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月面冯·卡门撞击坑的着陆选址和科学探测目标浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑位于月球背面南极—艾肯(South Pole-Aitken,SPA)盆地中部,是中国“嫦娥4号”计划的优先级较高的探测目标。对该撞击坑的着陆和探测,有助于揭示月球形成和演化的一些关键问题,在月球科学研究中具有重大的意义。论文概要总结了冯·卡门撞击坑的研究意义和科学价值;结合LRO卫星LOLA数据、Clementine UV-VIS数据、GRAIL数据、“嫦娥2号”卫星CELMS等数据,简要分析了冯·卡门撞击坑的地形、成分、深部结构和亮?%rater are analyzed with LRO satellite LOLA data,Clementine UV-VIS data,GRAIL data,and Chang''E-2 CELMS data and their scientific meanings are also presented. Finally,combined with our results and the previous prospects about theVon Kármán crater,three candidate landing sites and the possible scientific discoveries are proposed.  相似文献   
“嫦娥4号”中继星任务轨道确定问题初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
"嫦娥4号"任务将采用着陆器、巡视器和绕飞地月拉格朗日L2点中继星进行月球背面的探测,中继星已先期发射,进入环绕地月L2点的晕(Halo)轨道。在中继星使命轨道动力学模型的基础上,通过相关仿真工作,开展了中继星在Halo轨道上的摄动源量级及影响定轨预报的主要因素分析,结果表明:太阳光压摄动是其主要影响因素。为降低其相关影响,提高定轨精度,在太阳光压球模型的基础上,结合中继星在轨运行特点及其星体结构特点,提出了一种求解光压等效面积的方法。经仿真分析,使用修正后的太阳光压球模型进行定轨求解,速度精度可提升约一个量级。  相似文献   
针对航天嵌入式系统中存在多级中断情况下的时间分析问题,提出了中断与任务混合的响应时间计算模型。该模型中断与任务使用统一的优先级定义,将多级中断嵌套的响应时间分析与任务嵌套的响应时间分析相结合,推导出了混合模型下响应时间计算公式。并进一步比较了中断与任务的异同,阐述了公式中关键参数的含义与计算方法。最后利用开源的LEON3平台和Modelsim软件对所述方法进行了仿真验证,结果表明,任务最差响应时间过估小于5%,可以得到准确的分析结果,有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
Simultaneous observations of in situ plasma properties in the tail of the Earth’s magnetosphere and of ground based instruments, lying on the same geomagnetic field lines, have recently proved to yield significant new results. In most cases magnetosphere ionosphere interactions during the night-time northern hemisphere conditions are studied. Here, observations of energetic electrons in the tail of the Earth’s magnetosphere made by the THEMIS mission satellites are compared with auroral radio wave absorption determined by riometers in the Antarctic for sunlit conditions. Days for which satellites and riometers are connected by the same geomagnetic field line are selected using a geomagnetic field model. The six days analysed show clear associations between fluxes and absorptions in some cases. However, these do not necessarily correspond to conjugacy intervals. Hours of positive associations are 1.65 times those for negative associations, all hours and days considered (1.42–3.6 on five days and 0.58 on the other day). These computations are assumed appropriate since the footprints of the satellites used approximately follow corrected geomagnetic parallels for all six days studied. The use of a finer parameterization of geomagnetic models to determine conjugacy may be needed.  相似文献   
光交换机中的光路重置需要较长的时间,分组调度必须是基于帧的.为提高传输效率帧长通常较大,从而导致了光交换机中特有的分组累积效应.针对该效应,提出一种新的分组调度算法p-LQF(Longest Queue First)+Hold.通过对业务需求矩阵分解得到置换矩阵, 选择匹配占用最大的置换矩阵建立端口匹配.在4×4端口的VOQ(Virtual Output Queue)结构的光交换机中,分别对均匀、非均匀以及对角线的Bernoulli和ON/OFF业务进行了仿真.仿真结果显示该算法对于符合强大数定理的可接入业务能获得100%的通过率,其平均分组时延接近甚至低于主流的LQF+Hold算法,但复杂度更低.该算法能够提供带宽保证以及短期公平性,同时能适应分组的动态到达.   相似文献   
ESA’s Rosetta mission was launched in March 2004 and is on its way to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, where it is scheduled to arrive in summer 2014. It comprises a payload of 12 scientific instruments and a Lander. All instruments are provided by Principal Investigators, which are responsible for their operations. As for most ESA science missions, the ground segment of the mission consists of a Mission Operations Centre (MOC) and a Science Operations Centre (SOC). While the MOC is responsible for all spacecraft-related aspects and the final uplink of all command timelines to the spacecraft, the scientific operations of the instruments and the collection of the data and ingestion into the Planetary Science Archive are coordinated by the SOC. This paper focuses on the tasks of the SOC and in particular on the methodology and constraints to convert the scientific goals of the Rosetta mission to operational timelines.  相似文献   
空间科学任务协同设计论证存在设计方案耦合强,数据一致性差,数据变更难,数据与流程脱节等问题.为了解决上述问题,建立了典型空间科学任务的多层数字化模型;采用图形化方式对论证流程进行建模,并建立流程与数据的映射关系;通过共享数据池的方式为多岗位用户提供多方案数据协同机制;采用消息总线对数据变更进行及时提醒;利用方案依赖关系矩阵来判别方案耦合关系,最终自动合并任务总体设计方案.作为一个分布式平台,空间科学任务协同设计平台采用Eclipse RCP和Spring技术架构,整合了Hibernate、工作流Activiti5等中间件,提供统一门户,支持多岗位、多任务、多方案、多版本的管理能力,提供论证流程监控、数据协同交互等功能.结合某空间科学任务论证验证了该平台的有效性.   相似文献   
空间科学任务协同设计过程优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了对概念设计阶段空间科学任务协同设计过程进行合理规划, 减少设计反馈, 降低系统耦合度, 提出了设计结构矩阵(DSM)过程建模和遗传算法(GA) 过程优化算法. 该方法采用DSM对空间科学任务设计活动序列进行建模, 通过DSM描述设计活动间的信息依赖关系, DSM上三角之和代表该设计活动序列设计反馈次数; 将 DSM对应的设计活动序列视为染色体, 采用GA进行序列优化, 最小化设计反馈次数. 通过过程优化算法获取最佳设计活动序列, 优化设计过程, 降低系统耦合度. 空间科学任务实例分析结果表明, 该方法能够有效应用于空间科学任务协同设计的过程建模和过程优化, 指导设计过程的制定.  相似文献   
Biochips might be suited for planetary exploration. Indeed, they present great potential for the search for biomarkers – molecules that are the sign of past or present life in space – thanks to their size (miniaturized devices) and sensitivity. Their detection principle is based on the recognition of a target molecule by affinity receptors fixed on a solid surface. Consequently, one of the main concerns when developing such a system is the behavior of the biological receptors in a space environment. In this paper, we describe the preparation of an experiment planned to be part of the EXPOSE-R2 mission, which will be conducted on the EXPOSE-R facility, outside the International Space Station (ISS), in order to study the resistance of biochip models to space constraints (especially cosmic radiation and thermal cycling). This experiment overcomes the limits of ground tests which do not reproduce exactly the space parameters. Indeed, contrary to ground experiments where constraints are applied individually and in a limited time, the biochip models on the ISS will be exposed to cumulated constraints during several months. Finally, this ISS experiment is a necessary step towards planetary exploration as it will help assessing whether a biochip can be used for future exploration missions.  相似文献   
针对多星过站冲突问题,以工程需求为导引,建立了多星测控调度模型,并采用遗传算法对其进行求解.从全局和局部搜索两种策略入手,以可用可见弧段为对象,设计了"全弧段"编码和基于协同进化的编码两种编码方式,给出了对应算法的实现流程和遗传操作算子,对两种编码方式的求解效率进行了分析.通过仿真对两种编码的求解质量与时间开销性能作了验证,由此得出了两种编码和对应搜索策略的适用范围.据此开发的系统已成功应用于航天顶层设计的辅助决策.  相似文献   
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