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This paper presents a trajectory optimization scheme for powered-descent phase of Mars landing with considerations of disturbance. Firstly, θ–DθD method is applied to design a suboptimal control law with descent model in the absence of disturbance. Secondly, disturbance is estimated by disturbance observer, and the disturbance estimation is as feedforward compensation. Then, semi-global stability analysis of the composite controller consisting of the nonlinear suboptimal controller and the disturbance feedforward compensation is proposed. Finally, to verify the effectiveness of proposed control scheme, an application including relevant simulations on a Mars landing mission is demonstrated.  相似文献   
“Protective curtain” was the physical experiment onboard the International Space Station (ISS) aimed on radiation measurement of the dose – reducing effect of the additional shielding made of hygienic water-soaked wipes and towels placed on the wall in the crew cabin of the Service module Zvezda. The measurements were performed with 12 detector packages composed of thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) and plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTDs) placed at the Protective curtain, so that they created pairs of shielded and unshielded detectors.  相似文献   
HOTDISK在工程材料导热系数测试中有着广泛应用。通过用HOTDISK对气凝胶粉体、保温毯和保温绝热板的测试,对比了不同时间段测试结果的波动情况,根据数据波动规律给出了测试过程中需要注意的事项和相应的改进建议。  相似文献   
以四氯化碳为吸收液采集压缩气体中的油类物质,用红外光度法测定油含量,依据JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》,评定了红外光度法测定压缩气体中油含量结果的不确定度。分析了影响不确定度的因素,对各不确定度分量进行了分析和计算,当压缩气体中油测量结果为5.52mg/m3时,扩展不确定度为0.68mg/m3。  相似文献   
在飞机座舱视觉显示界面设计阶段,利用脑力负荷的综合评价,确定最佳设计方案.综合3种脑力负荷评价方法(主任务评价法、生理测量法、主观评价法),建立了飞机座舱视觉显示界面脑力负荷综合评价模型,对设计方案进行优化选择,并进行实验例证.在某型号歼击机视觉界面的不同设计方案中,利用这套评价模型,在降落任务下,得到了不同视觉界面的脑力负荷综合评价值,其中最佳脑力负荷值的设计方案也符合国军标中关于视觉界面的设计原则.在飞机座舱视觉界面脑力负荷的设计阶段,这套评价系统在设计阶段能够给出一个满意的评价结果,对于最终设计方案的确定很有帮助.   相似文献   
基于GNSS的高轨卫星定位技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)进行导航定位具有全球、全天候、实时和高精度的优点,应用于高地球轨道(HEO)卫星的定位,能够提供精确的轨道和姿态确定,并且可以克服目前主要利用地面测控系统对HEO卫星进行定位的设备复杂、投资高等缺点,使得自主导航成为可能.本文对利用GNSS的高轨卫星定位相关技术进行了研究,分析了单一GNSS系统和多个GNSS组合系统的卫星可见性、动态性和几何精度因子(GDOP).通过仿真分析表明,利用组合GNSS系统并通过提高GNSS接收机灵敏度的方法,可以解决GNSS进行HEO卫星定位的相关问题,并能保证HEO卫星定位精度的要求.   相似文献   
Minimum extreme temperature series from several meteorological stations of the Gulf of Mexico are spectrally analyzed using the Maximum Entropy Method.We obtained significant periodicities similar to those found in meteorological and solar activity phenomena. This indicates that probably the solar activity signals are present in the minimum extreme temperature records of this Mexican region.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the long-term perturbations of the orbits of geosynchronous space debris influenced by direct radiation pressure including the Earth’s shadowing effects. For this purpose, we propose an extension of our homemade semi-analytical theory [Valk, S., Lemaître, A., Deleflie, F. Semi-analytical theory of mean orbital motion for geosynchronous space debris under gravitational influence. Adv. Space Res., submitted for publication], based on the method developed by Aksnes [Aksnes, K. Short-period and long-period perturbations of a spherical satellite due to direct solar radiation. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 13, 89–104, 1976] and generalized into a more convenient non-singular formalism. The perturbations accounting for the direct radiation pressure with the Earth’s shadow are computed on a revolution-by-revolution basis, retaining the original osculating Hamiltonian disturbing function. In this framework, we compute the non-singular mean longitude at shadow entry and shadow exit at every orbital revolution in opposition to classical approaches where the singular eccentric anomalies at shadow entry and shadow exit are computed. This new algorithm is developed using non-singular variables. Consequently, it is particularly suitable for both near-circular and near-equatorial orbits as well as orbits which transit periodically around null eccentricities and null inclinations.The algorithm is tested by means of numerical integrations of the equations, averaged over the short periods, including radiation pressure, J2, the combined Moon and Sun third body attraction as well as the long-term effects of the 1:1 resonance occurring for geosynchronous objects. As an extension of [Valk, S., Lemaître, A., Anselmo, L. Analytical and semi-analytical investigations of geosynchronous space debris with high area-to-mass ratios influenced by solar radiation pressure. Adv. Space Res., doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.10.025, 2007b], we especially apply our analysis to space debris with area-to-mass as high as 20 m2/kg. This paper provides numerical and semi-analytical investigations leading to a deep understanding of the long-term evolution of the semi-major axis. Finally, these semi-analytical investigations are compared with accurate numerical integrations of the osculating equations of motion over time scales as high as 25 years.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于虚拟页地址映射的NAND Flash管理算法.该算法通过定义坏块表、对应表等结构,以及设计的坏块替换策略和虚拟页地址到实际物理页地址的转换算法,实现上层软件采用虚拟地址对NAND Flash的无坏块连续页地址访问.该算法是一种高效的地址映射算法,能高效地对数据进行索引,占用SRAM空间较少,使系统达到高性能,并使得闪存使用的更加稳定持久.  相似文献   
The observations of Global Positioning System (GPS) scintillation, Total Electron Content (TEC) depletion, the periodic structure of TEC and Rate of TEC Index (ROTI) over south China were presented. Data were collected from GPS observations at stations of Shenzhen and Guangzhou from 2011 to 2012. This study reported that the ratio of simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletions with strong scintillations was higher than that of TEC depletions with weak scintillations in vernal and autumnal equinoxes of 2011 over South China. The number of the periodic structures of TEC with depletion contained was greater than that with no depletion contained corresponding to strong scintillations. The structure of the slab of plasma irregularities could be responsible for the simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletion with strong scintillations and ROTI. Before and during the occurrences of strong scintillation, there was Large-Scale Wave Structure (LSWS) which provided the seed ionization perturbation to trigger ESF irregularities and contributed to the periodic structure of TEC.  相似文献   
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