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针对航空电子全双工交换式以太网(AFDX,Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet)的网络关键技术——虚拟链路(VL,Virtual Link)的静态路由算法,提出了一种基于AFDX轨迹方法的VL路由配置算法——TRJ算法,保证配置VL的端端确定性最大延迟满足给定的时延约束.TRJ算法计算每条VL基于轨迹方法得到的初始延时约束比,按照延时约束比从小到大的顺序结合轨迹方法进行VL静态路由配置.在AFDX网络典型配置下,将该路由算法与最小跳路由和均衡路由算法进行比较,结果表明最小跳路由算法用了最少的资源,均衡路由算法平衡了网络流量,但只有该算法保证了所有VL的端端最大延迟满足时延约束,证明该算法的有效性.  相似文献   
提出一种基于RBF(Radial Based Function)神经网络和动态面控制的飞行控制律设计方法。针对飞机气动参数变化引起的非线性和不确定性,通过RBF神经网络在线逼近。动态面飞行控制律消除了反推设计方法中由于对虚拟控制反复求导而导致的复杂性问题。同时,在控制律设计中引入一个鲁棒因子项来补偿外界干扰和神经网络的逼近误差,提高了系统的鲁棒性,使整个系统获得更好的跟踪控制性能。基于Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了闭环系统的所有信号半全局一致终结有界,并且通过适当选择设计参数,跟踪误差可收敛到原点的一个小邻域内。最后,通过飞机俯仰运动飞行的数值仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
The reentry trajectory optimization for hypersonic vehicle(HV)is a current problem of great interest.Some complex constraints,such as waypoints for reconnaissance and no-fly zones for threat avoidance,are inevitably involved in a global strike mission.Of the many direct methods,Gauss pseudospectral method(GPM)has been demonstrated as an effective tool to solve the trajectory optimization problem with typical constraints.However,a series of diffculties arises for complex constraints,such as the uncertainty of passage time for waypoints and the inaccuracy of approximate trajectory near no-fly zones.The research herein proposes a multi-phase technique based on the GPM to generate an optimal reentry trajectory for HV satisfying waypoint and nofly zone constraints.Three kinds of specifc breaks are introduced to divide the full trajectory into multiple phases.The continuity conditions are presented to ensure a smooth connection between each pair of phases.Numerical examples for reentry trajectory optimization in free-space flight and with complex constraints are used to demonstrate the proposed technique.Simulation results show the feasible application of multi-phase technique in reentry trajectory optimization with waypoint and no-fly zone constraints.  相似文献   
In this paper, optimal trajectories of a spacecraft traveling from Earth to Moon using impulsive maneuvers (ΔV maneuvers) are investigated. The total flight time and the summation of impulsive maneuvers ΔV are the objective functions to be minimized. The main celestial bodies influencing the motion of the spacecraft in this journey are Sun, Earth and Moon. Therefore, a three-dimensional restricted four-body problem (R4BP) model is utilized to represent the motion of the spacecraft in the gravitational field of these celestial bodies. The total ΔV of the maneuvers is minimized by eliminating the ΔV required for capturing the spacecraft by Moon. In this regard, only a mid-course impulsive maneuver is utilized for Moon ballistic capture. To achieve such trajectories, the optimization problem is parameterized with respect to the orbital elements of the ballistic capture orbits around Moon, the arrival date and a mid-course maneuver time. The equations of motion are solved backward in time with three impulsive maneuvers up to a specified low Earth parking orbit. The results show high potential and capability of this type of parameterization in finding several Pareto-optimal trajectories. Using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with crowding distance sorting (NSGA-II) for the resulting multiobjective optimization problem, several trajectories are discovered. The resulting trajectories of the presented scheme permit alternative trade-off studies by designers incorporating higher level information and mission priorities.  相似文献   
曾亮  张洪波  郑伟 《宇航学报》2015,36(10):1155-1162
针对探月飞船跳跃式再入第一次再入能量管理问题,设计了一种能量管理方法。首先,采用大倾侧角再入,快速进入能量管理阶段;然后,对能量耗散速度进行控制,并预估跃起点的能量以确定飞船的跃起时机;最后,在能量管理结束后按设计指令过渡到跃起点。为检验能量管理方法的有效性及鲁棒性,基于标准轨迹法设计制导律,并进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,该能量管理方法能改善轨迹跟踪性能,提高再入制导方法的精度和鲁棒性,并避免飞船在一次再入和二次再入过程中出现较大过载的现象。  相似文献   
The effects of pressure oscillation on aerodynamic characteristics in an aero-engine combustor are investigated. A combustor test rig is designed to simulate the pressure drop characteristics of a practical annular combustor. The pressure drop characteristics are firstly measured under atmosphere condition with non-reacting flow (or cold flow), and the air mass flow proportion of each component (dome/liner) are obtained; these properties are base lines for comparison with combustion state. The combustion tests are then carried out under conditions of inlet temperature 340–450 K, fuel air ratio 0.010–0.028. The stability map and the oscillation frequencies are obtained in the tests, the results show that pressure oscillation amplitude increases with the increase of fuel air ratio. Phase trajectory reconstruction is applied to classify the pressure oscillation motion; there are three motions captured in the tests including: “disk”, “ring” and “cluster”. The pressure drops across the dome under strong pressure oscillation are distinctly divergent from the cold flow, and the changes of pressure drops are mainly affected by pressure oscillation amplitude, but is less influenced by pressure oscillation motion nor oscillation frequencies. Based on the mass flow conservation, the reduction of effective flow area of combustor under strong pressure oscillation is demonstrated. Liner wall temperatures are analyzed through Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) method to estimate the reduction of the air mass flow proportion of the liner cooling under strong pressure oscillation. Finally, the air mass flow proportions of each component under strong pressure oscillation are estimated, the results show that the pressure oscillation motion also has influence on air mass flow proportion.  相似文献   
考虑肢体肌肉的生理特征和肌肉收缩的动力学行为,利用肌肉等长收缩的最小功准则研究了人体手端点到点运动的优化轨迹生成与控制问题.讨论了肌肉收缩的动力学特性,建立水平面内上肢运动的动力学模型,提出将肌肉等长收缩的最小功准则作为优化的目标函数,运用最优化理论将手端点到点的运动问题转化为最优控制问题,设计了求解手端运动优化轨迹的迭代算法,得到了手端运动的控制规律和优化轨迹.算例仿真表明该方法对手端运动优化轨迹的预测是有效的.  相似文献   
对飞行器轨迹优化的数值解法进行了系统的归纳与分析。从不同角度对数值解法的分支——直接法进行了概述;重点阐述了直接配点法的新进展——伪谱离散化方法;最后,介绍了相应的非线性规划求解器和实际应用中的多种轨迹优化软件包。  相似文献   
嫦娥一号卫星地月转移轨道中途修正分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 中国第一颗月球探测卫星“嫦娥一号”于2007年10月24日成功发射并于11月7日顺利进入了距月面200km的科学探测的使命轨道,原计划在整个飞行过程中比较关键的轨道段是地月转移轨道段。要进行2至3次中途轨道修正,而实际的飞行结果只在第41h作了一次很小的修正,所用的速度增量是4.8m/s。基于有关的实测数据对此进行详细的分析,以期获得一些规律性的认识。  相似文献   
张远龙  谢愈 《航空学报》2020,41(1):23377-023377
滑翔飞行器以其突出的机动突防能力、高精度打击以及全球快速可达等优势成为当下航空航天领域研究热点。作为控制飞行器可靠执行既定飞行任务的核心部分,弹道规划与制导方法是关注的焦点。概述当前滑翔飞行器弹道规划与制导方法,尤其是基于标准剖面和基于预测校正思想的弹道规划与制导方法的研究现状。进一步,分析当下滑翔飞行器弹道规划与制导方法的研究热点与难点,并结合人工智能,对滑翔飞行器弹道规划与制导方法未来可能的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
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