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根据垂尾载荷校准及建模需求,对飞机V型外倾双垂尾结构受载情况进行了分析和简化,确定了校准试验载荷,研制了垂尾载荷校准试验专用龙门梁架。采用液压协调加载技术,完成了外倾双垂尾载荷校准试验,建立了满足测载要求的载荷模型。此种方法充分利用了左右垂尾外倾、双垂尾之间空间较大的特点,对左右垂尾对称施加向外的单点、多点载荷,加载载荷侧向分量左右自平衡,垂向分量依靠飞机自身重量即可平衡,飞机不需要复杂的固定与约束。试验中采用先搭建龙门框架,再停放飞机的方法,降低了试验风险、加快了试验进度,取得了良好的试验结果,对其他此类结构的载荷校准具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
For the performance issues of satellite transceivers suffering passive intermodulation interference,a novel and effective digital suppression algorithm is presented in this paper.In con trast to analog approaches,digital passive intermodulation (PIM) suppression approaches can be easily reconfigured and therefore are highly attractive for future satellite communication systems.A simplified model of nonlinear distortion from passive microwave devices is established in consid eration of the memory effect.The multiple high-order PIM products falling into the receiving band can be described as a bilinear predictor function.A suppression algorithm based on a bilinear poly nomial decorrelated adaptive filter is proposed for baseband digital signal processing.In consideration of the time-varying characteristics of passive intermodulation,this algorithm can achieve the rapidness of online interference estimation and low complexity with less consumption of resources.Numerical simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively compensate the passive intermodulation interference,and achieve a high signal-to-interference ratio gain.  相似文献   
在飞行器研制和人类飞行探索中,试飞员的能力至关重要。针对以往对试飞员能力的评价基本停留在客观、正确、诚信、能力以及尊重他人等主观、感性层面,分析了试飞员在飞行器研制试验与鉴定中的作用和任务,给出了试飞员能力模型和百分制对试飞员的计划、飞行、评价、报告和建议等基本能力的量化分配。将试飞员能力显性化,有利于试飞员能力的客观评价。  相似文献   
在深航近年来使用的承修商管理模式的基础上,通过实践不断修正,新增可视化质量评估平台,使深航的承修商管理形成一个完整的闭环监控,本文对这一可视化质量评估模型进行了详细介绍,以期为业内航材承修商管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   
Leakage due to wear is one of the main failure modes of aero-hydraulic spool valves. This paper established a practical coupling wear model for aero-hydraulic spool valves based on dynamic system modelling theory. Firstly, the experiment for wear mechanism verification proved that adhesive wear and abrasive wear did coexist during the working process of spool valves. Sec-ondly coupling behavior of each wear mechanism was characterized by analyzing actual time-variation of model parameters during wear evolution process. Meanwhile, Archard model and three-body abrasive wear model were utilized for adhesive wear and abrasive wear, respectively. Furthermore, their coupling wear model was established by calculating the actual wear volume. Finally, from the result of formal test, all the required parameters for our model were obtained. The relative error between model prediction and data of pre-test was also presented to verify the accuracy of model, which demonstrated that our model was useful for providing accurate prediction of spool valve’s wear life.  相似文献   
高职院校的院系两级管理模式是一种不同于高校传统管理方式的新的资源配置模式,其核心是降低管理重心、下放管理权力、调整管理跨度、规范管理行为,真正建立起学院宏观调控、系部(二级学院)级部门自主办学的运行机制。院系两级管理的核心是财务的两级管理,文章从高职院校内部运行经费管理为突破口对财务的两级管理进行了一系列的改革和探索。  相似文献   
为了提高对机动导弹状态估计的精度和速度,提出了一种三轴分离IMM-UKF(TASIMM-UKF)滤波算法。将导弹运动状态按坐标轴方向进行三轴分离,并基于CV,CA和CJ模型集,采用无迹卡尔曼滤波器并行估计导弹三轴状态信息,有效地解决了导弹不同运动轴间的模型竞争问题。仿真结果表明,该方法能有效提高状态估计精度,缩短了估计时间,对复杂大机动目标状态估计具有良好的性能。  相似文献   
中国民航旅客量的季节性波动是经济学研究的重要命题。选取中国民航旅客量时间序列数据作为分析对象,采用年度季节强度指数(R)与月季指数(Zt),揭示中国民航旅客量的年度季节集中性与月度季节变化规律。 R值整体上呈现逐年递增的趋势,指标随季节变化明显,且按一定规律分布。 Zt 值指示4月、7月、8月、9月、10月为旺季,其余月份为淡季。民航旅客量淡旺季与游客出游行为、节假日长短、气候等因素有直接联系。研究结论为解决中国民航旅客量的淡旺季问题提供基础数据,也为调整航空公司在淡旺季时的人员、航班及其他工作安排,为缓解航空客流量供需不平衡的矛盾提供决策参考。  相似文献   
通过建立目标相对运动坐标系和目标相对运动观测模型,研究了在平台摇摆影响下,跟踪系统观测到的目标运动状态的变化。在分析捷联垂直基准补偿原理的基础上建立了捷联垂直基准平台摇摆角补偿模型,建立的模型结合捷联垂直基准系统的测量能力对其补偿算法进行了理论推导,使模型适用于实际捷联垂直基准系统。通过建立模型以及仿真研究了平台摇摆作用下卡尔曼滤波跟踪精度的变化,指出了摆造成卡尔曼滤波跟踪精度降低甚至离散的主要原因在于模型误差增大。设计仿真实验验证了结论的正确性,为进一步改进跟踪手段提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
A coupling fluid-structure method with a combination of viscous wake model(VWM),computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and comprehensive structural dynamics(CSD) modules is developed in this paper for rotor unsteady airload prediction. The hybrid VWM/CFD solver is employed to model the nonlinear aerodynamic phenomena and complicated rotor wake dynamics;the moderate deflection beam theory is implemented to predict the blade structural deformation; the loose coupling strategy based on the ‘delt method' is used to couple the fluid and structure solvers.Several cases of Helishape 7A rotor are performed first to investigate the effect of elastic deformation on airloads. Then, two challenging forward flight conditions of UH-60 A helicopter rotor are investigated, and the simulated results of wake geometry, chordwise pressure distribution and sectional normal force show excellent agreement with available test data; a comparison with traditional CFD/CSD method is also presented to illustrate the efficiency of the developed method.  相似文献   
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