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技术是人的本质存在形式。技术范畴已发生本体论上的外延,除自然技术外,还必然涵括社会技术范畴。社会技术的存在毋庸置疑,自学界提出社会技术的概念后,社会技术与自然技术的关系便成为技术哲学研究的崭新视角。和谐技术观是社会技术与自然技术关系之基。社会技术和自然技术在消解与融合、界限、可逆性等诸方面显现出和谐图景。  相似文献   
徐辉 《洪都科技》2014,(4):65-68
环境试验在装备研制生产过程中不可或缺。环境试验技术是充分考虑装备在其使用寿命周期内所经受的各种环境条件,通过将装备暴露在人工模拟或自然环境条件下,考核其环境适应能力的试验方法。  相似文献   
用数值方法求解绕过两圆柱的对流传热问题。贝克列数在0-50的范围内,了四种不同间距时的传热情况。从中发现两圆柱的传热特性相互有影响,这种影响随意距变化很敏感,两圆柱中任一个的平均谢尔特数总是小于单个圆柱的。并给出了简化计算的条件与公式。  相似文献   
Using Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) products of atmospheric temperature and geopotential height, we investigate the atmospheric response to HE0611, which was found and investigated by [Qin, H., Kawamura, H., Sakaida, F., Ando, K. A case study of the tropical Hot Event in November 2006 (HE0611) using a geostationary meteorological satellite and the TAO/TRITON mooring array. J. Geophys. Res. 113, C08045, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004640, 2008]. HE0611 was formed by connecting two very high SST areas, HE0611-East and HE0611-West. The period-mean atmosphere temperatures at levels of 925 and 850 hPa in HE0611-West are higher, by about 0.5 K, than those in WE0611-East while the atmospheric temperatures at middle to high levels (700–300 hPa) are higher in HE0611-East. The period-mean geopotential heights HE0611-East are much lower than those in HE0611-West for the levels from the surface to 400 hPa. The mean geopotential heights from 400 hPa to 200 hPa are higher in HE0611-East. In the middle and high layers over HE0611-West, the atmosphere temperatures gradually decrease from 7th to 17th, and then increase significantly. The increase in HE0611-East starts from 15th November, which is earlier than that of HE0611-West. The geopotential heights in the high layer of both the areas also show corresponding behaviors. The lagged atmospheric response in the western part is confirmed by the correlation analysis. It emerges that the atmospheric response to HE0611 is well organized and associated with deep convention in HE0611-East and subsidence in HE0611-West. These are also consistent with the HE0611 features and evolution revealed by earlier HE studies.  相似文献   
以某压气机盘片系统为研究对象,基于ANSYS软件,建立了接触模型、接触不分离模型和刚性连接模型3种榫连结构接触约束形式下的盘片有限元模型,分别对3种模型进行了固有特性的分析,对比了三者的共振频率和振型;在离心力和气流激振力作用下,对3种模型进行了振动响应分析,得到三者的位移响应和应力随转速的变化规律。研究结果表明:接触模型和接触不分离模型的固有特性一致性较好,而刚性连接模型和接触模型在高频段存在较大差异。同时,刚性连接模型和接触不分离模型能够极大地改善接触模型在低转速下的收敛性。  相似文献   
针对盲信号抽取问题,根据极大似然估计原理,给出一种基于极大似然估计的分步盲抽取算法。根据信号不同的延时特性确立抽取信号,完成第一步抽取。由于初步抽取信号存在噪声污染,根据极大似然估计,估计抽取信号的概率密度函数,确立优化代价函数,利用自然梯度方法进行优化,确立最终抽取向量迭代方式,完成对抽取信号优化处理。通过仿真证明算法具有良好的收敛性和抗噪性,在SNR17 d B时,抽取信号与源信号的相似度达到95%。  相似文献   
相变蓄热适用于周期性热流作用下航天器内部工作单元的温度控制,但是需解决微重力环境下相变材料融化速率低的问题.鉴于液态金属高导热系数和高单位体积潜热的特点,在微重力下将液态金属作为相变材料有望提高融化速率.通过对微重力下液态金属镓融化过程的相界面演化、流线和温度分布特征进行数值研究,分析了腔体尺寸和过热度对融化过程的影响.结果表明:微重力下镓的融化过程中,热传导起主导作用;镓的融化时间比冰和正十八烷分别减少了88.3%和96.4%,储热量分别为冰和正十八烷的1.2倍和2.2倍;融化时间随过热度增加而减小,随腔体半径增大而增大.此外推导出了液相分数随无量纲时间变化的关系.  相似文献   
The paper presented topology optimization of 2D and 3D Nanofluid-Cooled Heat Sink (NCHS). The flow and heat transfer problem in the NCHS was treated as a single-phase nanofluid based convective heat transfer model. The temperature-dependent fluid properties were taken into account in the model due to the strong temperature-dependent features of nanofluids. An average temperature minimum problem was studied subject to the fluid area and energy dissipation constraints by using the density method. In the method, the design variable is updated according to the gradient information obtained by an adjoint based sensitivity analysis process. The effects of the energy dissipation constraint, temperature-dependent fluid properties and nanofluid characteristics on optimal configurations of NCHS were numerically investigated with following conclusions. Firstly, branched flow channels in the optimal configuration increased with the rise of the allowed energy dissipation. Secondly, temperature-dependent fluid properties were significant for obtaining the appropriate optimal results with best cooling performance. Thirdly, heat transfer performances of optimal configurations were enhanced by reducing the nanoparticle diameter or increasing the nanoparticle volume fraction. Fourthly, the optimal configuration for nanofluid had better cooling performance than that for its base fluid.  相似文献   
研究各种强化换热结构对竖直平板自然对流换热的强化作用.通过比较圆柱扰流、圆锥扰流、三棱柱扰流、三棱锥扰流、四棱柱扰流、四棱锥扰流和直角三角翼纵向涡发生器LVG(Longitudinal vortex gener-ator)等对自然对流换热的强化效果,发现:单种换热结构中直角三角翼纵向涡发生器的强化换热效果最好,组合结构中直角三角翼叉排与圆柱扰流的混合排列换热效果最好,其能将竖直平板自然对流换热效果提高24.%.   相似文献   
为研究液化天然气(LNG)作为航空燃料的可行性,对LNG的特点、发展趋势及作为航空燃料存在的问题进行了分析.采用了横向比较的方法,将LNG与新的航空替代燃料和传统航空燃料进行了比较和计算分析.结果表明:与新的航空替代燃料相比,LNG具有来源广泛、经济性好、发动机适应性强等优点.与传统航空燃料相比,LNG的储量大,可使用100年以上;可燃极限宽、污染物排放低,NOx排放仅为航空煤油的1/4;单位质量能量密度高、成本低,其燃料成本仅为航空汽油的一半,航空煤油的1/3;同时还具有可用于发动机高温部件冷却用的冷能,是一种极富潜力的航空燃料.指出在LNG作为航空燃料方面急需开展动力系统与飞机结构的匹配、燃料相态的有效转化及不同燃料在燃烧室内的反应特性等方面的研究工作.   相似文献   
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