithm are efficient and robust. Compared with previously published results, the total velocity increment has been further reduced by utilizing this proposed approach. It is found that a five-impulse plan requires the least quantity of propellant, and a propellant-optimal minimum rendezvous duration exists for this long-duration, large non-coplanar rendezvous problem.  相似文献   
针对航天器姿态确定系统中存在较大初始误差及非线性较强的问题,提出了一种基于改进的正则化辅助粒子滤波(IRAPF)算法的航天器姿态确定方法。该算法将正则粒子滤波(RPF)与辅助粒子滤波(APF)相结合,将快速高斯变换(FGT)方法引入其中以减少计算量提高滤波的收敛速度。算法不仅有效地抑制了粒子退化问题,而且利用最新观测粒子来优化采样,并且在引入FGT后计算量与正则化的辅助粒子滤波相比降低了30%,改善了滤波的实时性。仿真结果表明了滤波的有效性。  相似文献   
In the framework of space debris, the orbit determination process is a fundamental step, both, for researchers and for satellite operators. The accurate knowledge of the orbit of space debris objects is needed to allow space debris characterization studies and to avoid unnecessary collision avoidance maneuvers.The accuracy of the results of an orbit determination process depends on several factors as the number, the accuracy, the kind of processed measurements, their distribution along the orbit, and the object-observer relative geometry. When the observation coverage of the target orbit is not homogeneous, the accuracy of the orbit determination can be improved processing different kind of observables. Recent studies showed that the satellite laser ranging technique can be successfully applied to space debris.In this paper, we will investigate the benefits of using laser ranges and angular measurements for the orbit determination process. We will analyze the influence of the number of used observations, of the covered arc of orbit, of each observable, and of the observation geometry on the estimated parameters. Finally, using data acquired on short observation arcs, we analyze the achievable accuracies for the orbital regimes with the highest space debris density, and to the consequences of the data fusion on catalog maintenance operations. The results shown are obtained using only real data (both angular and laser measurements) provided by sensors of the Swiss Optical Ground Station and Geodynamics Observatory Zimmerwald owned by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) and for some studies also using ranges provided from other stations of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).  相似文献   
研究了航天器在近圆轨道面内横向固定间隔距离内伴飞编队维持问题。基于经典轨道要素偏差法分析了相对运动特性和大气阻力对相对运动的影响。根据利用大气阻力引起的横向相对运动漂移,设计了有利于长期伴飞编队维持的初始半长轴偏差和伴飞边界点的期望半长轴偏差,进一步给出了进行伴飞维持的边界点横向速度脉冲。仿真结果表明,该控制策略进行伴飞编队维持是可行的,维持所需的速度脉冲次数少、速度增量小,且算法简单,有利于航天器自主化实现。  相似文献   
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